Planned Power System Model Change Notification Process


To provide a mechanism for the timely reporting of upcoming changes to the electrical power system to those entities that have a reliability responsibility to the inter-connected electrical system, prior to energizing the equipment. These forms may be used prior to a CIM-XML incremental change mechanism being in place.


In recognition of the need for Reliability Coordination offices, Control Areas and other entities to effectively monitor and model that portion of the inter-connected power system for which they are responsible, notification of upcoming changes to the electric power system needs to be distributed at least two weeks prior to energizing the equipment.


The change information provided in the change forms focuses on high level descriptions of lines/transformers, shunts, and generator changes. The changes to be included in the change description forms are any power system changes that the source company would include in their own power system model. Detailed descriptions, device parameters, maps/diagrams, and configuration information would be bilaterally exchanged outside this procedure by parties interested in the particular model change details.

The naming convention of the file should be [entity name]xxxxCHG.xls where entity name is the registered SiteID (if registered, otherwise it is the commonly accepted mnemonic) for the source company and xxxx is a sequence number that is incremented each new change notification distribution. Example: TVA0001CHG.xls


The procedure for distributing notifications will be based on a subscription process. The following steps need to be taken:

  1. Any entity desiring to be notified of upcoming changes to the electric power system, should send the following Subscription Request Form to the source company.
  1. The source company will respond to the Subscription Request Form by notifying the requesting company of inclusion in the e-mail distribution list and the name of the person at the source company to contact for further change information.
  1. The source company will build an e-mail distribution list including all the requested people at the subscribing company.
  1. Changes to the power system model by the source company will be distributed using the change description forms. Each e-mail distribution will only contain descriptions of new changes since the last distribution.
  1. The change description forms will be distributed to the subscribed companies’ personnel at the time that the modeling information is available for model change, but in no case less than two weeks prior to energizing the equipment, if the information is available.

Subscription Request Form


Notification of Planned Power System Changes

Requesting Company:
Requesting Individual:
Contact Information of People to Notify at Requesting Company / Name / E-Mail Address / Phone Number

Subscription Request Response:

Request Confirmed By / Date / Contact Person and Contact Information at Source Company

May, 2002Version 1.0