Formation Session

Hong Kong

May 15 to 20, 2010




All over the world...... - 12 -

Alleluia He is coming.....- 8 -

Along the road of Life....- 26 -

Beautiful...... - 10 -

Bless the Lord...... - 20 -

Blest are they...... - 10 -

Celebrate life...... - 4 -

Christ, Be Our Light.....- 12 -

City of God...... - 14 -

Come and Journey...... - 16 -

Come on and celebrate...- 24 -

Community Song...... - 4 -

Companions on the Journey.- 5 -

Covenant Hymn...... - 11 -

Deep Down in My Heart..- 17 -

Each of us is a flower....- 22 -

Every single cell in my body- 8 -

Everyone Moved...... - 19 -

Father Make Us One.....- 18 -

Fiesta, Fiesta...... - 15 -

Fishers of men...... - 13 -

Fruits of This Creation...- 13 -

Full of Strength...... - 14 -

Give me oil...... - 19 -

Gloria… et in terra pax...- 21 -

Glory to God...... - 20 -

God’s Shining Stars...... - 6 -

Halle halle halle...... - 9 -

Here I am, Lord...... - 7 -

Holy Ground...... - 24 -

I am beautiful...... - 8 -

I call you friends...... - 15 -

I’m gonna snap, snap, snap- 25 -

It’s beginning to rain.....- 15 -

Kirisuto...... - 17 -

Kyrie (Taizé)...... - 20 -

Lamb of God...... - 20 -

Laudate omnes gentes....- 23 -

Magnificat...... - 22 -

Nada te turbe...... - 21 -

Our Lord is Risen...... - 26 -

Peace before us...... - 9 -

Peace to you...... - 8 -

Peter, James and John.....- 6 -

Sing Alleluia to the Lord..- 16 -

Spirit of the Living God...- 9 -

Thank you, alleluia...... - 11 -

The love of Jesus...... - 9 -

There’s a Welcome Here...- 4 -

Trinity song...... - 5 -

Ubi Caritas...... - 23 -

Walk in the light...... - 4 -

We Are Many Parts.....- 18 -

We are marching...... - 17 -

We walk in confidence....- 7 -

With Christ in the Vessel..- 13 -

Yesus Pokok...... - 15 -


There’s a Welcome Here

There’s a welcome here, there’s a welcome here,

There’s a welcome, welcome here.

We are glad you’re here, we are glad you’re here.

We are glad that you are here.

Community Song

1. It’s me, It’s me, It’s me that build community (3x)

It’s me that build community.

Roll out over the ocean, roll back over the sea

Go into your parts and build community (2x)

2. It’s you, it’s you, it’s you that build community (3x)

It’s you that build community.

3. It’s us, it’s us, it’s us that build community (3x)

It’s us that build community.

4. It’s love…

5. It’s Christ…

Celebrate life

1. Celebrate life with your hands

Celebrate life with your heart

Celebrate life in all that you do

And God will be with you.

2. Listen to him with your hands

Listen to him with your heart

Listen to him speaking to you

And God will be with you

Walk in the light

The spirit lives to set us free

Walk walk in the light

He binds us all in unity

Walk walk in the light

Walk, in the light (3X)

Walk in the light of the Lord.

Companions on the Journey

Chorus: We are companions on the journey,

Breaking bread and sharing life:

And in the love we bear

Is the hope we share.

For we believe in the love of our God,

We believe in the love of our God.

1. No longer strangers to each other,

No longer stranger in God’s house.

We are fed and we are nourished

By the strength of those who care,

By the strength of those who care. Chorus

2. We have been gifted with each other,

And we are called by the Word of the Lord

To act with justice, to love tenderly,

And to walk humbly with our God,

To walk humbly with our God. Chorus

3. We will seek and we shall find;

We will knock and the door will be opened.

We will ask and it shall be given,

For we believe in the Love of our God,

We believe in the Love of our God. Chorus

4. We are made for the glory of our God,

For service in the name of Jesus,

To walk side by side with hope in our hearts,

For we believe in the Love of our God,

We believe in the Love of our God. Chorus

Trinity song

1.Father in my life I see

You are God who walks with me

You hold my life in your hands

Close beside you I will stand

I give all my life to you

Help me Father to be true. 2.Jesus … 3. Spirit …..

God’s Shining Stars

Carey Landry


Like beacons of light stretching wide and far

We are God’s shining stars!

With our hands reaching out to those near and far

We are God’s shining stars!

1. We are learning to serve others,

Seeking ways to love and care

With the Spirit as our helper,

Of our gifts we are eager to share.

2. We can truly make a diff’rence:

Jesus’ words will show the way.

With compassion and with kindness,

We will let our light shine ev’ry day.

3. God will lead us, God will guide us

In the good we try to do.

As we go forth, God assures us:

“You are mine; I am always with you”.

Peter, James and John

1. Peter, James and John on a sailboat fishing (3x)

Down the deep blue sea.

2. They throw their nets and they caught no fishes (3x)

Down the deep blue sea.

3. Jesus came along walking on the water, (3x)

Down the deep blue sea.

4. They throw their nets and they caught many fishes (3x)

Down the deep blue sea.

Here I am, Lord

Dan Schutte, S.J.

1. I, the Lord of sea and sky, I have heard my people cry.

All who dwell in dark and sin my hand will save.

I, who made the stars of night,

I will make their darkness bright.

Who will bear my light to them? Whom shall I send?


Here I am, Lord. Is it I, Lord?

I have heard you calling in the night.

I will go, Lord, ifyou lead me.

I will hold your people in my heart.

2. I, the Lord of snow and rain, I have borne my people’s pain

I have wept for love of them. They turn away.

I will break their hearts of stone,

Give them hearts for love alone.

I will speak my word to them, Whom shall I send?

3. I, the Lord of wind and flame, I will tend the poor and lame.

I will set a feast for them, my hand will save.

Finest bread I will provide till their heart be satisfied.

I will give my life to them. Whom shall I send?

We walk in confidence

1. We walk in confidence for you are life

You call and we respond for you are life

Your word is powerful

It cuts like a knife

We walk in confidence for you are life

(In Indian file, our hands on the shoulders of the person in front of us, we walk three steps forward, one move of the body back, and so on, according our pace to the rhythm of the song.)

Alleluia He is coming

Martha Butler

1. I looked up I saw my Lord a comin (2x)

Down the road

Chorus: Alleluia He’s comin Alleluia He’s here

Alleluia He’s comin Alleluia He’s here

2. I looked up I saw my Lord a weepin (2x)

For my sins

3. I looked up I saw my Lord a dyin (2x)

On the cross

4. I looked up I saw my Lord a risin (2x)

From the grave
(Continue singing “Alleluia”, moving around the room – Embrace someone when singing the words “He is here”)

Peace to you

1. Peace to you, Peace to me

Peace to each of us

From me to you and you to me
We bring the gift of peace

2. From one to one and on and on

We share the gift of peace

From all who give to all who receive

We share the gift of peace

Every single cell in my body

Every single cell in my body is happy

Every single cell in my body is well Repeat

Thank you Lord I feel so good

Every single cell in my body is wellRepeat

I am beautiful

I am beautiful, I am loved, I am forgiven by the mercy of God (2x)

Peace before us, Peace behind us

1. Peace before us, peace behind us,

Peace under our feet.

Peace within us, peace over us,

Let all around us be peace.

2. Love before us, love behind us,

Love under our feet.

Love within us, love over us.

Let all around us be love.

3. Light before us, light behind us,

Light under our feet.

Light within us, light over us,

Let all around us be light.

4. Christ before us, Christ behind us,

Christ under our feet.

Christ within us, Christ over us,

Let all around us be Christ.

5. Alleluia, Alleluia …

The love of Jesus

1. The Love of Jesus, Sweet and wonderful (3x)

Oh! Oh! Wonderful love

2. So high, I can’t get over it

So low, I can’t get under it

So wide, you can’t get ‘round it

Oh! Oh! Wonderful love


Hallehallehalle luia (3x)

Halleluia Halleluia.

Spirit of the Living God

Spirit of the Living God fall afresh on me (2x)

Melt me, mould me, fill me, use me,

Spirit of the Living God fall afresh on me

Blest are they

David Hass

1. Blest are they, the poor in spirit,

Theirs is the kingdom of God.

Blest are they, full of sorrow,

They shall be consoled.

Chorus: Rejoice and be glad!

Blessed are you, holy are you!

Rejoice and be glad!

Yours is the kingdom of God!

2. Blest are they, the lowly ones,

They shall inherit the earth.

Blest are they who hunger and thirst,

They shall have their fill. Chorus

3. Blest are they who show mercy,

Mercy shall be theirs

Blest are they, the pure of heart,

They shall see God! Chorus

4. Blest are they who seek peace;
They are the children of God.

Blest are they who suffer in faith,

The glory of God is theirs. Chorus

5. Blest are you who suffer hate,

All because ofme.

Rejoice and be glad,

Yours is the kingdom;

Shine for all to see. Chorus


Beautiful (2x)

Jesus is beautiful

And Jesus makes beautiful

Things of my life

Carefully, touching me

Causing my eyes to see

And Jesus makes beautiful

Things of my life

Covenant Hymn

Rory Cooney/Gary Daigle

1. Wherever you go, I will follow,

Wherever you live is my home.

Though days be of blessing or sorrow,

Though house be of canvas or stone,

Though Eden be lost to the past,

Though mountains before us be vast,

Wherever you go, I am with you,

I never will leave you alone.

2. Whatever you dream, I am with you,

When stars call your name in the night.

Though shadows and mist cloud the future,

Together we bear there a light.

Like Abram and Sarah we stand,

With only a promise in hand.

But lead where you dream: I will follow.

To dream with you is my delight.

3. And though you should fall, you will find me,

When no other friend can you claim.

When foes beat you down or betray you

And others desert you in shame.

And home and dreams aren’t enough

And you run away from my love,

I’ll raise you from where you have fallen.

Faithful to you is my name.

4. Wherever you go, I will follow,

Behold! The horizon shines clear.

The possible gleams like a city:

Together we’ve nothing to fear.

So speak with words bold and true

The message my heart speaks to you.

You won’t be alone, I have promised.

Wherever you go, I am here.

Thank you, alleluia

Thank you, alleluia (3x) Amen.(Add all languages present…)

Christ, Be Our Light

1. Longing for light, we wait in darkness.

Longing for truth, we turn to you.

Make us your own, your holy people,

Make us your living voice.


Christ, be our light! Shine in our hearts.

Shine through the darkness.

Christ, be our light!

Shine in your church gathered today.

2. Longing for peace, our world is troubled.

Longing for hope, many despair.

Your word alone has pow’r to save us.

Make us your living voice.

3. Longing for food, many are hungry.

Longing for water, many still thirst.

Make us your bread, broken for others,

Shared until all are fed.

4. Longing for shelter, many are homeless.

Longing for warmth, many are cold.

Make us your building, sheltering others,

Walls made of living stone.

5. Many the gifts, many the people.

Many the hearts that yearn to belong.

Let us be servants to one another,

Making your kingdom come.

All over the world

All over the world, the spirit is moving

All over the world, as the prophet said it would be, alleluia

All over the world, there’s a mighty revelation

Of the glory of the lord as the waters cover the sea.

All over this land

All over the Church

All over this room / All over us all

For the Fruits of This Creation

Welsh Hymn

1. For the fruits of this creation, Thanks be to God

For the gifts to ev’ry nation, Thanks be to God

For the ploughing, sowing, reaping

Silent growth while we are sleeping

Future needs in earth’s safe keeping, Thanks be to God

2. In the just reward of labour, God’s will be done

In the help we give our neighbour, God’s will be done

In the worldwide task of caring

For the hungry and despairing

In the harvests we are sharing, God’s will be done

3. For the harvests of the Spirit, Thanks be to God

For the good we all inherit, Thanks be to God

For the wonders that astound us

For the truths that will confound us

Most of all that love has found us. Thanks be to God

With Christ in the Vessel we can smile at the storm

With Christ in the Vessel we can smile at the storm

Smile at the storm, smile at the storm,

With Christ in the Vessel we can smile at the storm

As we go sailing home.

Sailing, sailing home, Sailing, sailing home

With Christ in the Vessel we can smile at the storm

As we go sailing home.

Fishers of men

I will make you fishers of men

Fishers of men, fishers of men

I will make you fishers of men

If you follow me.

If you follow me, if you follow me,

I will make you fishers of men, If you follow me.

Full of Strength, Full of Love

1. Now don’t you know, now don’t you know, you are the temple (3x)

You are the temple of the Holy Spirit.


Full of strength, full of love, full of glory (3x)

You are the temple of the Holy Spirit.

2. As we take and as we give, our God forgives us (3x)
Under the reign of the Holy Spirit.

3. When you listen in your heart to the Word (3x)

This is the seed of the Holy Spirit.

City of God

Dan Schutte

1. Awake from your slumber! Arise from your sleep!

A new day is dawning for all those who weep.

The people in darkness has seen a great light.

The Lord of our longing has conquered the night.


Let us build the city of God.

May our tears be turned into dancing!

For the Lord, our light and our love,

Has turned the night into day!

2. We are sons of the morning; we are daughters of day.

The one who has loved us has brightened our way.

The Lord of all kindness has called us to be

A light for is people to set their hearts free.

3. God is light; in him there is no darkness.

Let us walk in his light, his children, one and all.

Solo: O comfort my people; make gentle your words.

Proclaim to my city the day of her birth.

4. O city of gladness, now lift up your voice!
Proclaim the good tidings that all may rejoice!

Fiesta, Fiesta

Fiesta, fiesta, fiesta de fe,

Fiesta, fiesta, fiesta de luz. (bis)

1. Aleluya, aleluya,

Es Fe e Luz el gran encuentro con Jesús,

Aleluya, Aleluya,

Es Fe e Luz el gran encuentro con Jesús.

2. Alléluia, alléluia,

Foi et Lumière, c’est la rencontre avec Jésus,

Alléluia, alléluia,

Foi et Lumière, c’est la rencontre avec Jésus.

3. Alleluia, alleluia,

In Faith and Light we meet with Jesus face to face

Alleluia, alleluia,

In Faith and Light we meet with Jesus face to face

It’s beginning to rain

It’s beginning to rain, rain, rain, hear the voice of my father,

Saying whosoever will may come to the water.

I’m willing to pour my spirit on my sons and my daughters.

If you’re thirsty and dry, put your hands to the sky,

It’s beginning to rain.

Yesus Pokok

Yesus pokok dan kita cabang nya, tinggal lah di dalam nya (3X)

Pastilah kau akan berbuah.

Yesus cinta ku, ku cinta kau, kau cinta nya (repeat)

I call you friends

I call you friends, I call you friendsNo longer servants but my disciplesWhom I send out into the worldTo bear fruit that will lastFor the glory of God's nameAlleluia (4X)

Come and Journey with a Saviour

1. Come and journey with a Saviour

Who has called us from our birth,

Who has washed us in the waters,

And who loved us on the earth.


Come and journey, come and journey

With a Saviour who has come.

We are all God’s sons and daughters;

In the Spirit we are one.

2. Come and journey, journey inward,

Come and seek him deep within.

Where he meets us in our living,

In our striving and our sin.

3. Come and journey, journey outward,

Telling others of his name,

Telling others of his glory,

Of his cross and of the shame.

4. Come and journey, journey outward,

Where that cross calls us to care,

Where injustice and where hunger

And the poor call us to share.

5. Come and journey, journey upward.

Sing his praises, offer prayer.

In the storm and in the stillness

Find his presence everywhere.

6. Come and journey, journey onward;

All our gifts we now shall bring

To the building of a city

That is holy, Christ its King.

Sing Alleluia to the Lord

Sing Alleluia to the Lord

Sing Alleluia to the Lord

Sing Alleluia, sing Alleluia

Sing Alleluia to the Lord

Deep Down in My Heart


It’s gotta be deep, deep, down, down,

Deep down in my heart!

It’s gotta be deep, deep, down, down,

Deep down in my heart!

1. I love the Father deep, down in my heart,

I love the Father deep, down in my heart!

2. I love Jesus, deep, down in my heart,

I love Jesus, deep, down in my heart!

3. I love the Spirit deep, down in my heart,

I love the Spirit deep, down in my heart!

4. I love Faith and Light deep, down in my heart,

I love Faith and Light deep, down in my heart!


1. Kirisuto No Heiwa gawata shita Chino Koko ro no