Greater Austin Chamber of Commerce

P.O. Box 212

Austin NV 89310



Monday January 3, 2011

Open Meeting 10:10 AM

Board Members Present:Philip Williams, Joy Brandt, Wally Trapnell, Charlie Vaughn

Board Members Absent: Vic Antic, Ruben Gallegos, Cindy Garcia.

Members Present:Dee Helming.


Pledge of Allegiance Philip Williams

Approval of Minutes December 6. 2010: Moved by Charlie Vaughn, seconded by Wally Trapnell, to approve the minutes with changes of adding Historical Society under Gridley Store on page 2, motion carried.

Payment of new bills, approval:Bill to Charlie Vaughn for Star for nativity $52.35, Moved by Wally Trapnell, seconded by Ray Williams, to approve the payment, motion carried.

Financial Report: Moved by Charlie Vaughn, seconded by Wally Trapnell, to approve financial report, motion carried.

Bills Paid Dec 6, 2010- January 2, 2011

Beginning Balance 12-6-10 / 30690.64
Deposits / 6608.45
Disbursements / -7405.52
Ending Balance 1/2/11 / 29893.57
Savings / 6731.10
Chamber Balance / 36,24.67

Overview of Correspondence File: none.

Scoping letters from USFS & BLM: None

Office Report: See file

Public Comment:None

Guest Speaker:


Charlie Vaughn requested that we place the Food Bank under Committee reports so he can keep us updated on it. Moved by Joy Brandt, seconded by Wall Trapnell to place this on future agendas, motion carried.

: Made a payment $4800.00 for this year, Bruce continue to work on the website.

P.E.T. Next meeting is at the Governors Conference, Joy and Dee are not going.

Austin Planning: None

MS Renovation plan: The next Steering will be held in Austin with a tentative date of Jan 14 & 15th. Dee will verify the date.

Spencer’s Hot Springs:Rex Massey is working on the Spencer’sHot Springs plan with the BLM and what our ideas for development the area were.




Grants, NCOTNext Grant cycle is due April 15, 2011 for NCOT and Feb for LanderCounty.

USDA Housing: Philip Williams and Dee Helming met David Craig at the Commissioners meeting in BattleMountain. They talked to the Commissioners about working with him and the Historical Society on a possible plan to retrofit the “old Elementary” in to housing. The Commission suggested we look into a CDBG grant, the cycle is coming up.

Nativity:General conversation about the Nativity, consensus was that it went well and starting at 6 instead of 5 worked better.

Merchandise & Post Cards: tabled

Turkey Raffle: Good turn out and lots of cookies.

Future Austin Development:Until something happens this can be removed.

Scenic Byways; tabled


There was general discussion about the “old school properties” and ideas about what could be done to develop it.

Items for next agenda: The Food Bank will be a standing item under committee reports, 4th of July / Gridley Days will be added.

Adjournment of meeting.11:45 Moved by Joy Brandt, seconded by Cindy Garcia, to adjourn, motion carried.