

World War I Life in the Trenches Webquest

During World War I, both the Allies and Central Powers began to develop new and more devastating weapons. Along with those weapons came a need to survive. That survival came in the form of TRENCHES. During this webquest you will uncover the truth about trenches, what they are and how they are built. You will also look at the lives of the soldiers that lived and died in them. Once you have dug into the past about trenches and the soldiers that used them, you will be able to create a short diary entry about your life as if you were a soldier on the front lines.


You will have three tasks to complete:
1: Using the website provided, research and answer questions based on trench design
2. Using the website provided, investigate the lifestyles of soldiers living in the trenches.
3. Construct ONE half page journal entry (typed) detailing life in the trenches. Describe what you see, what you hear, what you smell and taste, what you are touching and what you are feeling inside.

Answer the following questions about the set up and history of trenches in WWI.
Use Resource #1 PBS Trench Warfare
1. By war's end, how many miles of trenches had each side dug?

2. What were the 4 types of trenches the Allies used and what were their purposes?

3. Which side (Allies or Central Powers-Germans) had better trenches and why?

4. Approximately how many British soldiers were killed, disabled or wounded each day?

Use Resource #2 United Kingdom Spartacus Schoolnet
Scroll down to: The Trench System. Explore the different links to learn about the trench systems and answer the following questions.
1. Why weren't trenches built in a straight line?

2. With much of the land only a few feet above sea level, how did soldiers stay out of the water and mud?

3. Choose 1 other fact about the trench system, and describe it.

Scroll down to: Primary Sources. Read #3 Robert Donald and complete the question below.
4. Write one sentence for each paragraph explaining that paragraph.

5. Click or go to the following webpage

Describe Trench Foot and its affects on the body:

What were two remedies for trench foot?

Final Assignment - Diary Entry
Use Resource #3 BBC Life in the Trenches. (You may use Resources #1 and #2 if you find them useful.)
Write a 1/2 page typed diary entry where you tell about your experience in the trenches. Be sure to describe what you hear, see, smell, taste, touch and feel (emotions).