Exercícios de Revisão Geral Sobre Pronomes
  1. (PUC-SP) Students can enroll for courses of varying length according to the time available to ______.

a) theyc) themselvese) them

b) theird) theirs

  1. (UF-Goiás) Mark the correct alternative which substitutes the underlined words:

To explain this matter to Johnny and his friends will be very difficult.

a) it; himc) they; theme) he; them

b) it; themd) she; him

  1. (Sta. Casa-SP) Substituindo-se o que está sublinhado por pronomes nas orações seguintes,

I- The umbrella was left on the bus.

II- You and Mary always make the same mistake that Joseph and Monica make.

e mantendo-se a ordem, a alternativa correta é:

a) it; you; they;d) she; they; you;

b) he; yourself; themselves;e) it; yourselves; themselves.

c) it; you; you;

  1. (UF-Goiás) That bowl would be a very interesting piece to a house like ______.

a) minec) mye) you

b) yourd) me

  1. (FMU-SP) Let’s change ______cars; you take ______and I take ______.

a) our; mine; yoursd) theirs; mine; yours

b) yours; mine; oure) its; my; your.

c) our; yours; mine

  1. (FMU-SP) All the trees dropped ______leaves but this one didn’t drop ______.

a) his; hisc) theirs; itse) their; its

b) its; theirsd) its; their

  1. (FMU-SP) Tell her not to forget ______money, they mustn’t forget ______.

a) her; itsc) its; hise) hers; his

b) its; theird) her; theirs

  1. Sometimes, everybody should think a little about ______.

a) themselvesc) himselfe) myself

b) herselfd) ourselves

  1. (UC-MG) Miss Devlin convinced ______that the suitor was an ordinary man.

a) yourselfc) itselfe) myself

b) himselfd) herself

  1. (FMU-SP) You must all behave ______and you will receive ______reward.

a) you; youd) you; your

b) yourselfe) yourselves; yourselves

c) yourselves; your

  1. (Sta. Casa-SP) Assinalar a alternativa onde o emprego do reflexivo estiver errado.

a) He killed himself with an Arabian Knife.

b) I cut myself last Sunday.

c) The little boy was talking to himself.

d) Why are all of you shaving themselves?

e) Those three men were insulting themselves.

  1. (OSEC-SP) She wants ______to stay here ______.

a) me; by myselfd) us; by my herself

b) I; all by myselfe) we; alone

c) they; by themselves

  1. (F.C. Chagas) I promised ______a nice present at Christmas.

a) themselvesc) theire) them

b) theyd) theirs

  1. (U. Uberlândia-MG) Mark the alternative in which the relative pronoun is used correctly:

John, ______car is parked here, is a friend of mine!

a) whichb) of whoc) whosed) whome)what

  1. (ITA-SP) The man ______came here, and ______you talked with is my relative.

a) whom; whoc) that; whiche) none of these

b) which; whomd) who; whom

  1. (ITA-SP) The child has eaten too ______pieces of cake and drunk too ______lemonade.

a) much; manyc) many; muche) none of these

b) lot; muchd) many; lot

  1. (Sta. Casa-SP) Traduzindo-se corretamente as palavras em maiúsculas nas duas frases seguintes,

I- We don’t have MUITO money because MUITOS of us are poor.

II- We have POUCO money because POUCOS of us are rich.

e mantendo-se a ordem, a alternativa correta é:

a) much; many; little; few

b) many; very; few; little

c) many; much; few, little

d) much; much; little; little.

e) much; many; few; few.

  1. (U. Cat. – Salvador-BA) Guilherme bought ______potatoes for dinner.

a) littlec)a lote) less

b) muchd) a few

  1. (F.C. Chagas-SP) We know that ______of her information is not correct.

a) manyc) a fewe) any

b) fewd) much

  1. (MACK-SP) This cigarette is for people ______prefer low tar and nicotine.

a) thanc) howe) whose

b) whomd) who

  1. (FMU-SP) Let me introduce you to Mr. Jones in ______hands I have placed the matter.

a) whichb) whosec) thatd) whome) who

  1. (FMU-SP) Could you please inform me ______is the student ______arrived late?

a) who; whoc) whom; whiche) whom; that

b) whom; whod) whose; whom

  1. (FMU-SP) My aunt Elizabeth, ______you saw with me yesterday, is here now.

a) whomb) whosec) howd) whiche) where

  1. (F.C. Chagas-SP) These copies will do; we shall not need ______others.

a) anyb) somec) nod) suche) none

  1. (F.C. Chagas-SP) Selecione a alternativa que é a melhor versão inglesa da frase.

Ele não tem que provar nada.

a) He has not to prove something.

b) He not has to prove a thing.

c) He does not have to prove nothing.

d) He does not have to prove anything.

e) He has nothing that to prove.

  1. (U. Uberlândia-MG) Mark the correct alternative.

a) “What do you want?” “I don’t want some.”

b) “What do you want?” “I wan’t no!”

c) “What do you want?” “I don’t want nothing.”

d) “What do you want?” “I want nothing.”

e) “What do you want?” “I don’t want none.”

  1. (UC-MG) Miss Devlin didn’t encourage ______young man whom she met.

a) anyb) somec) nod) alle) neither

  1. (PUC-SP) Give me ______of those magazines, no matter ______.

a) some; whoc) all; that

b) any; whichd) little; what

  1. (ITA-SP) Assinale a letra correspondente à sentença errada.

a) He went nowhere that cold morning.

b) He said nothing about the affair.

c) I saw nobody there at the time.

d) Is truth that he drinks a lot of alcohol?

e) He hasn’t brought much luggage.

  1. (PUC-SP) He wants to sell his farm because the soil is so infertile that nothing at all grows in ______.

a) himc) ite) she

b) itsd) her

Inglês Instrumental para concursos (MSV)