Close Reading: Section One

“There are a thousand and one gates

leading into the orchard of mystical

truth. Every human being has his own

gate. We must never make the mistake

of wanting to enter the gate by any

gate but our own. “ page 3

“Was he going to wipe out a whole

people? Could he exterminate a

population scattered throughout so

many countries? So many millions?

What methods could he use?

And in the middle of the twentieth

century!” page 6

“It was like a page torn from some

story book, from historical novel

about the captivity of Babylon or the

Spanish Inquisition.” page 14

“Everywhere rooms lay open. Doors

and windows gaped into the emptiness.

Everything was free for anyone,

belonging to nobody. It was simply a

matter of helping oneself. An open

tomb.” Page 15

Monday passed like a small summer

cloud, like a dream in the first

daylight hours. Page 16

“It was from that moment I began to

hate them, and my hate is still the only

link between us today. They were our

first oppressors. They were the first

faces of death and hell.” page 17

“The stars were only sparks of the fire

which devoured us. Should the fire

die out one day, there would be

nothing lest in the sky but dead stars,

dead eyes.” page 18

Close Reading: Section Two

“The world was a cattle

wagon hermetically sealed.”

page. 22

The cherished objects we

had brought with us thus far

were left behind in the

train, and with them, at

last, our illusions.” page. 27

“Humanity? Humanity is

not concerned with us.”

page. 30

“For the first time, I felt

revolt rise up in me. Why

should I bless His name?

The Eternal, Lord of the

Universe, the All-Powerful

and Terrible was silent.

What had I to thank Him

for?” page. 31

“Never shall I forget that

night. The first night in

camp, which has turned my

life into one long night.”

page. 32

“The student of the Talmud,

the child that I was, had

been consumed by the

flames. There remained only

a shape that looked like me.

A dark flame had entered

my soul and devoured

it. “ page. 34

Close Reading: Section Three

“You…you…you and you.”

They pointed a finger, as

though choosing cattle or

merchandise.” page 47

“I was angry at him, for not

knowing how to avoid Idek’s

outbreak. This is what

concentration camp life

had made of me.” page 52

“A feast for kings,

abandoned, supreme

temptation! Hundreds of

eyes looked at them,

sparkling with desire. Two

lambs, with a hundred

wolves lying in wait for

them. Two lambs without a

shepherd- a gift. But who

would dare?” page 56

“But we were no longer

afraid of death; at any rate,

not of that death. Every

bomb that exploded filled us

with joy and gave us new

confidence in life.” page 57

“Where is He? Here He is-

He is hanging in this

gallows…” page 62

Close Reading: Section Four and Five

“My eyes were open and I was alone-terribly
alone in a world without God and without man.
Without love or mercy. I had ceased to be
anything but ashes.” page 65

“But you must help your own chances. Before
you go in the next room, move about in some
way so that you give yourselves a little color.
Don’t walk slowly, run! Run as if the devil
were after you!” page 67

“I’ve got more faith in Hitler than anyone else.
He’s the only one who’s kept his promises, all
his promises, to the Jewish people.” page 77

‘That was the last night in Buna. Yet another
last night. The last night at home, the last night
in the ghetto, the last night in the train, and, now,
the last night in Buna. How much longer were
our lives to be dragged out from one “last night”
to another?” page 79

“An endless road. Letting oneself be pushed by the
mob; letting oneself be dragged along by blind
destiny.” page 83

“I could only hear the violin, and it was as though
Juliek’s soul were the bow. He was playing his life.
The whole of his life was gliding down the strings-
his lost hopes, his charred past, his extinguished
future.” page 90

“Wild beasts of prey, with animal hatred in their eyes;
an extraordinary vitality had seized them, sharpening
their teeth and nails.” page 95

“From the depths of the mirror, a corpse gazed back
at me. The look in his eyes, as they stared into mine,
has never left me.” Page 109