The Spirit of Giving
In today’s technology driven world it is easy to lose sight of the important things in life. Although our lives may be hectic and at times seem rather troublesome, there are others whose lives are far worse by comparison.
As an AVID student, you are given many opportunities to improve academically, and you are also given the utmost support in order to help ensure your success. So, in the celebration of each door of opportunity that has opened for you, let’s give something back. This “Spirit of Giving” will allow you to show your appreciation by giving back to the community. This project is designed to help you experience the value of your life by making someone else feel more valuable, by helping someone believe that there are people who really do care about those who are less fortunate.
Your “Spirit of Giving” will focus on the gift of time, compassion, and effort to make this world a better place not only for someone else but also for yourself. Realize your capacity to change the world around you and affect others through your good work.
Step 1: The Plan (50 points due by ______)
This first step is crucial to your success in your “Spirit of Giving” Project because it is your plan of action. Fill out the “Plan of Action” form explaining all the details of your “Gift”. You may work on this project in small groups or individually.
American Red CrossChildren’s ward in hospital
Nursing HomesElementary School – books and children
The Food BankTranslation Service Center
Church/Religious FunctionsHomeless Shelters
Meals on WheelsUnited Way
Step 2: Work and Verification of Time (50 points due by ______)
The second step will be completed during the following weeks. You will need to complete a minimum of 5 hours of volunteer work and have the supervising adult sign off for the verification of your Gift. Your will earn 10 points for each hour of gift-giving; extra hours will earn extra bonus points – your generosity need not be limited to 5 hours.
Step 3: Reflection Essay (100 points due by ______)
Your final step will involve an essay in which you look back on and write about your efforts and how they affected you and/or others. You will be given an outline, which will specify what information you will need to include in the essay. The cover of your essay should include a picture of you working in your gift-giving environment, and you may definitely include other pictures or information with your essay- anything that you want to include to show your involvement.
My hope is that you will seize this opportunity to show and act upon your goodness to make this small corner of the world just a little bit better and restore in yourself and others the proof that young people really do have the capacity to reach out and help others!
Happy Gift-Giving!
Plan of Action Form
Complete the following form using full sentences and detail.
NAMES: Who will be working on this project?
WHO: Who are you going to help? Who will receive your gift?
WHAT: What are you going to do to help? (Minimum 5 sentence explanation)
WHERE: Where will you go your volunteer hours?
WHEN: When are you going to complete your volunteer hours?
WHY: Why did you choose this particular group/organization? (Minimum 5 sentence explanation)
HOW: How will your help benefit your choice group in the “Season of Giving”? (Minimum 5 sentence explanation)
Verification of Hours
Names of AVID Students:
Total Hours Completed:
Date:Person in charge:
Phone Number:
Hours Volunteered:
Signature of Supervising Adult: / Brief description of your “Gift”:
Person in charge:
Phone Number:
Hours Volunteered:
Signature of Supervising Adult: / Brief description of your “Gift”:
Person in charge:
Phone Number:
Hours Volunteered:
Signature of Supervising Adult: / Brief description of your “Gift”:
Person in charge:
Phone Number:
Hours Volunteered:
Signature of Supervising Adult: / Brief description of your “Gift”:
Verification of Hours
Names of AVID Students:
Total Hours Completed:
Date:Person in charge:
Phone Number:
Hours Volunteered:
Signature of Supervising Adult: / Brief description of your “Gift”:
Person in charge:
Phone Number:
Hours Volunteered:
Signature of Supervising Adult: / Brief description of your “Gift”:
Person in charge:
Phone Number:
Hours Volunteered:
Signature of Supervising Adult: / Brief description of your “Gift”:
Person in charge:
Phone Number:
Hours Volunteered:
Signature of Supervising Adult: / Brief description of your “Gift”:
Spirit of Giving –Reflective Essay
This is the final step in your Gift Project, and for you maybe it is the most significant. It is this step in which you put down In writing all your thoughts, feelings and personal responses to your gift giving project. In this very important step, reflect upon what your project meant not only to the people whom you helped, both directly and indirectly, but also yourself. The essay must be done individually – even if the project was done as a group.
Paragraph 1: Introduction
Explain the “gift(s)” that you gave for this project. Basically summarize what the project, which you planned earlier in Step 1 of this activity.
Paragraph 2: Beginning Thoughts, Feelings, and Responses
Focus on your initial reaction to your project. What were some of the positives or negatives that you encountered? Were you excited, doubtful, unenthusiastic, excited, what? Did you hit any roadblocks in our project, and if so how did you get beyond them? If not, did the easiness in setting it up affect your overall attitude towards the project? Make sure in this paragraph that you really explain what was going on in your mind at the start of this project.
Paragraph 3: You in Action
Focus on your thoughts, feelings, and responses during your project, while you were actually giving your “gift.” What around your affected your overall attitude while working – the other people involved, your surroundings, what? Explain how the actual working of your plan affected you.
Paragraph 4: The End
Overall, what are your impressions of your project? Did you get anything out of it? Did others? Did you see this as a success for your or not? Explain. What would have made the experience more fulfilling for your?
Paragraph 5: Or is it?
Reflecting on your experience, what are the pros and cons of volunteering to help others? Do you think it is different because you are a teenager? Or would it be the same if you were in college or involved in a career? What would be your advice to other young adults who want to get involved in volunteer work? Why do you think volunteer work has become so important in our society? What personal rewards and sacrifices do you and/or others receive from volunteer work? Do you think young people could make a significant impact on the way society is if they volunteered their time?
The essay will be graded on your ability to fully explain each section. Each paragraph should be NO LESS THAN 8 sentences. Anything less will not really be able to fully explain your experience. The final draft should be typed or written in ink on unlined paper. The essay will be graded using the Analytical Rating Guide.