Southern Economic Development Council (SEDC)

2013Community Economic Development Awards(CEDA)

The following is a program by SEDC to recognize outstanding communities in our region for their efforts in advancing the economic viability of their community through economic and community development programs. State associations in our region can choose to use this same format to conduct their own competition,or develop their own, and then submit their winners to SEDC for consideration of a regional award. However, SEDC’s winners will be chosen based on the accompanying criteria and population categories. At its annual meeting, SEDC will recognize one winner from each of the population categories to receive a SEDC regional CEDA award.

Below is information on the competition including program explanation, evaluation criteria and nomination form.

(Note: This program is based on one already being used by the Texas Economic Development Council.)

Each state association can submit up to five (5) communities (one from each of the five population categories listed on page 4) with a program or project that fits into one of the four (4) efforts below.


The SEDC Awards Committee, through its Community Economic Development Awards Program, recognizes exceptional contributions of communities in our region for the following efforts:

  • Business Retention and Expansion
  • Business Recruitment
  • Community Development
  • Community Involvement

All nominations must be a project or program that can fit under the heading of one of the above four categories.


SEDC will accept up to five nominations from each state in its region based on the population categories spelled out later. Nominations must be received by June28, 2013and they must have been selected/awarded by the state between June28, 2012 – June27, 2013).

A nominating community must have at least one SEDC or state association member. If not a current member of SEDC, a membership application is available at Your SEDC membership application may be submitted with your CEDA application.


Nominations can be submitted by any SEDC or state association member for communities based on the criteria mentioned above. Please include the following in your submittal:

  • 3-5 digital photographs related to the community program/project to . The photos need not be part of the nomination form. The photographs will be used in the printed awards brochure and at the luncheon ceremony.
  • A summary of your project of no more than 350 words that could be used in an awards brochure in the event your entry is a winner.

The top five recipients will be invited to receive their award during an awards presentation at our Annual Conference in Tulsa, OK, August 5, 2013.


The SEDC Awards Committee, representing community and economic development leaders from around the region, will determine and recommend winners for the CEDA Awards.

Evaluation Criteria

SEDC will judge the awards based on the following criteria. The number of points possible for each criterion is indicated in parenthesis with a total of 100 points possible:

  1. INNOVATIVENESS (25 points possible)

The program or project demonstrates innovative approaches to institutional, financial, technical or legal aspects of economic and community development.

  1. TRANSFERABILITY(20 points possible)

The program or project shows potential use by other economic and communitydevelopment agencies or practitioners for similar opportunities or solutions.

The program or project should be readily transferable to comparable situations in other communities.


The program or project makes it possible for others to achieve a greater impact by joining public/private participation or by intergovernmental or state/local involvement to leverage resources. Support from volunteers should be demonstrated and not just success of paid staff/consultants.

Examples of this participation may include, but are not limited to:

Tax abatements / Freeport exemptions
Creative financing / Enterprise zones
Tax increment financing / Creative deal packaging
Grants / Public improvement districts or other federal
and state programs
  1. MEASURED OBJECTIVES(20 points possible)

Results demonstrate a specific objective that the program or project was able to achieve. Measures of the program's value can include:

  • jobs createdadditional monetary investment in the community
  • jobs retained or improved specific community development issue was identified and addressed
  • additions to the tax base created by the programor project
  1. SECONDARY BENEFITS(15 points possible)

Project or program also produces demonstrable ancillary benefits to the community or region.

(example: a new company in town provides jobs but they also support community projects in terms of time and money. Or, a new park or arts center addresses needs to make the community more attractive for new businesses.)

Note: SEDC reserves the right to set a minimum level of points achieved in order to receive the award.

CEDA Nomination Form


The 2013SEDC Community Economic Development Awards (CEDA) will be presented during SEDC's Annual Conference in Tulsa, OK, August 5, 2013 at theTulsa Hyatt Regency. The recipients will compete against other communities in their population category in the region and will be recognized for having made significant contributions to the economic and community development vitality in their community.

Award Categories

The CEDA will be given to one community from each of the following five population categories: (population will be based on the most recent published decennial census)

I. Population less than 5,000II. Population of 5,001 to 15,000

III. Population of 15,001 to 40,000IV. Population of 40,001 to 100,000

V. Population of over 100,000

For the purpose of this award, a “community” shall be defined as any unincorporated town or city, incorporated town or city, county/parish, formally established multi-jurisdictional region, metropolitan statistical area, or state.The “community” should reflect work responsibility of the member submitting the entry.

A maximum of five awards will be given, one in each of the population categories listed above. Each project has to fall under one or more of the four areas mention in this document under “Purpose.”


Name of Community:

Chief Operating Officer (City Manager or Mayor):


City: State: Zip:

Phone: ( ) Fax: ( )

Website: Email:

Community Population:

Application Submitted By: Title:

Phone:( ) Email:

Submitted for: (check below all that apply)

 Business Retention/Expansion  Business Attraction

Community Development  Community Involvement

Summary Review

Please attach a brief description of the community/economic development efforts and accomplishments (projects and programs). Within this description please:

  • Address the awards criteria of innovativeness, transferability, community commitment, measured objectives and secondary benefits.
  • The nomination can be no longer than four conventionally formatted 8.5" x 11" pages.
  • Submit 3-5 digital photographs related to the community program/project to . These photos need not be a part of the nomination from.
  • A summary of your project of no more than 350 words that could be used in an awards brochure in the event your entry is a winner.

SEDC/State Association Member Submitting Form:



City: State: Zip:

Phone: ( ) Fax: ( )


Submit to:

Southern Economic Development Council

P.O. Box 18369

Atlanta, Georgia 30316


All Nominations Must Be Received By June28, 2013