Ramienski: 191106 MWH U5 LPMC Men of Daring Rubric

Student Name: ______Seat number: ______

Period: ______

Date: ______

Modern World History

Unit 5

Cecil Rhodes and Henry Morton Stanley

Men of Daring or Racist Opportunists?

Value: 100 Points (Project grade) Due Date: Monday May 4th, 2015

If turned in by Tuesday May 5th, 2015: -10%

If turned in by Wednesday May 6th, 2015 -20%

If not turned in by Thursday May 7th, NO CREDIT, “0”

Teacher Option NOT to accept if turned in later than May 7th, 2015

Project Description: Today you will read about Cecil Rhodes and Henry Morton Stanley - both “Men of Daring”. You will pick one of the men, write a biography of the man and decide whether this man was truly a “Man of Daring” or a racist opportunist.

Grading Rubric

1. General Directions Followed Not Followed

a. The project was the student’s own work and not plagiarized in any way ______

(Failure to follow this direction will result in an automatic failure)

b. Your essay will have this grading sheet attached. ______

(Failure to do this will result in a loss of 10 points)

c. You will research the person using the Internet, books and the textbook. ______

(You must list all sources used at the end of the essay in a bibliography and show me that

you used all resources by using footnotes or end notes)

d. Your essay will be a minimum of five paragraphs long. More is better. ______

e. You will hand in an outline with the essay. The outline will indicate

your main points, introduction and conclusion. This will be neat and not

Scribbled or ripped out of a note book ______

f. Your essay will include an introduction and a summarizing conclusion.

(Remember your conclusion must tell me if this person was a “Man of

Daring” or a “Racist Opportunist”) ______

g. Each essay will be grammatically correct, spellchecked AND PROOFREAD

(Have a parent or friend read and critique your work) ______

h. Your essay will be neatly written or typed, and not ripped out of a

Notebook. (Use Times New Roman or Arial 10 to 12 pt) ______

i. You will hand in any worksheets you were given to do at the media center. ______

j. Your “project” will be put together: Rubric, Outline, Essay, Bibliography,

Worksheet-it will be stapled upper left corner-once. ______

You will loose 5 points off your final score for each general direction c through j not followed.


SELECT EITHER RHODES or STANLEY-follow specific directions

2. Specific Directions: Yes No Points Earned

Title (10)

a. Did the essay have a title? (2 points) ______

b. Did the essay define “Man of Daring”? Did the essay list

at least three accomplishments making the subject a

“Man of Daring”? (3 points) ______

c. Did the essay define Imperialism? (5 points) ______

Basic Biography (10)

d. Did the essay provide birth and death dates? (3 points) ______

e. Did the essay provide places of birth and death? (3 points) ______

f. Did the essay discuss family? (Parents? Childhood? Married?

Were there children?) (4 points) ______

Life (20)

g. Did the essay discuss how the person earned his money?

What was the person’s profession or professions? Did the person become

wealthy? (4 points) ______

h. Did the essay discuss the person’s relationship to African peoples?

Was he feared, hated, liked, or respected? Did the person like, or hate

the Africans? Was the person a racist? (4 points) ______

i. Did the Africans give this person an African name? What was it? (4 points) ______

j. Did the essay discuss the person’s politics? How did this person view

Imperialism? Was this person an Imperialist? (4 points) ______

k. At the end of this person’s life, was this person respected by the white,

western world? (4 points) ______

Person specific questions (5) (JUST ANSWER Questions for your person)


l. Did the essay discuss the Rhodes’ Scholarship program? (3 points) ______

m. Did the essay discuss Rhodes views on imperialism? (2 points) ______


l. Did the essay discuss Stanley’s explorations? (3 points) ______

m. Did the essay discuss Stanley’s attempt to find Dr.

Livingstone? (2 points) ______

Hero or Zero? (40)

n. Did the essay tell the reader the importance of this person to the period

studied? If this person had not done what they did,

would history been different? (10 points) ______

o. Did the essay take a clear position on Rhodes or Stanley? (10 points) ______

p. Did the essay provide evidence supporting the viewpoint? (10 points) ______

q. Did the essay provide a clear conclusion on whether Rhodes or Stanley

was a positive or negative influence on the history of Africa? (10 points) ______

Illustrations (MANDITORY) (15)

r. Did the essay contain pictures of Rhodes or Stanley? (5 points) ______

s. Did the essay have any other illustrations, or maps that

enhanced the information being presented? (5 points) ______

t. Did the illustrations or other graphics enhance the report, or

were they just stuck in? (5 points) ______

You can address the directions in any order that you want. You must address all directions in you essay.

Remember this is a multi-paragraph essay.