Parent Handbook

Bedford Park Location

2016 - 2017


Thank you for choosing the North Toronto Early Years Learning Centre. We are honoured to have your child in our program and we look forward to getting to know your family better over the months and years ahead.

Our school is based on the philosophy of Alfred Adler. An overview of how an Adlerian 4C Model school operates is provided in the Positive Guidance and Your Child’s Day sections.

Parents play an essential role in the success and safety of the children in our programs. Please consider the following expectations carefully:

Ø  Notify the Centre when your child is away or leaving with someone other than yourself or a regular caregiver. We spend valuable time away from the children trying to contact parents.

Ø  Provide up-to-date information on your child. Complete all areas of the forms given to you and return them promptly. Consult with staff members if important changes occur in school or at home throughout the year.

Ø  Pick up your child on time. Call us if you are detained and pay late fees as required graciously (late fees apply to Afterschool Programs only).

Did you know that we also offer an occasional lunch and various afternoon programs as well as ‘Parents Night Out’ evenings throughout the school year, in which you can register for on an as needed basis? Please speak with your teacher, Catriona Smith (Director of North Toronto Early Years Learning Centre; on site at the Bedford Park location) or Sherlyne Fletcher (Avenue Director). Check your monthly newsletter for more details.

Please read this Program Statement carefully. We hope it provides you with all of the information regarding our school, and our policies. Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the Centre at your convenience.


The North Toronto Early Years Learning Centre Staff


Director, N.T.E.Y.L.C – Catriona Smith 416 544 1039

Bedford Parent Line 416 544 1039

Director of 1133 Avenue Rd – Sherlyne Fletcher 416 485 5115

Avenue Parent Line 416 485 5115

Admissions– Skye Stevenson 416 544 0133


Before school, morning, afternoon and afterschool learning opportunities are available for children 18 months to 11 years of age. Please note: Children cannot be in attendance at the Bedford Location longer than 6 hours.

ü  Toddler and Preschool programs run 12 months a year.

ü  Kindergarten and Before/After School Programs run from September to June of each school year.

Age Groups: / Time Morning / Time Lunch / Time Afternoon / Time Afterschool
Before School:
3 ½ years – 11 years / 7:30am – 8:15am / N/A / N/A / N/A
18 months – 3 years / Drop off:
8:30am – 9:10am
Pick up: 11:15am / N/A / N/A / N/A
2 ½ years to 4 years / Drop off:
8:30am – 9:10am
Pick up: 11:30am / 11:30am – 12:45pm / 12:45pm – 2:45pm / N/A
3 ½ years to 6 years / Drop off:
8:30am – 9:10am
Pick up: 11:40am / 11:30am – 12:30pm / 12:30pm – 2:45pm / 3:00pm – 6:00pm
JK – Grade 6 / N/A / N/A / N/A / 3:00pm – 6:00pm

First Day of School Checklist:

ü  All admission forms completed and returned to the Centre

§  Student Information

§  Medical Information

§  Immunization Records

§  Pick-Up Authorizations

§  Permission Form

ü  Post-dated cheques as per the Payment Schedule

ü  Bag lunch if you have registered for this program (please see details on our Anaphylaxis Policy section)

ü  Indoor shoes that are easy for your child to take on and off

ü  Diapers, wipes and creams, plus a change of clothes for children not yet toilet trained (for more information please see the Physical Needs section in the Parent Guide)


Parents must complete all admission requirements, including the completion of all required forms before their child can begin the program.

Financial Information

A non-refundable deposit will secure a spot for your child.

Post-dated cheques as per the Payment Schedule must be submitted to the Centre prior to your child’s first day. We require one month’s written notice prior to cancellation for any reason. The remaining fees will be refunded on a pro-rated basis until March 1st of the school year. If you do not have a copy of the Payment Schedule or Administration Policy and require one, please contact the office.

There is a $25.00 charge for NSF cheques.

We offer a 10% discount for siblings. The discount applies to the program(s) with the lower cost.

Immunization Records

The Centre is required to keep a record of the immunizations administered to each child. Evidence of the following immunizations must be provided: Red Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR), Diphtheria, Poliomyelitis, Pertussis, (whooping cough) and Tetanus (DPPT or Quad Series).

If immunizations become out-of-date, parents have two weeks in which to have their child immunized. If by the due date, we have not received a doctor's written confirmation of immunization, the child may not attend the school until immunized. Regular fees will be charged during this time.

Objections or exemptions must be completed on a ministry-approved form and will be retained in your child’s record. Statement of conscience or religious belief forms for religious/conscience objections must be completed by a “commissioner for taking affidavits (i.e. be notarized). Statement of Medical Exemption form for medical exemptions must be completed by a doctor or nurse practitioner. Section 57 (3 & 4) and 35 (2) respectively.

Waiting List

Priority is established by the date of application. Siblings of children already in the program have priority.

Statutory Holidays and Closings

The Centre is closed on these Statutory and school holidays:

Labour Day September 7, 2015

Thanksgiving October 12, 2015

Winter Break December 21, 2015 – January 1, 2016

Family Day February 15, 2016

March Break March 14 – 18, 2016

Good Friday March 25th, 2016

Easter Monday March 28th, 2016

Victoria Day May 23rd, 2016

Hours of Operation

Before School (JK – Grade 6 only) 7:30 am – 8:20 am

Doors Open for all other classes 8:30 am

Curious Caterpillar (toddler) 9:00 am – 11:15 am

Busy Bee (preschool) 9:00 – 11:30 am

Dolphin (preschool) 9:10 – 11:40 am

Kindergarten Class 9:00 am – 12:40 am

Bagged Lunch program 11:40am – 12:45 pm

Preschool Enrichment programs 12:45 pm – 2:45 pm

Kick Start Enrichment 12:45 pm – 3:00 pm

Afterschool Club (JK – Grade 6 only) 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm

School P. A Day Closures

North Toronto will be closed to coincide with T.C.S.B - P.D Days. Theses closures will affect Toddler, Preschool A.M, Preschool P.M enrichment classes, JK/SK A.M and Kick start classes. The exact dates will be given on enrollment and will be added in N.T.E.Y.L.C school calendar.

Afterschool Club JK/SK and grade 1 – 6 will be offered an all day care program on P.D Days from 8:30 – 6:00 pm.

Emergency School Closures

In the event the school must be closed down unexpectedly for reasons such as weather, flooding, electrical or health and safety, NTEYLC staff will contact each family by phone or email as soon as the need for school closure has been determined. Notification of a closure will also be posted on the website and Parents Line. If possible missed days will be made up at the end of the school year.

There are no make-up days for holidays, vacations, illness or other absences.


The Centre expects your child to be in attendance unless notified in advance. Please call the Parent`s Line at (416) 544-1039 for Bedford Park to report your child’s absence.

Child Security

Family Records

All information relating to your child's safety must be kept accurate. When there is a change in phone numbers, addresses, emergency contacts, etc., parents are required to notify the Centre immediately.

Childcare Supervision Policy for Students and Volunteers

North Toronto Early Years Learning Centre stands firmly on the vision that all children enrolled in the Centre will be effectively supervised at all times while in our care.

It is the school’s responsibility in accordance with the Ontario Regulation 137/15 that every child in attendance in a childcare setting is supervised by an adult at all times.

Under no circumstances will direct unsupervised access be granted to anyone under the age of 18 who is not an employee of N.T.E.Y.L.C. Should there be a placement student or a volunteer in the class they will not be counted in staffing ratios. All staff, volunteers and supply staff are required to read the program statement and sign off to the fact that they have read and understood our philosophies and policies.

The intent of this policy is to ensure the following;

a. To help support the safety and wellbeing of all children in the Centre.

b. To provide clear direction to staff in regards to supervision of volunteers and placement students.

This policy will be reviewed by the licensee on an annual basis and or when any changes are made. All staff, students or volunteers will review the policy prior to commencement of employment or educational placement, annually thereafter or when changes are made. A record of this review will be dated and signed by the staff member, student or volunteer and the person who is conducting the review. This record will be kept for 3 years.

Safe Arrival and Departure Procedures

Sub 9.3 – Attendance
Ontario Reg 137/15

72 (3) Every licensee shall ensure that a record is kept of the daily attendance of each child receiving childcare showing the time of arrival and departure of each child or if a child is absent.

All children in a childcare facility must be signed in and signed out daily. All staff carries a classroom attendance and emergency information wherever the children are (ie: in the gym). Parents/caregivers are responsible for ensuring that their children are signed in and out every day by notifying a teacher when picking up or dropping off. You are responsible for connecting with and handing-off your child to a teacher; children are not permitted to enter or exit the building without a parent or guardian.

·  The Centre will assume no responsibility for a child not signed in or, who has not been directly brought to the Centre staff. In the interest of safety, we must always know how many children are in the Centre at all times.

·  Unless we are notified in writing, children will only be released to those persons specified on the admission forms (i.e. regular caregivers). Written permission is required each time anyone else will be picking up your child (note: they must be 14 years of age or older) on a single or irregular basis.

·  The Centre will expect your child to be in attendance so please notify us in advance if you know your child will be absent as outlined on page 5.

·  If there is a custody agreement in favour of one parent, the Centre requires a copy of the agreement for our files. Without a copy of this agreement, staff cannot deny a parent access to a child.

Parent/student Volunteer Policy

Ontario Reg 137/15 - 60 (1)(b)

Every licensee of a child care center shall obtain a vulnerable sector check from every volunteer or student who is on an educational placement before the person interacts with the children at a Centre.

Due to the nature of our programs at North Toronto Early Years Learning Centre we do not have students at our school who do educational placements. On occasion however we do have high school students, who volunteer for their 40 hour community service at our Centre. These students are required to obtain a vulnerable sector police check prior to working their volunteer hours.

At all times they will not be counted as staff, as part of the child/teacher ratios, and will not be responsible for any part of the program or the children.

Physical Needs

Personal Belongings

An area is available for each child to stow personal belongings. All children should bring a change of clothes. In case of spills or toileting accidents; please include underwear, socks, and indoor shoes.

All items must be clearly labelled with your child’s name to help prevent mix-ups, and the items will stay at our school until needed. Please choose easy on/off play clothes that will allow your child to become more independent and self-reliant in dressing/undressing themselves. Belts, onesies, overalls and laces should be avoided.


At NTEYLC we respect an Adlerian approach to toileting, and do not discriminate on the basis of toileting ability. Children of all abilities are welcome in any of our programs. This child-centered approach focuses on allowing each child to set his/her own pace in the toileting process. We believe that when a child is both physically and emotionally ready, they will succeed in mastering this task. Teachers will provide children with all the education and assistance they need. We handle both accidents and success in a calm, matter of fact manner, having faith that children can manage either situation.