7th Grade MCA Review


  1. How many elements is the periodic table made up of?______These elements combine to make ______substances.

2. Which two elements are probably more alike, sodium and magnesium or sodium and potassium? Why?

3. What is the relationship between atoms and molecules?

4. Which statement is false?______WHY? ______

5. What does specialized mean? ______

6. Fill in the terms: cells - ______-organs-______- ______

7. ______1. Controls all of the body’s functions, likebreathing and balance

______2. A barrier that keeps germs from enteringthe body

______3. Filters & eliminates fluids from the body

______4. Exchanges oxygen & carbon dioxide in the blood stream

______5. Breaks down foods into molecules thatare useable by the cells

______6. Carries nutrients TO the cells and wasteproducts AWAY from the cells

8. Which body system could be compared to an army that is fighting off foreign invaders? ______

9.Explain how a flu shot protect you from getting a cold. Use the following words; vaccine and immune system.

10. Draw the diagram that best shows asexual reproduction.

11. These structures inside of cells contain all the information for making the organism.______

12. Complete the table:

Characteristics / Asexual Reproduction / Sexual Reproduction
How is the new cell formed? / Parent cell divides in half, creating new cells
Where do the genes of the offspring come from? / Half from 1 parent, half from the other
Genetic variability? / Increases/decreases
(circle one) / Increases/decreases
(circle one)

13. Inherited (I) or environmental (E) – circle one for each situation

* Naturally curly hair (I/E)

* Straight hair turns curly on a humid day (I/E)

* Teeth yellow from tobacco use (I/E)

* Skin red from sunburn (I/E)

* Blue eyes (I/E)

14. True/False: If false change the statement to make it true.

“Fossil records document the appearance, diversification and extinction of many life forms.”

15. Which two animals are probably MOST closely related? Why?

16. Which two moths would probably have the BEST chance to survive if they live in a forest with dark grey trees?______WHY? ______Which two probably wouldn’t survive?______WHY?______.

17. True/False: If false change the statement to make it true.

Extinction of organisms is quite rare. Usually when the environment changes organisms always adapt to survive.”

Use this scenario to answer question 18:

Scooby Doo has always loved eating his Scooby Snacks. In addition, he thinks that eating Scooby Snacks may help make him braver. Scooby’s crew doesn’t believe him and he wants to prove them wrong so he is going to perform an experiment.

18. What is Scooby’s problem? ______

Use this scenario to answer question 19 - 23:

Ernie wanted to know if adding Mountain Dew to a plant would help the plant grow. As a result, Ernie experimented with roommate, Bert’s, plants. Ernie added 500ml of Mountain Dew to half of Bert’s plants and added 500ml of water to the other half of Bert’s plants. Ernie made sure that all of Bert’s plants had the same amount of soil and sunshine. After 3 weeks Ernie found that on average, the plants given just water grew more and some of the plants given Mountain Dew began to wilt.

19. What is Ernie’s control group? ______

20. What are Ernie’s controlled variables? ______

21. What is Ernie’s changed variable? ______

22. What is Ernie’s measured variable? ______

23. What is a possible hypothesis for Ernie’s experiment? ______

24. The arrow is at what point on the metric ruler? ______

25. The balance measures how many grams?______

26. What makes a good hypothesis? ______

27. What is the best way to analyze data collected during many trials? ______

28. What are you viewing when looking at a data table? ______

29. What is the ecosystem made up of? ______and ______

30. Put the food chain in the correct order.

31. Why are decomposers important?

32. In an unusually cold winter the squirrel population decreased. In this case temperature is what?


33. All the leopard frogs in the pond make up the?______

34. An organism that only eats plants is a?______

35. Which statement about the energy pyramid is true?

36. What factors would affect how large a population could become?

37. How would mowing milkweed affect the monarch population?

38. What does the arrow between the frog and snake represent? ______

39. What do the arrows on the food web show? ______

40. What is the basic unit of life? ______

41. What is a structure NOT found in animal cells? ______

42. Which part of a cell allows nutrients and other materials to enter or leave the cell? ______

43. What is a true statement(s) regarding plant and animal cells?

44. An organism with chloroplasts would be considered a ______

45. Where does cellular respiration take place? ______

46. What is a product of photosynthesis? ______

47 - 48. Draw the diagram and label what process is photosynthesis and what process is cellular respiration.