Physical Science Mrs. Bush

Physical Science is a course that studies interactions of the physical world. This year we will study interactions in energy: heat, light, sound, electricity, magnetism; forces and motion; and chemistry

Classroom policies:

Be Safe: Safety rules must be followed. Anyone not following safety guidelines will lose laboratory privileges and receive a detention. There will be a safety quiz at the beginning of the year.

Be Respectful: Show respect for yourself, others and the teacher and the school. The rules of common courtesy apply.

Be Cooperative: Work together with your lab partners to complete activities in a cooperative manner. If you do not work with your partners, you will not receive credit for the work.

Be on Time: If you are late to class you will need to report to the tardy table to receive a pass. School policy and consequences will be followed.

Behave Yourself: Poor behavior will not be tolerated. Detentions will be assigned.

In Case of Absence: If you are absent, see the teacher on return. School policy dictates that you have two days to make up the work for each day you are gone. It is your responsibility to get the make up work from me. Projects assigned before the absence are due on their original due dates.

Be Prepared: You will need a notebook or binder section to serve as your science notebook. You will also need a folder or section in your binder to keep papers in. You will also need to bring pencils/pens, paper, your textbook and a calculator. Bring them EVERY DAY.

Do Your Homework: : You will have homework. It is your responsibility to do your work. LATE WORK: If you have a late assignment you must fill out a yellow Missing assignment sheet. If you do not your late work will not be accepted. Late work will be worth ½ credit. IF YOU USE SOMEONE ELSES WORK YOU WILL BOTH RECEIVE ZEROS. Remember No Work, No Credit.

Grades: Grades are figured by taking your points earned by the total number of points possible. Tests generally account for about 30% of the points. Grades will be based on tests, projects, labs, worksheets, and quizzes. I will provide you with periodic grade up dates, and am happy to calculate grades BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL. Please don’t ask in the middle of class.

A 90-100 % B 80-89 % C 70-79% D 60-69%

Don’t be afraid to ask questions or come in for extra help throughout the year. Have a great year!