International Symposium on
Shifting Patterns of University Governance in East Asia
Organized by
Chinese Taipei Comparative Education Society
9 November 2012
Background of the Symposium
Thissymposium hosted by Chinese Taipei Comparative Education Society is focusing on the macro global change and the shifting governance of higher education in East Asia. Traditionally, higher education in East Asia is highly influenced by its native culture, such as Confucius philosophy and centralized governance. In the past two decades, since global competition and knowledge economy have played a central role in the reform process of higher education in East Asia, governance of higher education in this region has been substantially shaped by these competing forces such as centralisation and decentralization, localization and internationalization, and nationalization and privatization. For example, public universities in Japan and South Korea have changed their nature from a public entity to a corporate institution. The dramatic transformation of these universities is also related to the development of de-regulation of fundingregimes and tuition fees. However, public universities in Taiwan though tried hard to join the global competition of academic development, they are facing many challenges from their local society’s interest groups and various powers. Thus how South Korea’s experience in higher education development differs from Japan’s experience and how can Taiwan step forward on its higher education reform in the era of globalization are important themes in this symposium. Key issues of higher education governance of East Asia in the era of globalization include the following themes:
Internationalization of Higher Education and Global Governance
Corporatization of Public Universities
Changing Funding Regimes of Public and PrivateUniversities
Differentiation of Higher Education and Institutions
Accountability in Higher Education
Quality Assurance and Higher Education
Research Outcome of Universities
Teaching Excellence of Universities
Learning-based Outcome and Evaluation
Proposed Presenters:
Dr. Jung Cheol Shin, Seoul National University, South Korea
Dr. Jisun Jung, University of Hong Kong
Dr. William Y. Lo, Hong Kong Institute of Education
Prof. Ru-Jer Wang, NationalAcademy for Educational Research, Taiwan
Dr. Angela Yung-Chi Hou, Fujen Catholic University, Taiwan
Dr. Ching-Ling Wu, National Chi-Nan University, Taiwan
Dr. Wu-Hsun Yang, National Chi-Nan University, Taiwan
Dr. Sheng-Ju Chan National Chung-Cheng University, Taiwan
Dorothy I-RuChen, Associate Professor, National Chi-Nan University, Taiwan
Cheng-Cheng Yang, Assistant Professor, National Chiayi University, Taiwan
Others presenters from Japan