GAMMA Party Registration Form

Function Name: ______Date: ______Time: ______

Location (address & phone #): ______

Sponsoring Chapters President Telephone #




Non-drinking monitors: (Must include three from each sponsoring chapter, and one executive member from each sponsoring chapter.)

Name Chapter Telephone #










Food:______Catered by: ______

Alcohol Vendor: ______

Type and amount of non-alcoholic beverages: ______

Estimated attendance: ______

Company responsible for security: ______Method of identifying security: ______

Transportation: ______Provided by: ______

Additional information/comments: ______

President (signature) Chapter Social Chairperson (signature)




*Forms must be turned in at the Gamma meeting one week prior to the WEEK OF your event

Approved [ ] Denied [ ] Date: ______

______ / ______ / ______ / ______
GAMMA Co-Chair / GAMMA Co-Chair / GAMMA Advisor / GAMMA Advisor

Comments: ______

For a break-down of GAMMA Policies and a Party Registration checklist, see the back of this form.

Break-down of GAMMA Policies and Party Registration Expectations

Function Name: The function must have an appropriate and non-offensive title and theme. No theme is acceptable.

Date: The function can only take place on a Friday or a Saturday. Registration Forms must be turned in ONE WEEK PRIOR to the WEEK OF your event. This is non-negotiable.

Sponsoring Chapters: No more than three chapters can co-host a function, and no more than two same sex chapters can co-host a function. The President and Social Chairperson of each chapter must sign the completed form before it is considered valid.

Non-drinking monitors: Must include three from each sponsoring chapter, and one executive member from each sponsoring chapter.

Food: There must be food and non-alcoholic (free) beverages provided at any event with alcohol available.

Alcohol Vendor: Only third-party vendors with a distinguishable over-21 section may provide alcohol at a sponsored function. No BYOB permitted.

Estimated attendance: Refer to the Invitation List information provided.

Company responsible for security: An outside company must provide visible security.

Transportation: Your chapter is responsible for and required to provide shuttles to and from the event.

Additional information/comments: Provide any additional pertinent information.

GAMMA Party Approval: Only valid with unanimous vote by GAMMA co-chairs and advisors.

GAMMA Party Checks: Every function will be checked by two GAMMA representatives from non-affiliated chapters. These party checks will occur twice during the function.

Invitation List: 1 Preliminary Invitation List must be provided initially in order for the function to be approved. Changes, additions, or deletions must be submitted to the GAMMA Advisor directly WITHIN 24 hours of the function to be considered approved and legitimate.

Failure to comply with your national risk-management policies, chapter bylaws, and GAMMA bylaws could result in your chapter being placed on social probation.

GAMMA Party Checklist

Chapter Rep Initials GAMMA Co-Chair Initials

______Registration Form signed and completed

______Location and security reserved

______Transportation provided/payment received

______Food and non-alcoholic beverages provided

______Preliminary guest list attached to this form

______Event within chapter and GAMMA bylaws

______Event registration approved co-chairs