Draft Revision 5/09/07 – Ranny Jones

Please note: There were only minor revisions made to the 5/3/06 version.



TITLE OF REQUEST: Implementation Procedures for Program to Program Articulation





Plan to send to November AAC – Sent by Ranny on 11/03/05. Consistently reviewed by AAC, MOCC, and ASCC, Final document sent for review on 5/9/07.


EFFECTIVE DATE OF CHANGE Fall 2005 for general education for WDTI, MTI, LATI and STI. Technical course transfer begins Fall 2005 for WDTI, MTI, LATI and STI.

Title of Request: _AAC has requested that MOCC draft procedural guidelines for the Program to Program articulation agreements______

Origination Point of This Request Dr. Turchen/Ranny

Explanation of Request:

Program to Program Articulation Agreements between universities and vocational technical institutes have been approved by the Board of Regents. It is critical that procedural guidelines be developed to provide accurate and consistent implementation of these agreements.

Coordination Recommendation from Module Coordinator:

The following are the procedural guidelines

REVISED on 5/9/07 by Ranny Jones (Only minor revisions from 5/3/06 document)

Procedural Guidelines to Implement the South Dakota Public Universities and South Dakota Technical Institutes Program to Program Implementation Guidelines Transfer General Education Courses –

Scheduling, Academic Calendar, Registration

1.  The University reviews the general education course schedule submitted by the Technical Institute. After approval:

2.  The Technical Institute establishes a section of the approved general education course.

·  The subject and title of the general education section at the Technical Institute will be the same as the University subject and title (ENGL).

·  The course number of the general education section at the Technical Institute will be the same as the University Course Number except a “T” will be entered at the end of the course number (ENGL 101T) to identify it as an approved general education course that will be accepted by the University.

·  The academic calendar (start and end date) and the days and hours of the section will typically be determined by the Technical Institute. University class sections will be considered non-standard and will be based on the technical institute calendar start and end dates. The university and technical institute may determine that a course should be delivered based on the university academic calendar.

·  Students seeking a degree from the Technical Institute will register in the Technical Institute section of the general education course and will pay Technical Institute tuition and fees.

·  The Technical Institute section will be transcripted on the Technical Institute transcript.

·  To transfer this section, the student, at the time of admission to the University, will need to submit an official transcript from the Technical Institute to the University. These credits will be evaluated by the University according to Evaluation Procedures that follow.

3.  The University establishes a corresponding section of the approved general education course.

·  The subject and title of the University general education section will correspond to the University course (ENGL)

·  The course number of the University general education section will correspond to the University course. (ENGL 100). The University section will not have a “T” in the course number.

·  A Delivery Code of (027 – Technical Institute, non-term based) has been approved by AAC and will be added to sections offered on the technical institute calendar so they can be identified as eligible for federal financial aid. (Add on Field #15 (Local Govt. Code; Delivery Method) on SECT – section level).

·  A topic code of “ETI – Tech Institute Exception” is added on field #17 (Course Type) on all sections on SECT (Section level) to eliminate them from the small section report.

·  The academic calendar (start and end date) and the days and hours established by the Technical Institute will be entered on the University section. The University section will be non-standard section based on the Technical Institute start and end dates. The university and technical institute may determine that a course should be delivered based on the university academic calendar. A Delivery Code of (027) has been approved by AAC and will be entered on the sections (on the technical institute calendar) to enable Financial Aid Officers to count these sections as eligible for federal financial aid.

NOTE: The US Department of Education indicates that these university students will be eligible for federal financial aid under Title IV provided less than one to two percent of total enrollment of the SD public university students is in technical institute classes with different calendar dates.

·  Students not seeking a degree from the Technical Institute will register in the University section of the general education section and will pay $xxx.xx (AR Code of SSUTR Tuition, UG, SS, Resident and Schedule Type of USSTI – UG, SS Tech Inst).

·  The University section will be transcripted on the University transcript.

·  There is no need to transfer this section as it already exists on the University transcript.

4.  Questions:

·  The University section may have a low enrollment. Will an exception to the 7/10 rule be granted if this is the case? Yes. This is one reason we need an identifier on these sections – the identifier is ETI (Topic Code).

·  How will the instructor be informed of the Technical Institute policies and procedures and the University policies and procedures? (i.e. date the University midterm and final grades are due). This will be done by the university supervisor.

Transfer Evaluation Procedures

(Note: Beginning with credit earned Fall 2005, credit may be granted by the University only for General Education courses from the Technical Institutes with a “T” at the end of the course number. Technical Credits specified in the Program to Program Articulation Agreements may be granted beginning with students admitted for Fall 2005 from WDTI, LATI, MTI and STI. Credit for other Technical Institute courses may not be granted even if it appears these courses are equivalent to a University course. Credit may still be granted through credit by validation (exam, portfolio, etc.)

(Note for SDSU: Courses that are part of the memorandum of agreement between SDSU and LATI, but which are not general education courses include the following):

1. ANAT 142, Anatomy, 3 credits

2. PHGY 210, Human Physiology, 4 credits

3. MICR 231, General Microbiology, 4 credits

General Education Course Evaluation – General Education Credit Earned At a Technical Institute Beginning 7/1/05 – for WDTI, LATI, MTI and STI.

1.  General Education Evaluation Policy

·  General Education credit will be accepted only if the subject and title of the Technical Institute course are the same as the University subject and the course number at the Technical Institute is the same as the University Course number with a “T” at the end of the course number (i.e. ENGL 101T).

·  On a technical institute transcript, if a CR grade is recorded for ENGL 101 and MATH 102 the course does not transfer.

·  General Education course credit may be accepted from the Technical Institute in transfer whether or not the student completes a degree at the Technical Institute.

·  If the course does not have a “T” at the end of the course number, credit may be granted by validation only (exam, portfolio, etc.).

·  There will be no course equivalency review.

2.  General Education Evaluation procedures

·  Evaluation occurs when the Technical Institute student applies for transfer to a University and submits an official transcript from the Technical Institute.

·  Transfer credit is entered on the EXTS (detail to EXTR) screen. Courses are entered with the subject (preceded by the University identifier), course number, and title as listed on the Technical Institute transcript (xENGL 101T)

·  The grade and credits are entered on EXTR as they were recorded on the Technical Institute transcript.

·  The University grants equivalency course credit with the subject, course number and title of the University General Education course (i.e. ENGL 101). The grade on the equivalency is the grade recorded on the Technical Institute transcript.

·  The credits and grades are included in attempted and completed credits and transfer and cumulative grade point average according to our grade scheme policies.

·  In any subsequent evaluation, whether for a change in major at the same University or in transfer to another Regental University, equivalencies initially granted for system general education courses must not be changed.

General Education Course Evaluation – General Education Credit Earned at a Technical Institute 7/1/99 to 6/30/05 - for WDTI, LATI, MTI and STI.

1.  General Education Evaluation Policy

·  Credit earned at technical institute prior to July 1, 1999 – general education credit is granted by validation only (exam, portfolio, etc.). There will be no course equivalency review.

·  Credit earned at technical institute 7/1/99 through 6/30/05 - general education is granted for a course only if the general education course instructor and course is on the approved articulation course agreement. If the course is not on the approved general education list, credit may be granted by validation only (exam, portfolio, etc.). There will be no course equivalency review.

·  General Education course credit may be accepted from the Technical Institute in transfer whether or not the student completes a degree at the Technical Institute

·  Note: On a technical institute transcript, if a CR grade is recorded for ENGL 101 and MATH 102, the course does not transfer.

2.  General Education Evaluation procedures

·  Evaluation occurs when the Technical Institute student applies for transfer to a University and submits an official transcript from the Technical Institute

·  Transfer credit is entered on the EXTS (detail to EXTR) screen. Courses are entered with the subject (preceded by the University identifier), course number, and title as listed on the Technical Institute transcript (xENGL 101)

·  The grade and credits are entered on EXTR as they were recorded on the Technical Institute transcript.

·  The University grants equivalency course credit with the subject, course number and title of the University General Education course (i.e. ENGL 101). The grade on the equivalency is the grade recorded on the Technical Institute transcript.

·  The credits and grades are included in attempted and completed credits and transfer and cumulative grade point average according to our grade scheme policies.

·  In any subsequent evaluation, whether for a change in major at the same University or in transfer to another Regental University, equivalencies initially granted for system general education courses must not be changed.

Program to Program Technical Credit Evaluation – Students admitted to a Regental University for Fall 2005 or Later from WDTI, LATI, MTI and STI.

1.  Program to Program Technical Credit Evaluation Policy

·  The number of technical course credits that may be accepted is specified in the individual Program to Program Articulation Agreements.

·  The student must have completed, at the Technical Institute, the A. A. S. degree with the major specified in the Articulation Agreement.

·  The student must be admitted, at the University, to the specific program (degree and major) specified in the Articulation Agreement. (i.e. a student admitted in Pre-Econ will not qualify if the major specified in the agreement is Econ).

2.  Program to Program Technical Credit Evaluation Procedures

·  Evaluation occurs when the Technical Institute student is admitted to the specific program, specified in the Articulation Agreement, at the University and submits an official transcript from the Technical Institute.

·  Transfer credit is entered on the EXTS (detail to EXTR) screen. The course is always entered as follows: xATIP 292 (x is the University Identifier); title is “AAS Program in ______- list title of Technical Institute AAS degree” (i.e. AAS Program in Marketing/Mgmt/Sales).

·  The grade is always entered as “CR” and credits are always entered on EXTR based on the number of technical hours approved in the Articulation Agreement.

·  It is this external course that prints on the student's academic transcript under the transfer header – (i.e. Transfer Credit received from Lake Area Technical Institute).

·  The University grants equivalency course credit with the subject equivalent to the program specified in the Articulation Agreement (i.e. AGED subject for the Agricultural Education program agreement with SDSU and LATI), course number is always 292T, and the title is always “University Program in Subject of the University Major. The University will identify the SUBJ and the specific course title understanding the wording "University Program In" must always begin the title. NOTE: there is a limit of 30 characters in the "Short Title"). The grade on the equivalency is always “CR”. The credits are the number of technical hours approved in the Articulation Agreement. These pseudo courses will be built by the Administrator of the Master Course Database as they are requested by the University. It is essential that the course be unique to the program in the articulation agreement (i.e. AGED 292T, University Program in AGED, 19 credits) to permit usage of the course inequivalencies and in degree audit and to provide an edit of courses against programs as defined later in this document. It is permissible that there be more than one AGED 292T course in the master course data baseif an agreement in this major area is made with more than one vocational technical institute or it will assist in degree audit.

·  The credits and grades accepted are included in attempted and completed credits and transfer and cumulative grade point averages according to our University grade scheme policies.

·  Since the technical credit evaluated is acceptable only in the specific program identified in the agreement, any subsequent evaluation, whether for a change in major at the same University or in transfer to another Regental University, requires the removal of the equivalency of SUBJ 292T and entering an equivalency of No Credit (Pseudo Course of NC 292T with the original technical hours credits of that agreementand a grade of CR). The credits would stay in the attempted and completed credits (these would essentially be above the 128 credits required for the new major). This must beedited by the university to ensure that thistechnical hour credit is not used to meet requirements in the new major, not even as elective credit.