Options Explanations

1. Dark Water Rising Map Smarts

On the page provided, answer the questions and complete the map.

2. Venn Diagram: 1900 Storm vs Hurricane Ike

On the page provided, compare the 1900 storm and Hurricane Ike. Research possibilities listed on page.

3. Character Comic Strip Timeline

On the page provided, create a comic strip of events that happened to 1 character in chronological order. Each box must have color.

4. Vocabulary Log

On the page provided, follow directions provided to keep vocabulary log.

5. Reading Log

On the page provided, follow direction provided to keep reading log.

6. Interview Instructions:

On a separate sheet of paper, create an interview between yourself (the interviewers) and 1 of the characters in the book. Make sure to create both the questions, and the character’s response. Make sure there are at least 5 questions and 5 responses.


Ms. Norcross: Seth, were you excited to learn you were moving to Galveston?

Seth: Not at first, Ms. Norcross. My father really wanted me to go to medical school and become a doctor. All I wanted to do was become a carpenter, like him! I knew one reason we were moving to Galveston was because the first medical college in Texas was in Galveston. I thought moving would kill my dreams of becoming a carpenter.

7. Book Playlist Instructions:

On a separate sheet of paper, create a playlist of 8 songs that describe the book Dark Water Rising. Song titles and artists can either be real, or made up. Be sure to provide a description of why each song was included in your playlist. Also be sure to name your playlist. Songs must be appropriate!


  1. Dark Blue by: Jack’s Mannequin

I picked this song because it talks about feeling alone in a crowded area. In the book, several characters often feel like they are alone in their struggles, even though there is support around them.

8. Ad for the Novel

On a separate sheet of paper, create an ad advertising the book Dark Water Rising. Be sure to include title, author, and pictures/small pieces of information that will make the reader want to read the book. Your ad must include color.

9. Text Conversation

On the page provided, create a text conversation between 2 characters in the novel. Each text must be at least 2 sentences. Emojis are okay, but do not count as a sentence.

10. Three Square Reflection

On a separate sheet of paper, choose 3 quotes from the novel that you think are important and write why each quote is important. Then, choose 3 keys facts from the novel that you think are important and explain. Finally, write 3 connections you see from the novel to modern day.