Materials: Laser, magnifying glass, prism, mirror, different types of paper, ISN (spiral) pencil, carrel
NEVER SHINE A LASER INTO YOUR EYES OR ANYONE ELSE’S EYES! DO NOT SHINE IN ANYONE’s FACE! Automatic referral!!! Keep the laser beams within the carrel on your desk as you do this experiment.
Write down ALL predictions BEFORE you perform the experiment. Answer all questions in complete sentences in your spiral!!
- Background information – what is a laser? What does it stand for? Notes from the overhead.
- Why can’t you see the beam as it travels through air? How could you see the beam before it strikes the carrel?
- Predict what the laser will do if it is pointed at a magnifying glass. Point the laser into the magnifying glass. Was your prediction correct?
- Do the same thing, but vary the distance from the glass. How does it change?
- Use 2 magnifying glasses. Predict what will happen to the beam.
- Using 2 magnifying glasses, vary the distance of the laser from the glass. How does it change?
- Experiment with varying the angle of the magnifying glass. Write down your observations.
8. One student will hold the laser steady while another student puts a prism in front of the beam. Sketch what happens to the beam. Why did this happen? Come up with a theory about why this happens. What do you know about waves that can explain your theory? Write down any other observations you make.
- Use a mirror in front of the laser. Predict what will happen. Write down your observations.
- Use 2 mirrors. Write down your observations or sketch where the beams go.
- Compare your observations with another lab group. Record any similarities or differences.
- HOMEWORK -- Devise an experiment with a laser using materials in the classroom. Write a question, form a hypothesis and test. Record your results. Was your hypothesis true or false?
Materials available: plastic wrap, waxed paper, ping pong balls, drinking glass, plastic bag, spoons, eye glasses, sun glasses, light bulb. You can bring in something simple tomorrow to test.