CP English 11 Syllabus
Mrs. White
The eleventh grade college preparatory course focuses on the analytical reading and formal writing skills needed for college. You will read works of British literature and respond to them through a variety of writing techniques. Research will be conducted throughout the year, and oral presentations will be a key component in the curriculum. Skill development for the SAT and ACT will be studied. The basis for the curriculum is the Common Core State Standards for Language Arts. Some pieces will be studied from the textbook, and you are expected to purchase the supplemental novels/plays.
GOALS: Throughout the year, I will ask you to establish goals for your learning in order to take ownership of your education and to encourage you to be self-motivated. The following goals are overall objectives for our course towards which you should strive to make progress.
- Be an autonomous learner.
- Be committed to your personal and academic growth.
- Engage in productive collaboration and communication with peers and teacher.
- Read grade level appropriate texts closely and analytically.
- Analyze literary devices in works of fiction and nonfiction.
- Connect/compare concepts and themes from texts to our society.
- Acquire vocabulary words and skills to improve reading and writing abilities.
- Select, use, and cite appropriate textual evidence for a variety of purposes.
- Write often in a variety of genres to develop and polish skills such as organization and grammar.
- Apply the writing process to each piece of summative writing, particularly revision.
- Apply resources to improve your writing, such as rubrics, peer revision, and handouts.
- Conduct and utilize research; evaluate the credibility of sources.
- Deliver prepared, articulate presentations that incorporate visual media.
- Use technology to enhance your learning.
- Prepare for your future by researching post-secondary options, honing advanced reading and communication skills, and practicing college entrance exam content/skills
COURSE OUTLINE: Works may change slightly
- Semester I
- First Nine Weeks- Leadership and cultural values
- Outliers
- Beowulf- epic(purchase)
- Arthurian legend
- Literary analysis and narrative writing
- The Word within the Word*
- ACT preparation
- Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein (visual literacy) and nonfiction essays
- Second Nine Weeks- Politics and Tragedy
- The Canterbury Tales, “A Modest Proposal,” satire
- Macbeth- play
- Hamlet- play
- Self-select book
- Literary analysis writing
- The Word within the Word
- ACT preparation
- Semester II
- Third Nine Weeks- Language, Rhetoric, and Propaganda
- 1984-novel(purchase)
- Argumentative and research writing
- College comparison presentation
- The Word within the Word
- Fourth Nine Weeks- Making Choices Through Research and Inquiry
- Short stories and essays
- Small group novel selections (purchase)
- Literary analysis writing
- The Word within the Word
*The work titled The Word within the Word is a text you will use every year in your high school English classes. You will have to buy the book only once (if you don’t lose it). It is a work that will help with vocabulary skills. This, along with the other four novels, can be purchased in the student book store in the cafeteria during lunch periods.* If you receive a free/reduced lunch, you will be given free copies of the course literature; the copies can be obtained from Mrs. Wolf in the library. Students should purchase their books from the school book store to ensure that the correct edition is purchased. New, clean (non-highlighted) texts are required. Grades will be taken for interaction.
In order to foster and maintain an environment in which learning can take place, it is very important that you meet the following expectations.
Yourself-Maintain academic integrity and try your best. This means that you need to think on your own, turn in work on time, and ask for help when you need it. The After School Study Center is an excellent resource for extra help in study and/or time management skills.
Your teacher-Understand the school’s policies. I follow the rules regarding cell phones, food, dress, promptness, etc. All of these policies are in place to help you stay focused on education. Blatantly disregarding these policies in our classroom is disrespectful to me.No phones in class for social or entertainment purposes.
Your classmates-Learning is fun in a supportive environment. We learn from challenges and mistakes.
Your school-Again, follow the school’s policies and take advantage of your opportunities.
I am happy to conference with you, your parents, and other adults to ensure you’re successful at AHS.
Assignments: Please be responsible and turn in all assignments on time. If it is late, formative work will not be accepted for a grade. Turn in all summative assignments on time according to the 11th grade team policy. The after school study center is an excellent place to utilize for studying and managing your time. I will be happy to meet you in the study center to offer assistance if needed.
Make-Up Work Policy:
- One day to make-up work per one-day absence.
- All work must be made up before school, after school or during a study hall period. Anything not made up in the allotted time period results in a “0”.
- If you are present the day an assignment is announced, but absent the day it is due, you must submit the work when you return.
- Students are responsible for checking the class calendar, Schoolpointe, Remind, or emailing me for information on missed assignments. Upon returning from an absence, students are asked to see me prior to the beginning of the school day, so we can thoroughly discuss the make-up work without disrupting other students’ class time.
- If you are at school at any point the day an assignment is due, even if you are absent during our class, the assignment is still due that day.
- You are expected to comply with the school’s official code of conduct outlined in the student handbook and my classroom expectations and procedures.
- The first offense will result in a verbal warning and a possible conference.
- The second offense will result in an after school detention and a call home.
- The third offense will result in an office referral.
Hall PassPlease limit your hall pass usage to 3xs or under per quarter. Leaving class is disruptive, and you will miss opportunities to work on assignments. You may NOT fill your water bottle during class. No student will dehydrate in a 50 minute class period. I suggest filling your bottle before school starts and at lunch time.
The student’s grade will be determined by a variety of means. This will vary dependent upon the state standard being focused on at that time and the focus of the text that is being studied. Please DO NOTask me to change your grade at the end of any grading period. The grade you have earned is yours. Here are ways to earn the highest grade you can: Stay on task; come to class; read; ask for a writing conference; revise essays; study vocabulary; complete all assignments; ask questions; turn in one unused hall pass for extra credit; complete any extra credit/bonus activities.
The grading scale is as follows:
90-100=A80-89=B70-79=C60-69=D59 & below=F
Weighted Grades
20% of the student’s grade will be from the Word within the Word assignments (vocabulary).
20% of the student’s grade will be from formative assessments (homework, reading quizzes, etc.).
60% of the student’s grade will be from summative assessments (end-of-unit assessments, presentations, projects, essays, etc.).
Some general grading guidelines:
- In the first nine weeks, the summer reading assessment will be factored into the grade.—summative
- Approximately every two-three weeks a writing assignment will be due.—summative/formative
- At the conclusion of each novel study, there will be either a writing assignment, test, or project.—summative
- Homework will be given most nights; sometimes a homework check of 10-15 points will be assessed. Many times this will be in the form of a reading quiz.—formative
- Students will complete at least two oral presentations.—summative
- A research paper will be completed in the second semester. (Cumulative point activities lead up to this)—summative
Suggested Supplies
- Pens and pencils
- A three ring binder to hold all class work
- Binder tabs (at least five)
- 3x5 index cards for quizzes or short responses
- Bring your computer EVERY day to class. Make sure that it is charged and ready to use.
- Electronic devices are used at the teacher’s direction. We will use Aurora City School’s BYOD policy. Use of electronics for personal (not educational) use will result in confiscation of the device per school policy. (NO texting)
- Chrome Books are now a part of our school. You are expected to have your Chromebook with you and usable in class each day (even though it may not be a part of each day’s lesson). It must always be charged and ready to use. If you have problems, please follow the school policy for repairs and replacements; this is not an excuse to come to class unprepared.
Media Center Passes
If you would like to work on an assignment during study hall, ask me for a media center pass in the morning day or the day before. If assigned to the media center, you are to work on your English assignment only. I will not issue passes for other classes. Please plan ahead if you need a pass. Please do not ask me for a pass every day.
Submission of Assignments
All students must turn in a hard copy of the assignment on the teacher assigned due date and then submit the assignment to turnitin.com. The expectation is for the student to submit toturnitin.comon the day that the assignment is due in class; however, a grace period of one week after the assignment due date is given for submission to turnitin.com. Work that is submitted to turnitin.com past the one week grace period will result in a disciplinary action assigned by Mr. Brookhart. Non-submission of assignments will result in a “0”.
Turnitin.com Directions
All writing assignments will be submitted to this site and the following information will be used.
(Class name, Class ID and Password will always be the same)
To create an account:
- Go to
- In the upper right hand corner is a login box. Below the login box is the link to create an account. Click the link.
- The next page will give instructions on how to create an account. Ignore these instructions since they are created for instructors. Students need to go to the bottom right column labeled New Users and click Sign up for Turnitin.
- The next step is to create an account. Under the Create an Account heading select student since you are a student user.
- This step will take you to creating an account. Please fill in all of the required information. Make sure you use a legitimate email account to create your turnitin.com account. You can use this to check originality reports and as your digital receipt for submission. Be sure to agree to the terms and limitations at the bottom of the page to complete the account creation.
- Upload and submit your paper to the assignment title that corresponds to the assignment.
To enroll in a class: (if you already have an account)
- Login to turnitin.com with your username and password.
- Click on enroll in a class on the student homepage.
- Enter the class ID and enrollment password for the new class.
- Click on submit to enroll in the class and add it to your homepage.
When logged in, you will need to know the following information: Class Name, Class ID and Password
- Class Name: CP English 11 PERIOD 1
- Class ID:
- Password: white
- Class Name: CP English 11 PERIOD 8
- Class ID:
- Password: white
CP English 11
Mrs. White
Contract (to be submitted by Monday, August 24, 2014)
As a student, I have read and understand the CP English 11 class policies and agree to comply with said policies recognizing the consequences of any infringement upon these rules. I understand it is my responsibility to do all assignments in a timely manner. I am responsible for obtaining the supplemental books used for this class; these books may be purchased in the school book store or elsewhere if I choose. Further, I understand that in order to earn credit for writing assignments, I must submit them to turnitin.com
(Student’s printed name)(Student’s signature)
Date: ______
Student E-mail address: ______
Student turnitin.com username: ______
Student turnitin.com password: ______
(Please print legibly)
As a parent/guardian, I have read and understand the CP English 11 class policies and recognize that my son/daughter is fully responsible for his/her actions in this class. I understand it is my child’s responsibility to turn in all assignments in a timely manner. I understand that the student is responsible for purchasing or borrowing the supplemental novels used within this class and for submitting writing assignments to turnitin.com.
(Parent/Guardian Printed Name) (Signature)
Date: ______
Parent E-mail: ______
(Please print legibly)
Best parent or guardian contact phone number:
Name: ______
Number: ______