c/o Security House, High Street,

Donington, Spalding, Lincolnshire PE11 4TA

Tel: 07748474717


President: Joanne Gisby Tel: 07909798207

Minutes of Flinders Founders meeting held on Wednesday 13 March 2013 at Select Timber Offices starting at 6.15pm.

PRESENT: Alicia Inglis (AI), Molly Hodgson (MH), Joe Gott (JAG), Mel Bristow (MB), Leah Bristow (LB), Jo Gisby (JG), Joel Bates (JB), George Norton (GN), Elliott Moran (EM), Natea Gash (NG), Brianna Gash (BG), Leila Norton (LN), Margaret Wright (MW)

Before the meeting started AI reminded members that phones must be switched off/ on silent and not be used during meetings. AI also explained that to help new members gain confidence, seating will be arranged older member – young member – round the table.

1 Apologies

AB working.

2 Minutes of last meeting

Signed as correct.

3 Matters Arising

Marilyn Inglis agreed to work on improving the strawberry costume.

JB reported that Terry Hart will provide an oak bench, a new solid oak top for broken bench and a log for wildflower garden.

AI still to find out about Tulip Parade as Liz Walker on holiday.

MW explained why the letter to PC has not yet been written.

JB, AB, AI, MW met with Tony Benge and contract agreed.

Ina Price has been informed that FF flower arrangement will be based on Rolf Harris.

Springfields has been paid for the barriers.

GN reported that gloves, compost and duck-tape had been bought from B&Q with 25% discount.

MW apologised as Glowsticks refund has still not been checked – will do – and group details have not been sent to LB – will do.

EM reported that his dad would complete the welding on the fence when weather improves. In the meantime we can use wire brushes to get off the rust, paint with primer and paint with final blue paint. JAG to check with his mum at Magnum whether they had been able to get the paint.

JG will organise sponsored swim nearer the time (November)

4 Secretary Report (MW)

IDEA would like to know what FF will do at Fun Day in Flinders Park on Sunday 09 June. All agreed we should do a refreshment tent with homemade cakes and AI, LB, AB, MW otherwise known as “Golden Notes” will play in bandstand.

5 Treasurers Report (MB)

MB reported that current account now £5792.02. MW requested that the £1,000 from District Councillors should be transferred to Business account as it is earmarked for Teen Park improvement and cannot be used for anything else. MB will arrange the transfer. TCHS photocopying invoice received £81.37 – ideas for saving money on copying were discussed and it was agreed that:

·  Minutes would not be copied for meetings – so members must read on email and note down anything they wish to comment on

·  A few agenda would be copied on A5

·  All FF documents to be double sided

MB asked what the £98 was that has been paid in – MW will check the paying in book.

Expenses paid to MW.

Tony Benge has been paid for his first Teen Park cut – all agreed it was excellent.

£275 left from Bicker Wind farm trust Grant – MW has contacted SHDC and they will install a new bin + find us a new cover for the bin by the entrance for £275. All agreed to go ahead.

6 Public Relations (MH)

MH handed out posters for Easter Treasure Hunt – each FF to put up in a suitable place. Already been put in park notice boards. MH handed out fliers to go to local primary schools asap LB Little Pickles Quadring Gosberton EM Donington MW Clough & Risegfate, Bicker JAG Swineshead Playschool

7 Grants and Funding (JAG)

JAG updated the meeting on progress with Teen Park Improvement Project. We are still waiting for Planning Permission. WREN (£12,650) and Lincolnshire Community Grant Aid (£21,919) have been submitted – we will know if we have been successful in early May. £1,000 has been received from our District Councillors. £2,000 has been promised from Parish Council. FF will be contributing £2,000.

No response yet from SMILE about grants for walkie-talkies and stationery.

LB and MB are waiting from information from MW to submit the Co-op Community Champions scheme.

JAG reported a Lincs FM grant for £500 is available for community groups – after discussion (new Teen Shelter, a notice board, more bins) it was suggested that JAG should investigate further to find out what sort of things are eligible.

8 Teen Park (AI)

Teen Park looks great – Tony Benge did a great job. JB has got the signed contract. JB reported that TB’s mower was damaged by metal litter in grass. It was agreed that MW would do a litter pick on the morning he is due to cut.

JB has prepared the ground for new bench but asked for some cement to be bought for installing the new bench as what we have is not suitable – this to be done when we know when bench is being delivered.

EM asked if bird boxes (owls, hedgehogs) can be put in – MW to add this to Wildlife

Grant application.

JG said there had been complaints (verbal and on facebook) from village people that FF were not doing anything for Flinders Park. MB proposed that FF should try to get the message across to the public that FF is a Teen Group who are responsible for the Teen Park and not Flinders Park.

9 Easter Treasure Hunt (AI)

Date was confirmed - Sunday 31st March 10-12am in Flinders Park. FF to meet at 9.00am to set up 3 gezebos – 1 for registration, 1 for refreshments, 1 for chocolate tombola & Easter teddies, 2 tables and pencils!

Details were confirmed - JG to buy 100 eggs as cheaply as possible - all FF to bring something chocolate for tombola and make biscuits/cakes/muffins/buns. MW will buy some cake mixes from Bookers to hand out to members to use for cakes and some new cups from Bookers. MB to get a lighter for the urn.

On the day AB (in charge of choc tombola), AI, JAG, BG, EM, GN, LN, JB, NG, MH, MW will help. LB and JG not able to be there.

10 Donington Flower Festival (MW)

Starts on Saturday 27th April. FF will be doing one side of the choir stalls in the chancel, MW the other. Experienced arrangers (LB, AI, NG, MH) to pair up with new arrangers (BG, LN). MW will also help. JG showed examples of Rolf Harris paintings and it was decided to use Uralu Sunset Surprise Shower – colours red, orange, yellow and blue. LB, AI to meet MW on Monday 15 April to order flowers. Arranging to be done on Wednesday 24 & Thursday 25 April after school. We will need a kangaroo, koala, boomerang & didgeridoo - can anyone provide?

11 Party in the Park forward planning (AI)

Checklist amended. Attached. Please all check to see what needs doing now.


JB collected hours from all TCHS members – JB to ensure these are handed in every month to Mr Dawson.

13 Any other Business

It was suggested that Narelle Bristow should be given a honorary hoodie as thanks for all she and Steve do for FF. All agreed. MW to order a purple one.

GN expressed concern that meetings were dominated by certain individuals – JG agreed. MW asked for solutions. LB suggested that the new seating arrangements and the introduction of secret voting will help. JAG suggested that new members will always feel intimidated but as they become more experienced they will learn to speak out and gain confidence. AI will try to ensure all members have their say and if anyone wishes to they can put their ideas in writing and AI will make sure their view is expressed.

All members were reminded about the importance of checking minutes as they do go onto the website for the public to view after they have been signed off by AI and of confidentiality – keeping FF business in meetings and not discussing sensitive information outside the meetings. Any member can ask that certain information is not put in the minutes.

15 Date of next meeting

Wednesday 17 April 2013 starting at 6.00.

Meeting closed at 8.00pm.

Please make sure actions in red are done for next meeting.


Sunday 31 March

Easter Treasure Hunt 10.00am – 12.00am Meet at 9.00am in Flinders Park

Wed 24 & Thurs 25 April

Flower Festival Meet in church at 5.00pm