Knowledge Packet

Chain of Command

President (Commander in Chief) / Honorable Barack Obama
Vice President / Honorable Joseph Biden
Secretary of State / Honorable John Kerry
Secretary of Defense / Honorable Chuck Hagel
Secretary of the Navy / Honorable Ray Mabus
Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff / General Martin Dempsey
Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) / Admiral Jonathon Greenert
Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy / MCPON (SS/SW) Michael D. Stevens
Chief of Naval Education and Training (CNET) / Rear Admiral (Upper Half) Donald Quinn
Naval Science and Training Command / Rear Admiral Select Dee L. Mewbourne
Commandant of the Marine Corps / General James Amos
Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps / Sergeant Major Michael Barrett
Area Nine Manager / Commander Merv Dial

General Orders

1. Take charge of this post and all government property in view.

2. Walk my post in a military manner, keeping always on the alert, and observing everything that takes place within sight or hearing.

3. Report all violations of orders I am instructed to enforce.

4. Repeat all calls from posts more distant from the guard house than my own.

5. Quit my post only when properly relieved.

6. Receive, obey and pass on to the sentry who relieves me, all orders from the Commanding Officer, Command Duty Officer, Officer of the Day, Officer of the Deck, and all Officers and Petty Officers of the Watch only.

7. Talk to no one except in the line of duty.

8. Give the alarm in case of fire or disorder.

9. Call the Corporal of the Guard or Officer of the Deck in any case not covered by instructions.

10. Salute all officers and all colors and standards not cased.

11. Be especially watchful at night, and, during the time for challenging, challenge all persons on or near my post and allow no one to pass without proper authority.

Cadet Enlisted Ranks

Collar Insignia







No Insignia / Seaman Recruit / c/SR / E-1
/ Seaman Apprentice
(two silver stripes) / c/SA / E-2
/ Seaman
(Three silver stripes) / c/SN / E-3
/ Petty Officer 3rd Class
(eagle perched on one chevron) / c/PO3 / E-4
/ Petty Officer 2nd Class
(eagle perched on two chevrons) / c/PO2 / E-5
/ Petty Officer 1st Class
(eagle perched on three chevrons) / c/PO1 / E-6
/ Chief Petty Officer
(eagle perched on fouled anchor) / c/CPO / E-7
/ Senior Chief Petty Officer
(eagle and one star perched on fouled anchor) / c/SCPO / E-8
/ Master Chief Petty Officer
(eagle and two stars perched on fouled anchor) / c/MCPO / E-9

Cadet Officer Ranks

Collar Insignia







/ Ensign
(single gold bar) / c/ENS / O-1
/ Lieutenant Junior Grade
(two attached gold bars) / c/LTJG / O-2
/ Lieutenant
(three attached gold bars) / c/LT / O-3
/ Lieutenant Commander
(four attached gold bars) / c/LCDR / O-4
/ Commander
(five attached gold bars) / c/CDR / O-5

Navy Enlisted Ranks

Pay grade






Upper sleeve


Collar and Cap

E-1 / Seaman Recruit / SR / none / none
E-2 / Seaman Apprentice / SA / / none
E-3 / Seaman / SN / / none
E-4 / Petty Officer
Third Class / PO3 / /
E-5 / Petty Officer
Second Class / PO2 / /
E-6 / Petty Officer
First Class / PO1 / /
E-7 / Chief Petty Officer / CPO / /
E-8 / Senior Chief
Petty Officer / SCPO / /
E-9 / Master Chief
Petty Officer / MCPO / /
E-9 / Master Chief
Petty Officer
of the Navy / MCPON / /

Navy Warrant Officer Ranks

Pay Grade











W-1 / Warrant Officer / WO1 / / /
W-2 / Chief
Warrant Officer / CWO2 / / /
W-3 / Chief
Warrant Officer / CWO3 / / /
W-4 / Chief
Warrant Officer / CWO4 / / /
W-5 / Chief
Warrant Officer / CWO5 / / /

Navy Officer Ranks

Pay Grade











O-1 / Ensign / ENS / / /
O-2 / Lieutenant Junior Grade / LTJG / / /
O-3 / Lieutenant / LT / / /
O-4 / Lieutenant / LCDR / / /
O-5 / Commander / CDR / / /
O-6 / Captain / CAPT / / /
O-7 / Rear Admiral (lower half) / RDML / / /
O-8 / Rear Admiral
(upper half) / RADM / / /
O-9 / Vice Admiral / VADM / / /
O-10 / Admiral / ADM / / /
O-11 / Fleet Admiral / FADM / / /

Marine Enlisted Ranks

Pay Grade







E-1 / Private / PVT / No insignia
E-2 / Private First Class / PFC /
E-3 / Lance Corporal / LCPL /
E-4 / Corporal / CPL /
E-5 / Sergeant / SGT /
E-6 / Staff Sergeant / SSGT /
E-7 / Gunnery Sergeant / GYSGT /
E-8 / Master Sergeant / MSGT /
E-8 / First Sergeant / 1SGT /
E-9 / Master Gunnery Sergeant / MGYSGT /
E-9 / Sergeant Major / SGTMAJ /
E-9 / Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps / SGTMAJMC /

Marine Warrant officer Ranks

Pay Grade







W-1 / Warrant Officer / WO /
W-2 / Chief Warrant Officer 2 / CWO2 /
W-3 / Chief Warrant Officer 3 / CWO3 /
W-4 / Chief Warrant Officer 4 / CWO4 /
W-5 / Chief Warrant Officer 5 / CWO5 /

Marine Corps Officer Ranks






O-1 / Second Lieutenant / 2nd LT /
O-2 / First Lieutenant / 1st LT /
O-3 / Captain / CAPT /
O-4 / Major / MAJ /
O-5 / Lieutenant Colonel / LT. COL. /
O-6 / Colonel / COL /
O-7 / Brigadier General / BRIG. GEN. /
O-8 / Major General / MAJ. GEN. /
O-9 / Lieutenant General / LT. GEN. /
O-10 / General / GEN. /

Male Uniform Measurements


Female Uniform Measurements

Garrison Cap Measurements

SA/Seaman/PO CPO

Fleets and Locations

·  Second Fleet - in the Atlantic (Norfolk, VA)

·  Third Fleet - in the Eastern Pacific (Pearl Harbor, HI)

·  Fifth Fleet - in the Arabian Gulf and Indian Ocean (Manama, Bahrain)

·  Sixth Fleet - in the Mediterranean (Naples, Italy)

·  Seventh Fleet - in the Western Pacific (Yokosuka, Japan)

Important Dates

·  Navy birthday- October 13, 1775

·  USMC birthday- November 10, 1775

·  Constitution signed- September 17, 1787

·  Constitution ratified- June 21, 1788

·  Pearl Harbor- December 7, 1941

Important Information

·  “The Influence of Sea Power Upon History” By: Alfred Thayer Mahan

KNOW THIS!!!!!!!!

·  How is the cow? – She walks she talks she is full of chalk the lactal fluid extracted from the female of the bovine species is highly prolific to the nth degree.

·  What is the definition of leather? – If the fresh skin of an animal, once cleaned and divested of all hair, fat, and other extraneous matter, be immersed in a dilute solution of tannic acid, a chemical combination ensues. The gelatinous tissue of the skin is transformed into an improtruciable substance impervious to and insoluble in water. This is leather.