Honors Senior Studio

Summer Assignments

1.  Sketching from the Masters (3 sketches from 3 different artists – 10 pts. Each)

A lot may be learned about form, content, composition and technique by examining the works of artists who have solved their own problems in their own ways.

You make use either of the following methods of learning from artists past and present. One, take your sketchbook with you to galleries and take sketching notes on the paintings, sculpture, etc. this will help to set the image in your mind. They act as a personal reference file on the works that particularly appealed to you. You can also use reproduction prints – books, posters, postcards – as a source of study.

Materials: pencil, fine point pen or sharpie, colored pencils, sketchbook.

2.  View from My Window (20 pts.)

·  You may select which window you would like to draw from and which viewpoint. From a window in the basement, a few suggestions might be the 3rd floor/attic window, front door window, you decide.

·  A portion of the window frame must be included in your drawing.

·  Materials: sketchbook, pencil, colored pencil, marker, watercolor, pastels.

3.  Mystery of the Wrapped Object (30 pts.)

·  Find an object that intrigues you for both its visual qualities and your personal relationship with it.

·  Experiment with various ways of wrapping the object with material (plain bed sheet), aiming to hide the identity enough to create a sense of mystery. At the same time, you should expose enough of the object that the viewer can determine what the object is under the fabric.

·  Important to consider when wrapping the object:

*using tight and loose folds

*exposure and concealment ( making sure to hide most of the object, but allowing a few features to ‘peek’ through as clues for the viewer.

*tying, pinning fabric

·  Different ways of lighting the subject will both assure that it is visually interesting.

·  By eliminating lines from the drawing, (research Seurat’s Conte` Drawings), you will create

space by concentrating on the edges of the fabric and the tonal contrasts.

·  Materials: 18 x 24” grey bogus paper, 18 x 24” colored charcoal paper, charcoal pencil, pkg. of grey scale charcoal, white charcoal pencil, blending stick, kneaded eraser, pencil eraser.