Ms. Sarah P. Cordell
Pre-AP English II & AP English IV
Colleyville Heritage High School
(817) 305-4700 ext. 2071
Pre-AP English II Course Overview
2014 – 2015
Course Description
This course involves the study of a multitude of literary genres. Students will learn academic vocabulary, critical analysis skills, and writing mechanics. Emphasis is placed on literary analysis, timed writings, research, and effective communication. Various components and activities for each unit will focus on preparation for the Advanced Placement exam.
Course Goals
Upon the completion of this course, the student will be able to:
Effectively and professionally communicate through written and verbal means
Analyze plot structure, characters, conflict, and point of view in literary selections to determine purpose
Recognize and use appropriate vocabulary and root words occurring in the literary selections
Create well-organized paragraphs as well as multi-paragraph essays
Write using appropriate capitalization, punctuation, and grammar
Use literary and rhetorical analysis to determine theme and purpose
Use close reading skills to analyze text, media, and various other sources
My classroom rules can be summed up in one word: RESPECT. Respect yourself. Respect your peers. Respect your school. Respect objects that others have bought. Respect your teacher. To clarify what respect looks like in our classroom, the (not so) fine print is listed below.
Be in the classroom when the tardy bell BEGINS to ring and be ready to work
Bring appropriate materials and books to class daily
Assume full responsibility for obtaining and returning make-up work
Turn in class work and homework on time
Remain in class during the entire period, so please take care of any personal business before class begins
Keep electronic devices out of sight during class UNLESS the teacher has made it clear that devices will be used during the lesson
Treat yourself, your classmates, your classroom, and your teacher with respect and courtesy
Help create and maintain a positive and safe learning environment
Do not plagiarize, cheat, or share work with other students
Tardy Policy and Consequences
Please make sure you are on time to class. Important announcements and lessons are given at the beginning of the period, so it is essential that you are not late.
If tardy, students are aware that they are subject to the following consequences:
- 1stOffense Verbal warning
- 2ndOffense 25 min. detention (must be served within the week)
- 3rdOffense 50 min. detention & parent phone call
- 4thOffense Discipline referral & loss of English exemption
Passes/Leaving Class
It is expected that you remain in class during the entire period, so please take care of any personal business before class begins.
Students who need to leave should use the classroom pass.
Supply List
A 1½ - 2” binder with five dividers (to be used for English only)
*Note: If this is too much for you to carry, you may just purchase the five dividers and add it to a binder you keep for all classes. The five dividers are mandatory.
Classroom supplies is divided by class period and will be addressed on the first day
Each day you need to have:
- Blue or black pen
- College-ruled notebook paper
- English papers in dividers
- Highlighter
- A book you are reading outside of class
Label your divider tabs into the following sections:
- Important Info
- Terms
- Quizzes/Tests
- Assignments
- Journal
Use the correct MLA heading format for all assignments.
Update class calendar with homework assignments written on agenda each day
Grades are divided into two areas: formative and summative.
Formative Items: 40%
- Homework
- Daily grades
- Quizzes
Summative Items: 60%
- Tests
- Essays
- Major Projects
1. Please check to see what you missed in class. The website will remind you to turn in any assignments that were due the day you missed. Once you have checked the website, you can visit the make-up work folder to retrieve any missed handouts. Please see the teacher if you have any additional questions.
2. Any assistance or further explanation from the teacher can be obtained during tutorials or with an appointment. Tutorials are offered Monday – Thursday from 8:00 to 8:35 a.m. Friday tutorials are dependent on meetings. After school tutorials are available by appointment.
3. Students who are absent have a maximum time to complete make-up work and/or assessmentequal to the number of consecutive days missed by the student. Previously announced projects must be turned in upon the student’s return to school.
4. Students should make arrangements with the teacher to make-up quizzes and/or tests in a timelymanner. Failure to do so will result in a zero.
5. Students who will be absent from school for school-sponsored extracurricular activities shall request assignments and assessment information from their teachers in advance of the absence. Assigned work and/or assessments missed due to a school-sponsored extracurricular absence shall be due upon the student’s return to class unless arrangements are made with the teacher in advance of the absence. Additional days are at the discretion of the teacher if arrangements are made in advance.
6. Make-up work is the student’s responsibility.
Late Work Policy
This class abides by the GCISD late work policy. Students are allowed to turn in one late assignment per six weeks.
Students will receive three late coupons for formative assignments per semester in case of mishaps, errors of judgment, writer’s block, busy schedules, etc. This allows the student to turn in an assignment up to one week late for the highest grade of a 70.
Topics of Study
Various selections of poetry, short stories, and non-fiction from Springboard Level 5
Things Fall Apart byChinua Achebe
Antigone bySophocles
*Various selections are taken from the Springboard curriculum. You can access this online once you have registered on the Springboard website.
Sentence structure and proofreading/editing skills
Narrative, expository, descriptive, persuasive, analytical, research
Listening and speaking
Interpreting spoken messages and delivering presentations
Poetry analysis, library skills, research skills, literary elements, vocabulary and spelling, EOC/STAAR preparation, and AP preparation
Academic Integrity
Academic integrity is a commitment to being 100% honest and responsible in the completion of all academic
materials. Only in such an environment can students reach their full potential. Because of this, GCISD expects
all students to demonstrate honesty and integrity throughout their academic career.
These values will help students enhance their learning, accurately portray the knowledge and skills obtained, and
prepare themselves for the future. Violations of the Code include, but are not limited to:
• Copying and or offering homework verbally, in written form, or by electronic means.
• Copying and/or offering answers on assessments verbally, in written form, or by electronic means.
• Pressuring other students to violate the Code.
• Bringing in and using unauthorized information during class time.
• Having anyone complete assignments and submitting the work as one’s own.
• Presenting collaborative work as independent work and independent work as collaborative.
• Fabricating data, information, or sources.
• Failing to report cheating or violations to a teacher or administrator
Plagiarism includes but is not limited to:
• Submitting images and/or documents in whole or in part from the Internet without
citation of thesource(s).
• Copying another’s work.
• Using another’s ideas without proper citations.
• Incorporating portions of another’s writing within the context of your own work.
• Failing to acknowledge a source of information.
• Using “unique” phrases without citations.
• Using graphics, charts, diagrams, or illustrations without citations.
Consequences for violating the code and further information can be found in the GCISD Handbook.
NOTE FOR THE ENTIRE SCHOOL YEAR: Study guides such a SparkNotes are probably available for most major works read. Please be aware that your teacher is very familiar with these sources. These study guides only offer common viewpoints and interpretations. It is obvious when these sources are used, as there are no unique interpretations. The intelligent approach, obviously, is to read the primary source (the work itself) and to attempt analysis and interpretation for yourself. Study guides are appropriate only for review or, occasional, clarification. Assignments, tests and essays are based on primary texts. Also, be careful to avoid plagiarizing these sources.
Dear Parents/Guardians,
I look forward to working with your child. If, at any point during the year, you have questions or concerns, please e-mailme at . E-mail is the quickest way to contact me. If you do not have e-mail, you can call me at (817) 305-2700 ext. 2071. Please leave a message, and I will return your call within 24 hours. Remember that I teach during the day, so I may not respond to your voice mail or e-mail immediately. Please complete the parent information sheetif your current information is different from what is listed on Skyward. I recommendchecking Skyward to see if your current e-mail address is listed because I communicate class activities, assignments, and due dates by sending out helpful parent e-mails each week with essential information. By working together, I know we can bring out the very best in your child. Thank you!
Sarah Paige Cordell
Pre-AP English II and AP English IVTeacher
Colleyville Heritage High School
(817) 305-2700 ext. 2071
Please complete the information below. If the information is current on skyward, you can just write SKYWARD. Thank you so much!
*Students: please only return THIS page to me. Keep the syllabus!
Student’s Name
Parent/Guardian name e-mail address
Phone number
Best way to contact: ______
Parent/Guardian name e-mail address
Phone number
Best way to contact: ______
Any personal information you wish to share that is relevant for me to know as the teacher:
Parent Signature Student Signature