
High School

Band Handbook

2012 – 2013

Mr. Ryan Rue

Band Director

Mr. Rollie Troutman


High School Band Syllabus

A. Materials: All students are required to have in their possession at every rehearsal:

1. Your Pencil

2. YourMusic

3. Your Instrument

4. Accessories (Reeds, Valve Oil, Etc…)

B. Band Room:

1. No food, drink, candy or gum in the Band Room.

2. The room will be kept neat (instruments, trash, stands, music, etc…).

3. Only Band students are allowed in the room before, during and after band class.

4. No “Horse-Play” in the Band room.

C. Rehearsal Conduct:

1. Be on time and be ready to start.

2. No talking while rehearsal is in progress.

3. Raise your hand and wait to be called on to ask a question.

4. Do not put anything away at the end of class until you are told to do so.

5. Have all your materials (see A).

6. Keep your hands and feet to yourself.

D. Grading Procedure: Letter grades are issued based upon the percentages found in the student handbook. Assessment opportunities include but are not limited to:

1. Daily Participation, Conduct and Preparedness (40-60%*)

2. Playing and/or Written tests (0-20%*)

3. Performances (40%*)

*Percentages are dependent upon the number of playing and/or written tests during a grading period.

E. Instrument Care:

1. Each case must have a name-tag with your name and information on it.

2. Play your instrument only.

3. Clean your instrument as necessary (woodwinds daily, brass every few weeks).

4. Treat school-owned instruments with respect. (per the School Instrument Rental Policy)

F. Attendance Policy:

  1. Students and Parents will be notified well in advance of any Practices, Concerts, and other

Performances. Once you are informed you are required to attend. Failure to attend without an acceptable excuse (see #2) will result in a 20% grade reduction. **

  1. Excused student absence for a required band function will be extreme student illness, death in the family, family emergencies or emergency situationsdetermined by the Band Director. Every attempt should be made to informthe Director prior to your absence. Signed notes, phone calls from parents, or verbal excuses from parents will be accepted. Email excuses will be tentatively accepted until verified by the Director. Text Messages will not be accepted as an excuse under any circumstances.
  2. Performances will be counted as a test grade of 100%. An unexcusedabsence from a performance will result in a grade reduction for the nine weeks.
  3. Concert attire will be discussed and chosen based upon what will be most convenient for the majority of

the ensemble (most likely Band Polo and khaki pants or black pants and white shirt).

**All Marching Band Practices and Performances are required. Failure to attend a practice or performance without an acceptable excuse will result in a 5% grade reduction (1/2 letter grade) for each missed practice and 20% grade reduction (2 letter grades) for each missed performance.

G. Student/Parent Liability Clause:Please be advised that when a student leaves school grounds (i.e. lunch during band camp, etc…) or checks out with a parent/guardian after an event (contest, audition, etc…) they are no longer the responsibility of the Director, Assistant Directors, Staff, Chaperones, or McLean County School District.

H. Fundraising Clause:Students and Parents are responsible for all fundraising money collected or items distributed and will reimburse the Band in the event of any lost or stolen money and/or items.

I. Monetary Liability Clause: All money due (Reeds, Accessories, Repairs, Fundraising, etc…)shall be paid by the end of the school year. Marching Band fees should be paid in full by the end of the season (typically the end of October/first of November). Fees can either be paid in full by the first day of camp or a $55.00 deposit by the first day of band camp and monthly payments of at least $50.00 until fully paid.If a student should quit band during camp the cost will be the deposit of $55 for the first day plus $12 per day after that. This may also include the cost of marching shoes ($30) and/or a polo shirt ($15) if those items are ordered for the student.If these fees are not paid then the student’sname will be given to the office for further action (withholding of grades, allowance to participate in prom, graduation, etc…).

All rules and consequences are subject to the director’s discretion.

Band Contract

I acknowledge that I have received, read, fully understand and will abide by the rules and information presented in the McLean County High School Band Handbook.


Parent/Guardian SignatureDate


Student SignatureDate

Information/Participation/Medical Form

Please fill out all that apply:

Student Name: ______Age: ______Grade: ______

Address: ______City: ______Zip: ______

Home Phone: ______Cell Phone(s): ______

Mother: ______

Work Phone: ______Work Email: ______

Father: ______

Work Phone: ______Work Email: ______

Emergency Contact: ______

Relation: ______Phone #(s): ______

Student Medical Information (used only in an emergency):

Allergies: ______

Medical Conditions: ______

Medications: ______

Physician: ______Phone: ______

Insurance Company: ______Policy #: ______

I ______as the parent/guardian of ______

Give permission to for him/her to participate in all scheduled MCHS Band activities. I certify that the above information is correct to the best of my knowledge. I grant permission for a staff member or chaperone of the MCHS Band to authorize emergency medical treatment in my absence. I understand that every effort will be made to contact me as soon as possible in the event that medical attention is needed. Should any charge be incurred for medical treatment, I understand that I am responsible for any costs, including co-pays and deductibles. This also releases the MCHS Band staff and chaperones, McLeanCountyHigh School and the McLean County Board of Education from liability in the event a student is injured.


Parent SignatureDate