Activities Officer
Full-time paid position - £23,755.66

Overview of position

The Activities Officer is responsible for the development and progress of creative opportunities, student activities, student events, societies and sports clubs. Bringing the fun they champion extra curricular activity, liaise with students involved in activities ensuring that they have a voice and representation within the SU and the University. You will be responsible for the Union’s creative spaces, creative opportunities, student enterprise and Made In Arts London, events and exhibitions including external partnerships.

As Activities Officer, you would be one of the Students’ Union four sabbatical officers responsible for representing students at University of the Arts London and helping to initiate change within the University. The sabbatical officers head up the Union, acting as Trustees of the organisation and taking a lead on major campaigns, strategic developments, projects and events. You will act as an advocate of the Students’ Union, supporting involved students, protecting student welfare, promoting student activities, and working to improve the student experience.

Things you’ll take a lead in / Things you’ll work with others on
  • Creative opportunities
  • Sports clubs and societies
  • Getting more students involved in these activities
  • External partnerships
  • Be the Chair of the Trustee Board and day to day responsible for all the staff that work in the SU
  • Ethical & environmental work
  • Freshers week
  • Campaigns that students think we should be running

Benefits / How much will you earn
  • Work with other students
  • Able to help shape the future of UAL and the SU
  • Develop your communication, organisation and leadership skills
  • Develop your teamwork experience
  • Self management & time management skills
  • Develop your expertise in Events and Exhibitions or Project Management
  • Be at the forefront of running a multi million pound organisation
  • Develop a strong and in-depth leadership portfolio including management experience
  • Networking opportunities
  • The Activities Officer role is a full-time position for one year starting on 1 July 2018, with a salary of £23,755.66

Training and support / Why should you run
SU Staff & the other Sabbatical Officers will support you in your role and you will also receive:
  • You will have a close working relationship with your College Coordinator who will support you throughout the year
  • Training just before Easter, and more during the Summer
  • Additional project specific and optional training sessions such as; ‘How to Chair a Meeting’, ‘Negotiation Skills’, ‘Presentation Skills’
  • Further training as identified by you.
  • Enthusiastic about changes at UAL
  • Passionate about making UAL better
  • Interest in learning more about a democratic charity and the management of such organisation.
  • An interest in developing activity programmes for students and raising student engagement.
  • An interest in gaining useful skills to use in your future career

Responsibilities / How will you do it
  • As Activities Officer you will liaise regularly with University staff, working to raise the profile and support of student activities at UAL.
  • You will encourage and support students to set up new groups, projects and events, and develop the Union’s work on investing in volunteers and will be responsible for the Freshers reps
  • You will maintain relationships with relevant external organisations, extending the opportunities on offer to UAL students.
  • You will be involved with organising events such as Varsity, Sports & Societies Ball, Tours and trips.
  • You will oversee the development and maintenance of all non-commercial SU spaces
  • Work closely with other elected officers on shared campaigns
  • You will chair the Trustee Board and work closely with the Chief Executive to ensure the day to day work of the Union reflect the needs of students
  • Spend a lot of time talking to students
  • Work closely with the other elected officers
  • Work closely with all the Arts SU staff who all want to help you implement your priorities
  • Regularly spend time in a link-College
  • Work on a day to day basis with the VP for your link-College
  • Develop & sustain a good working relationship with University & College staff
  • Lead relevant campaigns
  • Attend Student Executive meetings and other relevant Arts SU meetings
  • Attend relevant University and College meetings
  • Talk to students about current issues and take them forward at regular college meetings
  • Work closely with your college co-ordinator and VP to implement changes at your linked college.

Time commitment / Eligibility
  • If elected you will hold the post from 1 July 2018 to 30June 2019. Before this date, it is likely that you will work with current officers on some projects and you will be required to go through a short handover.
  • You will be expected to work at least 37 hours a week, our usual core office hours are 10am – 6pm. There are a number of occasions when you will be required to work outside of these hours; meeting students, attending events or conferences. You will be entitled to take 25 days annual leave as well as bank holidays throughout the year.
  • All current UAL students are eligible to apply. No previous experience is required, but lots of enthusiasm and a willingness to learn are essential.
  • Due to the Trustee aspect of this opportunity and the nature of that role, you can not have been convicted of an offence involving deception or dishonesty (unless the conviction is spent) and you can not have a history of bankruptcy.

How to nominate yourself / Want more information?
  • Find the full checklist for nominating yourself online at
  • Nominate yourself online at the web address above
  • Nominations close on the11th February2018
  • Please email
  • Drop into the SU office at
    272 High Holborn

Activities Officer / | |