Mentor For Success’ FAQ’s

What is a mentor?

A mentor is a caring adult who provides ongoing guidance, support, and encouragement to a teen, in order to identify and build on the teen’s strengths and help them deal with challenges in their personal life. A mentor is someone the teen can trust, who takes a personal interest in their growth and success, and who can help the teen think about and plan for their future.

“Every great achiever is inspired by a great mentor.”
―Lailah Gifty Akita

What would I do as a mentor?

·  Spend time with your mentee doing activities the two of you choose together!

For example: hiking, cooking, fixing cars, attending an event, or just going out for a coffee.

·  Find out what’s special about this youth, then appreciate and encourage them for it!

·  Celebrate their good times, and provide support and guidance in tough times.

·  Show up consistently. Listen actively and without judging.

·  Introduce your young friend to your world – new ideas, new kinds of relationships, new activities, and new ways of thinking.

What’s the commitment?

·  Meet in person with your mentee at least two times a month.

·  Communicate with your mentee once a week (call, text, facebook, whatsapp, etc)

·  Maintain the relationship for one year to start

What help will I have?

Mentor For Success staff will train you initially on the mentoring process (about 2½ hours), and then we’ll be in touch with you by email or phone every month to see how it’s going and to offer support. You can also call our Match Counselor anytime for questions or advice. We have quarterly in-service meetings where the mentors get further information on mentoring topics and share experiences and tips.

Are there any perks for “officially mentoring” through MFS?

Yes! We do our best to make things easier on our mentors and their matches. That means:

·  Various discounts (including at museums, bowling alleys, movie theatres, etc.)

·  Donated resources (jackets and gloves in the winter, new shoes in the spring)

·  Optional organized events (discounted paddle boarding clinic, white water rafting, Trail Blazer tickets)

·  Ongoing support and accountability from Match Coordinator

·  Use MFS and The Next Door as a reference on job applications and resumes

·  The warm feeling of knowing you’re making the community a better place for its youth

Is there an application process?

Yes, we’ll have you complete a short application: this includes several references, an informal interview, and a background check. All this usually takes about two weeks. Once approved, we’ll provide an informative 2½ hour training, then introduce you to your new mentee and launch this new rewarding mentoring relationship!

There is a young person waiting to be matched with YOU today!!

MFS, a program of The Next Door 965 Tucker Road, Hood River, OR 97031