DATE: Sept.25, 2013
EVENT: The Annual Stockbridge Library – Lenox Library Golf and Tennis Challenge
WHEN: Friday, September 20, 2013
WHERE: Stockbridge Golf Club, Stockbridge, MA
CONTACT: Sharon Hawkes, Executive Director, The Lenox Library, 413-634-2630 X121
Golf and Tennis Challenge Benefits Two Libraries
On Friday, September 20, a crystal clear day in the Berkshires--76 players took to the links and courts of the Stockbridge Golf Club to raise money for The Lenox Library and Stockbridge Library. The two libraries have been working together on this fundraising event for 18 years. Traditionally a golf event, mixed-doubles round-robin tennis was added to the day’s activities this year.
Event sponsors Country Curtains and The Sweater Club lead the long list of local businesses that supported this event through monetary and raffle prize donations.
After lunch, 16 golf foursomes went off for a 12:30 pm shot-gun start. Contest winners were Jim Balfanz in the Closest to the Pin Competition on Hole 5, landing a mere ¾ of an inch from the cup. Dick Sitzer won the Straightest Drive Competition, ending 8 inches from the line on Hole 16. Stu Benedict led his team of Diane Benedict, and Cindy and Richard Malkin to victory in the Net Score contest edging out the Keator Team made up of George, Sheila and Matthew Keator with Bruce Driscoll by 0.7 points. Jim and Heidi Nejaime along with Jim and Kim Obanhein lead the day with the lowest Gross Score of 59. The second place Gross Score team consisted of Jim Murray, Charles Sawyer, Dennis Moore and Marty Salvadore with a 63.
The tennis players started their 7 rounds of play at 2pm. Six men and six women played round-robin tennis with Craig Vickers winning the Men’s Division and Joan Kopperl winning the Women’s Division. Second place was secured by Jay Wickliff for the men and Cathie Kavanaugh for the women.
All enjoyed a light dinner during the drawing of raffle prizes after play in the clubhouse.
Approximately $17,000 was raised by this year’s event to support both libraries’ mission of providing equal access to information and ideas through a wide variety of materials and programs for community members of all ages.
Shot gun start at the Lenox-Stockbridge Library 18th Annual Golf/Tennis Challenge, Sept. 20, 2013
Linda Russell, Kelly Wickliff, Bob Mitchell, Joanne Conroy, Jay Wickliff, Michael Pulitzer, Cathie Kavanaugh, Craig Vickers, Lynn Edelstein, Joan Kopperl, Doug Munson