Test Yourself

1. Trace the efforts from 1800 to 1890 of African Americans and women to win the vote, p. 188–193.

Why did Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott found the first woman’s rights movement in the 19th century?

A. They escaped from slavery and joined forces with William Lloyd Garrison.

B. After attending an abolitionist meeting, they concluded that women were not much better off than slaves.

C. They were jailed for attempting to hold a women’s rights convention in Seneca Falls in 1848.

D. William Lloyd Garrison and Frederick Douglass left the Anti-Slavery Society after it did not allow women to

participate in activities equally with men and encouraged them to pursue a new movement.

E. The abolitionist publication North Star made comments implying women were undeserving of suffrage rights.

2. Outline developments in African Americans’ and women’s push for equality from 1890 to 1954, p. 193–199.

Which of the following strategies was NOT used by the NAACP Legal Defense Fund to extend civil rights to African Americans?

A. Test case litigation

B. Amicus curiae briefs

C. Arguing cases such as Brown v. Board of Education before the Supreme Court

D. Slowing the efforts of NAWSA to make rights of African Americans a top priority

E. Mapping out a long-term plan that first targeted segregation in professional and graduate education.

3. Analyze the civil rights movement and the effects of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, p. 199–204.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 did all of the following EXCEPT

A. create the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

B. prohibit discrimination in employment because of a person’s race, creed, color, religion, national origin, or sex.

C. ban discrimination in public facilities.

D. ban discrimination in private facilities.

E. expedite voting rights lawsuits.

4. Assess statutory and constitutional remedies for discrimination pursued and achieved by the women’s rights movement, p. 204–210.

What standard of review does the U.S. Supreme Court apply to practices involving alleged gender discrimination?

A. Strict scrutiny

B. Heightened standard

C. Intermediate standard

D. Minimum rationality

E. Suspect class scrutiny

5. Describe how other groups have mobilized in pursuit of their own civil rights, p. 210–221.

Why has the extension of rights to Asian and Pacific Island Americans been rather difficult?

A. The lack of a Pan-Asian identity has prevented a strong, cohesive movement from forming.

B. Cases such as YickWov.Hopkins(1886) gave some rights on the surface and seemed sufficient.

C. Asian and Pacific Island Americans did not immigrate into the United States until after the turn of the twentieth century.

D. The Vietnam War caused many Americans to view Asian and Pacific Island Americans negatively.

E. There are too few Asian and Pacific Island Americans in the United States to have much national visibility.

6. Evaluate the ongoing debate concerning civil rights and affirmative action, p. 221–222.

Which of the following statements is true about the constitutionality of affirmative action programs in the United States?

A. Affirmative action programs are widespread with virtually no limitations.

B. Affirmative action programs have been deemed unconstitutional.

C. Affirmative action programs can be used, but they must pass the strict scrutiny test.

D. Numerical quotas are the only means by which affirmative action can be applied.

E. The Supreme Court ruled that racial and ethnic parity have made affirmative action programs obsolete.

Essay Questions

7. What is the significance of the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution in the fight for civil rights for racial


8. How has test case litigation been used to guarantee civil rights for different groups in the United States?

9. Why did the proposed Equal Rights Amendment spark such contentious debate?

10. What are legal defense funds, and how