Newsletter No 2 –2ndOctober2015

Dear Parents,

Many of our year six children have been having an amazing time on their residential trip to France this week. They have been enjoying the beautiful weather whilst they have taken part in abseiling, climbing and rafting. Yesterday they visited a chocolate factory and made corn dolly hearts. Miss Trayers has reported that they have been praised for their amazing behaviour and positive attitude – well done to those children. The rest of the children had an amazing day yesterday taking in the views on the London Eye and visiting the London Aquarium. They are also creating some amazing sea monsters as part of their project.

Yours sincerely

Miss Butcher


Reminders and general information:

School Uniform Shop

The school uniform shop will be open on Thursday 8thOctober between 2.30pm and 3pm via the double gates next to the usual entrance. Please note that you arenow able to purchase school uniform on-line at our school shop. The ‘school shop’ logo can be found on our school website home page.

End of School Day

It is lovely to see the children able to make the most of the sunshine and run around on the field at the end of the day. However, we have reminded them that they should not climb or swing on the football posts or trees and bushes surrounding the field. Please help us keep your children safe by reminding them if they forget. Thank you.

Primary Admissions for September 2016

The Primary application process for children born between 1st September 2011 and 31st August 2012 is now open. All applications should be made on-line at Please note that the deadline for applications is 11.59pm on Friday 15th January 2016.

Keep Clear

It has been brought to our attention that there was a ‘near miss’ incident, which took place outside our double gates entrance. Please can we remind all parents that this is a ‘Keep Clear’ area and that no cars should be parked outside our double gates. This seems to be happening whilst dropping off children for breakfast club, the start and finish times of school; including collecting children from after school clubs.

Our Canine Friends

Whilst it is nice to walk your dog to school to meet your children and for the children to greet their pet coming out of school, can I please ask that your dogs are never left unattended or tied to the railings. Some of the children are scared of dogs and need the reassurance of its owner. Conversely, the large number of children and adults coming out of school can be overwhelming for dogs and make them react negatively.


The school office is experiencing a high number of calls from parents who wish to pass messages onto their children and the class teachers. Can we politely request that all messages for class teachers be written in the contact book and unless it is an emergency, any pick-up arrangements should be made with your child before the start of the school day. Any emergency messages should be called through to the main number as e-mails may not be picked up in time.

Dinner Money/ Breakfast club

There are still a number of parents with outstanding dinner money and breakfast club payments. Please go on-line paying all outstanding amounts by Monday 5th October - ( The school policy is that all payments should be made in advance.

School Lunch Tasting day

We hope the children are enjoying the new lunches- the staff at Red Hill certainly are. It has been great to see the children trying the different freshly baked breads and getting braver at the salad cart to try new things each day.

With the colder weather approaching, try to encourage your child to try a healthy hot lunch at school. We will be asking parents to come and try and taste for themselves with the kitchen setting up a tasting day in the dining hall on 21st October from 2.30pm to 3.30pm


Our current whole school attendance stands at an amazing 96.2%. Thank you to all those parents who bring their children to school every day and on time.

FORH Second-hand Uniform sale

Our FORH will be holding their second-hand uniform sale on Monday 5th October, outside the school office (weather permitting) from 3pm. Most items will be £1.00.

Year Group Curriculum Meetings:

Year 5Wednesday 7th October at 9:00am & Thursday 8th October at 6:00pm

Year 6Thursday 8th October at 9:00am & 6:30pm

Year 4 Friday 9th October at 9:00am

Year 3 Monday 12th October at 9:00am

Year 2Wednesday 14th October at 9:00am

Year 1 Thursday 15th October at 9:00am

All our curriculum meetings will take place in the small hall. Due to limited spacing, we do require a completed reply slip to confirm your attendance.

Year Reception – Phonics & Reading Meeting

We will be holding a meeting for year R parents on Thursday 15th October at 2pm in the small hall. This will be an opportunity to learn more about how we teach reading and phonics in the school. It will also provide you with information on how to support your child at home.

(Current) Year 5 – France 2016 Meeting

We will be having a France meeting for year 5 parents on Wednesday 7th October at 9:30am and Thursday 8th October at 5:30pm and will be held in the small hall. This meeting will give parents an insight on next years’ year 6 school journey trip to France. Please can you return your reply slip to confirm your attendance, due to limited spacing.

Year 6 Bromley Junior Citizen Scheme

Year 6 will be visiting Lee Green Fire Station on Tuesday 13th October. Please return the reply slip to confirm their attendance.

Year 5 Shakespeare Company

We are very pleased to announce that ‘Shakespeare Company’ will be performing ‘Macbeth’ to year 5 classes. They have performed at Red Hill Primary before and were a huge success. We know that Year 5 will enjoy this performance and will find it very exciting and interesting. The school has managed to fund some of the costs for this trip and are therefore only requesting a small contribution of £4.45. Letters have been sent out and payment needs to be paid on-line via atomwide.(