Townsview School

PSSC Meeting – Wednesday, October 5, 2016 @ 6:30pm

Meeting Minutes

v  Attendance

·  Pat Thorne • Steven Jones • Andrea Everett

·  Anna Hamill • Sandra Schaeffer • Lisa Dunlop

·  Andrew Garnett • Murray Lee • Kristen Stephens

·  Melissa Harris • Heidi Horner • Ligia Carvalho

·  John Vail

Absent (sent regrets)

·  Carol Cormier • Donita Hillyard

v  Welcome / Call to Order

·  Pat initially called the meeting to order – until elections were completed.

·  Introductions of members to one another

v  Townsview PSSC (2016-2017)

·  Election of Chair – calling for nominations

→  Moved by Lisa Dunlop Seconded by Murray Lee

To nominate Andrew Garnett as Chair of the PSSC Committee

Nomination Accepted

·  Election of Vice Chair – calling for nominations

→  Moved by Murray Lee Seconded by Heidi Horner

To nominate Sandra Schaeffer as Vice Chair of the PSSC Committee

Nomination Accepted

·  Signing of Declaration Statements

·  Member Contact List – updated the mailing address, phone number & email

·  Dates of Meetings – submitted and approved

→  Wednesday, December 7th @ 6:30pm

→  Wednesday, February 1st @ 6:30pm

→  Wednesday, April 5th @ 6:30pm

→  Wednesday, June 7th @ 6:00pm (supper meeting)

v  DEC Remarks – Vacant Position

·  DEC submits names to Minister to appoint a representative

·  Pat asked if any current committee members interested in this role

·  Andrew agreed to reach out to David McTimoney to find out where we are at in this process and if anyone has been appointed to this position

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v  Old Business

·  Approval of the April 13, 2016 Meeting Minutes

Moved by Murray Lee Seconded by Lisa Dunlop

To accept the April 13, 2016 meeting minutes as presented.

Motion Carried

·  Approval of June 8, 2016 Meeting Minutes

→  No motion needed as they were discussion points only

·  Student / Parent Handbook

→  Went to Kwik Kopy – more professional look

→  Steve acknowledged that this is a working document and we may have some changes or additions for the coming year.

→  Steve welcomed any feedback from the PSSC to ensure that the Handbook stays current and relevant to parents

→  The plan was not to print the whole document from year to year but rather provide to the new students and our new Kindergarten classes upon the start-up of the school year

v  New Business

·  PSSC Orientation – sent email to PSSC group on Sept. 26th

→  Tuesday, October 25 at 6:30PM at Carleton North High School in Florenceville-Bristol

→  These orientation sessions are voluntary – Pat offered to any PSSC member that if they would like to that she would go with them – both Andrew and Sandy recommended the session as they both found it to be very informative.

→  If you are wanting to attend - please let Pat Thorne know

·  DEC Public Meetings

→  Handout provided at the meeting

·  Home & School Update – Melissa Harris

→  Melissa was pleased to see a lot of parents who are willing to donate some time to the H&S Association, the area of concern is the lack of volunteers who want to commit to the Executive Committee. They are having a meeting on Thursday, October 13th so she is hopeful they will have enough volunteers for the Executive

·  District Improvement Plan – sent out in an email

·  School Improvement Plan – staff finishing up their revisions

→  Pat indicated to the group that the staff was tweaking their suggestions and that when this piece is done she will circulate and add the SIP process to the December PSSC meeting

·  School Update

→  School Start up –

→  concern that we need to communicate the bussing information to our K students prior to the start of the school year

→  traffic flow is going well

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·  School Update (con’t)

→  Staffing Update – Nicole Carpenter, Kathy Campbell, Andrew Doherty, Erin Friel, Angel Antworth

→  Curious Kids (pre-school & daycare) going well with a full house

→  Emergency Command Center & Emergency Drills – our Emergency Command Center is the Ayr Motor Civic Center

→  Replacement of Donita Hillyard – Donita’s last day is Oct. 14th

→  School Improvement Review

·  Steve & Pat spoke to this process and mentioned that we are looking forward to this as it is a good jump off place as we start to forge our new path at Townsview School

·  This review involves – all staff input, parents and students, so you will get a good viewpoint from all stakeholders

→  Athletics (soccer & cross country)

→  MS Drama – will be presenting in mid-January, 2017

→  Elementary Choir

→  Potato Sales Fundraiser

→  Gr- 2-5 swimming program

→  Book Fair (Nov. 16-18)

→  1st School Dance – thanks to the Home & School

→  School visits to Riverside Court and Carleton Manor

→  Kindergarten Registration (Oct. 11-14) for 2017-2018 school year

→  Thunder Express is up and running

→  EECD 10 Year Plan

→  Grade 1 French Immersion entry points

→  WE Act

→  Recycle Committee

→  Chartwells’ Cafeteria

·  Concern on the cost of the meal

·  Discussion on running our own hot lunch program

·  Pat acknowledged that if a child did not have a lunch that we the school will pay for this as we want all children to have a lunch

→  Morning Breakfast Program

·  The school provides a grab & go type of breakfast for all students

·  The school also provides morning snacks to the children in need

·  We started up our Wednesday muffin program – help from the seniors and coordinated by JoAnn Boone

·  We will be starting up our Pancake Friday – coordinated by a local church group and JoAnn Boone

→  Power School

·  We are into our 2nd year with this and we are miles ahead to where we were at last year

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v  Budget

·  PSSC Budget ($964.66)

→  Pat put a plug in for School Connects to help pay the costs of this valuable communication tool

v  Future Agenda Items – call for items for December 7th PSSC meeting

·  Please submit any items that you would like to be brought forward to either Pat or Andrew

v  Adjournment

Moved by Murray Lee to adjourn PSSC Meeting

Motion Carried