
Your Name: ______Literature, Fall 2012

Teacher Name: ______Unit 1

Class Period: ______12 October 2012

Date (D/M/Y)______

Topic:Vocabulary Building List 4

Objective: After this class, you will be able to define and use at least 7 vocabulary words from the past SAT vocabulary lists using the “rank and group” method.



1. Place proper materials on your desk 1. Your English binder

2. Fill in MLA heading2. Two sharpened writing utensils

3. Sit at SLANT3. This Packet

4. Silently and immediately begin the “Do Now”


Do Now Part 1 - Review

Try to remember the gist or basic definition of as many of these words from weeks past. You may also use them in a sentence. If you absolutely need, refer to your past learning ladders.

  1. acumen - ______
  1. abridge - ______
  1. brevity - ______
  1. judicious - ______
  1. schism- ______

You Do: Working the List from p. 2

  1. Read through each word and definition quickly. Skip the examples, synonyms, and antonyms for now
  2. Rank each word:
  3. draw a ↑ next to a word if you know the it already
  4. draw a → next to a word if you have seen it before but don’t use it
  5. draw a ↓ next to a word if you have never seen it
  6. Group the words that have similar meanings by drawing a - - - - - between them
  7. Group the words that have similar meanings and parts of speech by drawing a ______between them.
  8. Note differences in definitions within these groupings you’ve made by circling them.

Practice of Meaning and Association

Spot Check

  1. ______- ______
  1. ______- ______
  1. ______- ______
  1. ______- ______
  1. ______- ______


Read this weekend’s Current Event article, mark it up with annotations, and answer the SAT prep questions at the end.

To opt out of the nextVocab Quiz create an account on Vocabulary.com and get started learning “Tindley SAT List 4”, “5”, and “6.”