Music – Vineyard Choreog – Dale, Nicole & Lynn
VERSE Dale Nicole Lynn
L-rd it was You whoLean FWD, RaiseLean FWD, RaiseLean FWD, Raise
arms straight uparms straight uparms straight up
Created the HeavensTurn R then LLean BWD & lowerLean BWD & lower
w/swirly handsarms slowlyarms slowly
lower arms
L-rd it was Your handLean FWD, RaiseLean FWD, RaiseLean FWD, Raise
R arm then L arm R arm then L armR arm then L arm
That put the stars inLean BWD & lowerLean BWD & lowerHands motion placing
their placearms slowlyarms slowlystars in sky L to R
Lean BWD & lower arms
L-rd it was Your voiceLean FWD, RaiseLean FWD, RaiseLean FWD, Raise
arms to mouth & uparms to mouth & uparms to mouth & up
That commands theLean BWD & lowerHands motion Lean BWD & lower
morningarms slowlysunrise L to Rarms slowly
Lean BWD & lower
Even oceans andMove 1st-arms up on L,
their wavesMove 2nd- arms upover to R & down
Move last- arms uponL, over to R &
on L over to R &down on R
down on R
Move 1st - arms up
on R, over to L &Move 2nd - arms up
downon R, over to L &Move last - arms up on R,
downover to L & down
Bow at your feetPlace RF backPlace a foot backPlace RF back & bow
bow slowly leaningbow slowly leaningslowly leaning on RF
on RF moving armson RF moving armsmoving arms back
L-rd who am IStand up, arms up Stand up, arms upStand up, arms up
then hand to chestthen hand to chestthen hand to chest
Compared to YourBloom arms up &Bloom arms up &Bloom arms up &
Oh L-rdGrapevine R arms upGrapevine R armsGrapevine R arms up to
(music)to L, Grapevine Lup to L, Grapevine LL, Grapevine L arms
arms down & up to Rarms down & up to Rdown & up to R
YOUR BELOVED (3 People) Page 2
VERSE (cont’d.) Dale Nicole Lynn
L-rd who am IHands to chest, goHands to chest, goHands to chest, go down
down on R kneedown on R kneeR knee w/head down
w/head downw/head down
Compared to YourStand up, raise armsStand up, raise armsStand up, raise arms
Majestystraight up then lowerstraight up then lowerstraight up then lower
arms slowlyarms slowlyarms slowly
I am Your belovedWalk FWD to formRaise arms out toWalk FWD to form circle
circle w/arms out to side shoulder levelw/arms out to side
side shoulder levelshoulder level
Your creationArms bloomArms bloomArms bloom
And You love meChassidic Turn LChassidic Turn LChassidic Turn L
as I amw/arms praisew/arms praisew/arms praise
You have called meGrapevine R out, Grapevine R out,Grapevine R out, arms
chosenarms up to R palmsarms up to R palmsup to R palms down
For Your kingdomGrapevine L in, armsGrapevine L in,Grapevine L in, arms
down & up to L palmsarms down & up todown & up to L palms
upL palms upup
Unashamed to callTurn out to R theninTurn out to R thenTurn out to R then in to
me Your ownto L w/arms praisein to L w/arms praiseL w/arms praise
I am Your BelovedMove 1st - TurntoMove 2nd - Turn toMove Last - Turn to
original position inoriginal position inoriginal position in line
line formationline formationformation blooming arms
blooming arms &blooming arms & lower slowly
1st Music Fillerlower slowlylower slowly
NOTE: When Repeating Chorus from Chorus, Don’t Do Last “I am Your Beloved”
Do Last L Turn In end facing out then begin Chorus by Turning R to face
In lowering arms to shoulder level
Hallelu R 2x, Coupe’ L
Hallelu L 2x, Coupe’ R
Back to Chorus