Please fill out this form electronically, save it,
and send it as an e-mail attachment to
or print it out, fill it out by hand and fax it to
(from within Germany: 0201/183-4224)
by October 15, 2010.
Conference Registration Form
I will participate in the first bi-annual conference of the International Association of Inter-American Studies, which will be held in Essen (Germany) November 11 through 13, 2010: "Transnational Americas: Difference, Belonging, Identitarian Spaces."
Last name:
First name (and middle initial, if you wish):
Institution (as you would like for it to be printed on your name tag):
E-mail address (please print legibly):
I will participate in the reception by the President of the University of Duisburg-Essen on Thursday, November 11 in the evening (no extra charge).
I will participate in the conference dinner on Friday, November 12, which will be self-pay at an Italian restaurant. I will be having mixed appetizers from the buffet at € 9.90 and, in addition, I would like to pre-order
Penne al Gorgonzola (€ 7.90), rump steak (€ 15.50), gilthead [white fish] (€ 18.00)
(Those participants who cannot tolerate either of these three dishes may order à la carte.)
I will participate in the conference luncheon on Saturday, November 13 (no extra charge).
I will participate in the sightseeing tour to Zeche Zollverein, a former coal mine and now a UNESCO World Heritage site, late afternoon on Saturday, November 13. (Please add 10 euros to the fees schedule below.)
I will participate in the all-you-can-eat and all-you-can-drink (except spirits) end-of-conference party at Unperfekthaus on Saturday, November 13 (7:00 p.m. to midnight). (Please add 30 euros to the fees schedule below.)
I will require the following technical equipment:
a computer, projector and loudspeaker to use with my memory stick or disc
a projector and loudspeaker to which I can hook up my laptop
a Region 1 DVD player
a Region 2 DVD player
internet access
an NTSC video recorder
a PAL video recorder
an overhead projector
other (please specify):
I will pay the following fees:
registration fee for university-employed members of the association: 40.00 euros
registration fee for university-employed non-members of the association: 50.00 euros
registration fee for student or PhD candidate members of the association: 25.00 euros
registration fee for student or PhD candidate non-members of the association: 35.00 euros
sightseeing tour late afternoon on Saturday, November 13: 10.00 euros
end-of-conference party buffet (all you can eat and drink) on Nov. 13 in the evening: 30.00 euros
Total: EUR
Date: Handwritten signature or typed name:
I will pay my fees via bank transfer by October 15, by credit card via PayPal by October 15, in cash at the conference.
• Bank transfer from within Germany: Universitätskasse Duisburg-Essen, Sparkasse Essen, BLZ: 360 501 05,
Kto. 248 997, Verwendungszweck: "AA00058A Transnational Americas"
• Bank transfer from abroad: Name of account: Universitaetskasse Duisburg-Essen, Bank: Sparkasse Essen,
IBAN: DE40 3605 0105 000 248 997, BIC: SPESDE 3EXXX, Reference: "AA00058A Transnational Americas"
• Credit card payment: Please go to (or choose "Payments..." under
"Membership" on our Association's website. Click on the "Donate" button. Proceed, although the system will tell you that
your payment is for "English Membership IAS."
• Cash payments: Please pay in euros as you pick up your conference folder from the conference office. No checks.