/ Esgobaeth Llanelwy
Diocese of St Asaph



The Training Bursary is available to individual lay or clerical applicants for training or development. If you wish to apply for funding for group training please use the main Diocesan Grants Form

Give the name and contact details of the individual who will benefit from the training bursary

An email address is essential

The brief description should be a heading or succinct sentence to identify the purpose of your application (e.g. retreat, web design course to learn how to create Mission Area website)



This is your opportunity to help the Grants Committee to decide to support your application. If possible, type this section of the form. (The Grants Committee may disregard applications that are illegible or poorly presented).

Please outline clearly and completely how the bursary would be used.

Applications must be connected to education, training, development or learning. The grants committee will also support applications which enhance the well-being of employees or ministers in receipt of a stipend or salary, or non-stipendiary lay / ordained licensed ministers in particular circumstances.

The Grants Committee will give priority to applications that meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • Move you, your church or Mission Area toward the principles of 2020 Vision
  • Support shared ministry
  • Support community outreach
  • Support the transition to Mission Areas
  • Empower volunteers
  • Manage change
  • Develop fresh expressions of faith
  • The application is connected to a training need identified during the Ministry Development Review and recommended by the Bishop
  • For officers or officeholders within the diocese who are in receipt of a salary or stipend (or in particular circumstances a non-stipendiary lay or ordained licensed minister), an event or activity which will enhance personal well-being and effectiveness during this time of change e.g. retreat, gym membership, a hobby which helps you relax and connect with others……(See the five steps to well-being at work for more information about how well-being is defined) It is important that this activity will have continuing and/or long lasting benefit to your well-being.

If there is insufficient room in the box provided you may continue on one additional sheet of A4 paper



Please provide full details of the cost of the training, or learning event. Do not feel you have to use all the space provided

The minimum bursary you can apply for is £50, the maximum bursary you can apply for is £500

State how much of the overall cost you want the bursary to cover

Please indicate if you are also applying to other funders for a bursary or grant for the same purpose

Amount secured means an offer has been made for funding or the money has already been received

Amount seeking means either you anticipate making an application or your application is still under consideration by the funder



Please use this box if there is any further information that you feel is relevant to your application and is not covered elsewhere on the application form. If necessary, you may attach an additional sheet of A4



Accompanying Documents

We will need to see relevant documentary evidence to support your application, for example if you are applying for a bursary to complete a training course, a copy of the prospectus would suffice.

We will also need to see evidence of the cost of the training or learning event

Please indicate what accompanying documents are being submitted with your application by ticking the appropriate box(es)

Photocopies or printed downloaded documents are acceptable



Bank Details

Please provide details of the bank account into which the bursary should be paid



Please leave this section blank.

After you have submitted your application for a bursary, the Diocesan Director of Ministry or the Training Forum Co-ordinator will countersign your form and add their observations on this section of the form


Applications should be submitted to the Diocesan Grants Committee, electronically to: or by post:

Karen Williams, Diocesan Office, High Street, St Asaph LL17 0RD

The Diocesan Grants Committee meets four times a year to consider applications.

The closing dates are:

30November for the January meeting of the Grants Committee

28 Februaryfor the April meeting of the Grants Committee

31 May for the July meeting of the Grants Committee

31 August for the October meeting of the Grants Committee

If this time frame would cause you financial difficulties please contact Karen Williams and your application will be given special consideration by the Grants Committee outside the normal cycle of meetings

You may apply for a retrospective bursary up to six months after an event.

You will be notified of the outcome of your application within 14 days of the decision

If your application is successful, you will be asked to complete an evaluation form about the event that was funded by the bursary.

If you require advice about completing the application form please contact

Karen Williams 01745 532587 or Manon C. James 01745 532599 or

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