Centrum Badań Naukowych
Ośrodek Bezpieczeństwa
Narodowego i Obronności
08-110 Siedlce, ul. Żytnia 39, tel./fax (25) 643-18-62, 643-18-63, e- mail:
Siedlce, 24 March 2014
Dear All,
In 9th- 10th October 2014
we are pleased to invite you to the international scientific seminar:
Poland- Russia.
Neighbour relations: the current affairs and the prospects,
which will take place
in the Humanities Faculty
of Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities
Honorary Patronage of our seminar was taken by
Professor Stanisław Koziej, PhD
Head of the National Security Bureau
The dynamics of change in contemporary international relations in the national, regional and global dimensions, significantly determines the current and future form of the relations between The Republic of Poland and The Russian Federation. The state of the Polish- Russian relations has fundamental meaning not only from the point of view of both countries, but also in a broader perspective, is in the interest of Europe and the whole world.
Mutual relations are encumbered with many, difficult historical experiences, but at the same time there are areas of constructive dialogue and cooperation, despite the contentious issues.
Accordingly, there is no doubt of the role of scientific discourse in this regard. It is expected to result in measurable recommendations for the authorities of both countries and aim at taking constructive actions for further building of neighbourly relations in different dimensions and contexts.
The seminar devoted to the subject issue will be a good opportunity to exchange ideas, opinions and present different scientific research results.
The Social Sciences and Security Institute together with IKRiBL, meeting the needs above, is pleased to invite to the seminar in the following scientific issues:
§ Russia in Polish foreign affairs and security policy,
§ Poland in Russian foreign affairs and security policy,
§ Kaliningrad Oblast in Polish- Russian relations,
§ Polish- Russian economic, cultural, scientific- technical cooperation,
§ difficult matters in the Polish- Russian relations and the solutions prospects,
§ myths and stereotypes in the mutual Polish- Russian relations,
§ the role of the European Union in the Polish- Russian relations,
§ other proposals presented by the authors.
The results of the seminar:
The result of the seminar will be the reviewed scientific publication containing the articles of the participants. The organizers reserve the right to select the texts submitted.
All the participants are requested to fill the registration form (attached or available on the Institute website, http://www.insib.uph.edu.pl/nauka/konferencje-naukowe), and send via e-mail to the Conference Secretary: or by post to the correspondence address of the Institute.
The seminar fee which covers the cost of full conference board, the seminar materials and publication of the work presented is: 370 PLN (90 euro). The seminar fee needs to be paid by 25 September 2014 r. to the account number of the Institute of Regional Culture and Literature Research of Franciszek Karpiński. Society. 7/6 Targowa Street, 08-110 Siedlce.
- PLN- Alior Bank 66 2490 0005 0000 4530 9329 8538
- EURO- Alior Bank 22 2490 0005 0000 4600 6973 9086 BIC:ALBPPLPW ,
Title of payment: Name and surname: Seminar Poland- Russia.
Scientific Committee:
Prof. Ryszard Wróblewski, PhD – Chairman
Prof. Joachim Diec, PhD
Prof. Roman Bäcker, PhD
Marian Broda, PhD, associate professor
Stanisław Bieleń, PhD, associate professor
Prof. Alicja Maria Stępień-Kuczyńska, PhD
Prof. Zofia Chyra-Rolicz, PhD
Prof. Marian Cieślarczyk, PhD
Prof. Romuald Kalinowski, PhD,
Prof. Wojciech Michalak, PhD
Prof. Vasili Stsepanovich, PhD,
Katarzyna Krzywicka, PhD, associate professor
Maciej Franz, PhD, associate professor
Stanisław Jaczyński, PhD, associate professor
Mirosław Minkina, PhD, associate professor
Mariusz Kubiak, PhD, associate professor
Jacek Zieliński, PhD, associate professor
Adam Wielomski, PhD, associate professor
Mirosław Sułek, PhD, associate professor
Zbigniew Sabak, PhD, associate professor
Organizers Committee:
Robert Białoskórski, PhD – coordinator
Beata Gałek, PhD
Malina Kaszuba, PhD
Robert Śnitko, MA
Irena Żukowska, MA
Malina Kaszuba, PhD
Organizers Committee