Loreburn Central School SCC Nov 22, 2016 Minutes

ATTENDED: Jill, Heidi, Barb, Vanessa, Tim, Shelley, Karin, John Collins, Carie, Stacey, Rhian, Reece

Meeting called to order by Chair Stacey D. @ 6:27 pm

AGENDA APPROVAL: Vanessa 2nd Barb. Approved.

MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING: Barb. 2nd Vanessa Approved.


CONSENTUAL ITEMS (Principal’s report; Treasurer’s report; SRC report) Accepted by Tim. 2nd Vanessa. Approved

SRC Report read by Reece and Rhian.

Leader in Me: Jill told us about the Lighthouse Club meetings. At last Assembly they presented the song “Clay” by Grace Vanderwaal. Represents a lot of the LIM ideals.

Summer Reading Program: Barb, Brandy and Carie researching books. They will be decided and list given to SueAnn to order.

Barb motion we pay the school for books for babies. This will be under $50. Tim 2nd. Approved.

Trophy Case – tabled

Tin Can Bonspiel Feb. 3rd. Barb and Brandy will organize Ice and Booth schedules. Stacey agreed to by prizes. $300 budget motioned by Barb. Carried.

First Aid/CPR for grades 11/12 Dec. 1 & 2nd. I will check past minutes for funding schedule and get back to everyone ASAP.

Christmas Raffle to be drawn at Elementary Christmas Concert. $5 each or 3 for $10. Prizes donated by: Afghan – Stacey Dorward, Wooden Christmas tree – Kyle Archibald and Poinsettia bought by SCC. Carie will print tickets and disperse to local business and students. Sales will happen at the concert as well.

Grant Abbott wishes to start Club Badminton. $10 registration. More details coming soon. SCC will not charge for this function. Proper paperwork will be given to him by Arlene.

Jesus Amaris would like to start gym soccer to practice soccer skills. Zero charge; proper paper work will be given to him by Arlene. More details coming soon.

John Collins spoke about proposed changes to school boards by the government and told us about a link to go to do survey. Tim Hom added to Facebook to bring awareness and all encouraged to share information. Add your voice. “Education Belongs to Community saskschoolboards.ca

Next Meeting January 11th @ 6:00 pm

Meeting adjourned by Chair, Stacey @ 7:39 pm

LCS AND SCC GOALS: Playground improvement; Gym Floor and improvements in Gym; Math – Reading – LIM night; Book Drops; Buddy Bench; Benches in school yard; Improvement in Landscaping; Family Tree Purchase; Missoula.

Merry Christmas Everyone