Walnut Beach Association

Meeting Minutes

September 9, 2013

St. Gabriele Parish Hall

Meeting called to order at 7:10 pm.

Pledge of Allegiance

Sign in sheet circulated: 16 Members in attendance

President’s Report – Joe Garbus:


·  Sidewalks have been going in around Milford and now it’s our turn. The West side of Naugatuck Avenue will have widened sidewalks. Work should be completed by Thanksgiving

Secretary’s Report – Tina Pritchard: July meeting minutes provided for review. Charlie Maturo made a motion to approve, Wendy seconded, motion passed

Treasurer’s Report – Leisa Gazdik: Report read, during report, see attached

Membership Report – Elvira not in attendance:

·  11 new members from concert series

·  Elvira has asked to be removed from the membership chair position temporarily while she recovers.

·  Joe reported there have been some complaints regarding membership. Carol Garbus has offered to take over membership temporarily while Elvira continues to heal. We will be adding Carol to the ballot for next month’s election meeting.


Beautification Committee – No member present:

·  We need more help with beautification. The arch needs a coat of paint, the garden needs weeding and more.

·  These areas are symbols of Walnut Beach and need to be maintained.

Block Watch – Leisa Gazdik:

·  John Carissimi is changing some of the literature and the meeting has been postponed until 10/16.

·  Bob mentioned that he hopes that by doing our part, the police do their part. He mentioned an incident that happened recently when he called the police because a gang of kids were hanging around on private property, being disruptive and banging on signs and the police did not come. A question was raised on whether or not there is a log kept with the calls and follow-up that gets reviewed by a block watch office. Something to ask.

Festival –Tyyne Catapano:

·  Tina began by thanking all the volunteers who helped make the festival a success.

·  We had a lot of new and fun additions like a DJ, photo booth, cheerleaders, flash mob, celebrity readers circle and a new field layout which made a big difference.

·  She also mentioned that it was a struggle this year because many volunteers that handled important aspects of the planning in the past were not participating this year. We will need more volunteers to help during the planning portion of the festival for next year.

·  Some ideas:

1.  Procedure manual.

2.  Calendar of dates for important things to do

3.  Combined, complete list of emails from the past few years the event was held

4.  Application mailed to home with breakpoints to encourage early registration

Summer Concert Series – Wendy Terenzio:

·  Wendy began by thanking all of the members for their volunteer efforts. She recognized Leisa Gazdik and McKenzie Powers for the extra work they put in.

·  Great weather, great turnout, good music. This year there were 9 concerts; Wendy hoped next year to have 10 (July 4th). Joe mentioned that he feels there should be fundraising to fund the concerts going further. Some ideas were asking food vendors to sponsor and come to supply food at the concerts.

·  Wendy is interested in taking a poll to see what three bands throughout the years were the favorites and those three would possibly be asked to come back as the first bands to offer a repeat performance next year.

·  Joe showed up to a concert and found a terrible mess left by the participants of a previous event. Joe made calls and the area was cleaned up. There is a rule that the area must be cleaned after an event or there will be a charge for cleaning but it is not enforced. Going forward Joe said we should call before each concert and make sure the area has been cleaned.

New Business:

·  Bob mentioned starting a “volunteer appreciation” for those members who go above and beyond when helping the community.

·  Adding a position of Publicity to the ballot for October

·  Joe mentioned that a substation at Simon Lake looks bad for the neighborhood and he is against it which is why we do not have one here. The majority of the members in attendance disagree with Joe and think that the area would benefit from having the extra police presence. Based on the ideas expressed Joe recommends putting the question to Wildemere Beach Association and Heritage Sound and see what their feelings are. If the majority is in agreement we can invite Chief Mello to a meeting and see what can be done to help bring the substation here. Joe to call chief tomorrow.

·  John Powers asked permission to publicize a fundraising opportunity to benefit a neighborhood family of 4 children who recently lost their young mother to cancer. John will provide information and those who wish to donate can go to the family’s “gofundme” online account to donate direct. The Walnut Beach Association will donate a basket and money or gift card to the grocery store in the amount of $300.00.

Charlie made motion to adjourn, Bob seconded

Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted by Christina Pritchard

WBA Treasurer’s Report as 9/6/13 (WBA Main Account)

Previous Balance $ 12,119.36 (Balance as of 9/6/13)

Deposits $ 110.00 (11) New Members-F. LaSella, R.

Degleau, P.LaSella, C. Gloria, K.

Devlin,P. Lynn, M. Grinrod, M.

Viscount, R. Mihalik, B. & I. Sembiante, K.Falcone, T. Salemme

All Signed up at WB Concert Series

Subtotal $ 12,229.36

+ .83 (Interest for checking acct 6/16/13-

.70 7/15/13 & 7/16/13-8/15/13)

Subtotal $ 12,230.89

Less Checks written - $ 513.00 Check to Harford Insurance for

General Liability Renewal


250.00 Check for leather Jacket Sponsorship

For Milford Literacy Bike ride in


50.00 Visa payment to Wild Expressions

For Get Well arrangement to Elvira


46.00 Stamford Post office-roll of stamps

New Balance $ 11,371.89

WB Summer Concert Series Account (as of 9/6/13)

Previous Balance: $ 6,987.50 (Balance as of 9/6/13)

Deposits 666.42 Concert Series Donations

Subtotal: $ 7,653.92

Less Checks written- 6,300.00 Total for Checks paid for 2013 Concerts

From 7/5/13-8/25/13

65.00 Expense check reimbursement to Wendy Terenzio for purchase of ice & water for 2013 Concert Series

38.00 Allegra for Free Concert Open to Public

Signs PO 79215

375.00 Check to CT Post to advertise in GO Guide

For Concert Series

New Balance: $ 875.92

WB Festival Account (as of 9/6/13)

Previous Balance: $ 3,817.50 (Balance as of 9/6/13)

Deposits $ 1,620.00 Vendor checks deposited from Tynne’


372.00 Vendor checks deposited from Tynne’


65.00 Glass Blower Festival Vendor fee

Subtotal $ 5,874.50

Less checks written- $ 542.65 Check to Allegra for T Shirts, Magnets,

Advertising Book PO 79214, 79138, 79399

340.00 Check to City of Milford to Police Dept

For 2013 Festival vendors

647.73 Check to City of Milford for Police Dept.

For (2) officers at Walnut Beach Festival

375.00 Advertising in CT Post for Festival &

Concert Series

84.84 Misc. Supplies for Festival

106.35 Visa for appetizers for volunteers on festival Day

101.62 Coffee & Donuts for Festival Vendors on


New Balance $ 3,676.31

WB 5K Race Account (as of 9/6/13)

Previous Balance: $ 1,000.00 (Balance as of 9/6/13)

Deposits $ 100.00 Donation from Tina Gage for 5K food

Subtotal $ 1,100.00

Less checks written - 100.73 Expense check reimbursement to Peggy

White for 5K supplies, misc food

New Balance $ 999.27

Respectively Submitted,

Leisa Gazdik, Treasurer, WB