Members present (Officers and Committee):

Mr J Baldock BEM-Chairman

Mr R L Journet-Hon Secretary

Mr H D Marshall-Committee

Mr G C Woodman-Simmons-Committee

Participating members Present:

Mr R F Harris, Mr A B Dixon and Mr J Paul.(7 present).


Col B S T Archer GC OBE ERD, Mr M I Collarbone MBE, Mr P Markham, Mr K Bryant

Mr J A Allerhead BEM, Mr A Homes and Mr G Hayes.


12:07 HRS.

The Branch Chairman informed members present of the recent death while working as an EOD operative of Craig Appleby formerly of 33 Engr Regt (EOD).

The silence for fallen and lost comrades was then observed. The Branch Chairman asked whether everybody had read their copy of the minutes of the previous Branch meeting.


Members present were given time to read through and brief themselves on the minutes of the previous Branch meeting held at the WOs and Sgts Mess, Carver Barracks, Wimbish on Friday the 13th of July 2007. These minutes were proposed as being a true and correct record of that meeting by Mr H D Marshall and the proposal was seconded by Mr R F Harris.

Matters Arising:

The Branch Chairman, Jeff Baldock said that he believed that there had been a proposer and seconder for the minutes of the meeting held on the 16th of March 2007. The Secretary Reg Journet stated that he had re-listened to the audio recording of that as far as he could tell there was not.

Reg Journet stated that he did not have a copy of the Treasurers report. Jeff Baldock produced the previous report and read it to the members present. Jeff also stated that the treasurer had sent him a copy of the current financial statement for this meeting.

Matters arising continued.

Mr Ron Harris brought up the matter of donations to the Not Forgotten Association. He stated that the donation made, and that had been previously queried, had been made from monies raised by Friends of the Branch Mr Dave Charnick and Mrs Liz Clark as well as by himself. Ron continued that the payment prior to this of £200 had been proposed and seconded in March 2006. Ron continued that the monies raised for the NFA had been taken into branch accounts solely for the raising of a cheque and was therefore not part of branch funds. Ron continued by stating that when he met Mr Pickering of the NFA, that Mr Pickering had not enquired after our donation in an aggressive or demanding manner rather it was just a casual enquiry based on our past actions and in hope that it had been sent but lost on the way.

The chairman then spoke with regard to the problem of the branches annual lunch in that the auction and raffle at the 2006 lunch had gone on for more time than expected and that the branch had then incurred a further bill for over time. The lunch organiser, Gary Woodman-Simmons, stated that he had informed Kim Halls, the Sgts Mess catering manager, that the auction and raffle would be held directly after the lunch but back in the bar, and that it is shown to this effect in the programme.


The Branch Secretary, Mr Reg Journet started his report by confirming that the difficulties that the branch had been experiencing with the bank with regard to the new signatures was now resolved.

Reg then apologised to members for incorrectly having Mr Laurie Murphy as the proposer of the February minutes on the copy of the March minutes as Mr Murphy had not only been absent from the February meeting but had also not been present at the March meeting, having left straight after the mornings AGM.

The secretary informed members of the death of member Bill Turner.

The branch had received a donation of £200 from Gerry Fielding and Reg had written back to thank him.

Branch member Scott Meaks had been re-located and was now living in Australia

Reg informed members that a stand-in standard bearer had been found to represent the branch on the occasion of the Queens visit to HQ Royal Engineers in October. Reg continued that the opening-up of the visit for attendees other than the standard bearers had come too late to action. At this stage it was suggested that we have a register of members email address so that in future this kind of information that requires immediate action can be disseminated via email for a swift response. Reg Journet was requested by the chairman to put a highly visible request to the same in the next issue of the bulletin. Jeff Baldock also suggested that we do the same with regard to getting as many members as we can to receive their branch bulletins via the email system.

Reg reminded members that coming up to Christmas we always treated the printer of the bulletin to a Bottle of drink and chocolates.

Associate member, Noel Cashford MBE had sent the branch the details for the coming wreath laying ceremony at the BD memorial at Mundesley. It was stated by Noel that Capt (Retd) Peter Cunnington TD had agreed to represent the branch at the ceremony on Sunday 11th of November.

The branch had received a request for help with funds from the St Dunstan’sHome for Blind Ex-Service Men and Women.

The branch had received a letter from the daughter of Major O’Brien, who informed us that her father had decided to retire from the branch. Major O’Brien is now 93 years of age. Reg stated that he would no longer expect subs to be paid but that we should still continue to send a bulletin.

The secretary went on to inform the meeting that the BD (Retired Officer Club would not be holding an annual lunch this year (2007), due to lack of funds and interest. Reg also reminded us that the Officers Club had decided not to continue in their discussions with merging with this branch.

Gary Woodman-Simmons informed members that the CO 33 Engr Regt (EOD) Lt Col Peter Langford had spoken to him and had stated that he would rather have had our annual lunch as one of the two official functions he is allowed to sponsor, and that hopefully the new CO who takes over at the end of October will be of the same opinion.

Mrs Saunders had written in to inform us of the death of her husband and branch member Christopher Reginald Saunders. Reg had written to her offering condolences on behalf of the branch.

A letter had been received from Cpl Ben Bushell of 33 Engr Regt (EOD) asking whether the branch would be a sponsorfor a cycle ride he was undertaking to help raise funds for BLESMA. It was proposed by the branch chairman that £50 pounds be sent to Cpl Bushell as a donation and the proposal was seconded by Reg Journet. The motion was passed.

The Chairman, Jeff Baldock at this time stated that he remembered the branch having a separate charity section to the accounts and that donations used to be sent from this part of the accounts. Ron Harris then reminded members that this had ceased some time back as the then Branch Treasurer, Alan Porter, had started to find it difficult. Ron continued that the branch had £8,000 plus so maybe in two year these funds would dry up. Jeff Baldock stated that we were spending more than we had coming in, therefore any future donations to the NFA and St Dunstan’s would have to be looked into at January’s branch meeting and we would have to be more aware of the money flow.

Jeff then stated that the monies collected from the raffle at this year's annual lunch should be put into a separate “charity” column within the accounts, and that it would have to be made clear at the lunch where these funds collected would go to. It was then formally proposed by the Branch Chairman Jeff Baldock that a separate account be set up to hold our monies that the branch would use for charitable donations. This proposal was seconded by Gary Woodman-Simmons and a vote taken and passed.

Reg continued his report by informing member that he had received the following correspondence


Ian Mackintosh RSM 101 Regt with regard to the London Group Dinner in February.

Mrs Turner the widow of our late member Bill Turner, which Reg replied to.

Branch Member, Phil Dixon with a donation of £50

Mrs Feldman the widow of our late member Gerald Feldman.

Information on the re-union at Seaton.

Finally Reg stated that the next London Group meeting would be held at the Union Jack Club on the 5th of December and that he would not be able to attend to give the Secretary’s report. Gary Woodman-Simmons said that he would attend and give the report of Reg’s behalf.


The Branch Chairman, Mr Jeff Baldock, started his report by informing us that he had received a reply from BuckinghamPalace in response to the branches loyal greetings to the Queen on the occasion of our annual lunch.

Jeff then said that in recognition of all his excellent fund raising, his hard work and endeavours on behalf of the branch, he would like to propose that the former chairman, Mr Ron Harris, be made the Honorary Vice President of the branch. Jeff then confirmed with Ron whether he would be willing to accept such a post. Ron replied that he felt very humble but would be very honoured. This proposal was seconded by Mr Hugh Marshall and the motion was voted on and carried.

Jeff continued by informing members that he would enquire of Jan Rayment of the Britain at War museum, what meeting facilities they had at the museum, as this may be amore preferable location with regard to the AGM in March. Jeff said that he would speak with Jan at the annual lunch later in the month.

Jeff then spoke of his disappointment at the bulletins lack of acknowledgement with regard to Ron Harris’ retirement as Branch Chairman and all the hard work he had down over so many years for the branch, which he felt had almost been ignored. Jeff said that he was also unhappy at the advertisement for “cat sitting in the Isle of White. He continued by stating that he had received a number of telephone calls regarding these two matters, which included calls from HQ REA.

Reg Journet replied that in the matter of Ron’s retirement it had not entered his mind to have a big article, he just hadn’t thought about it in that way. With regard to the advertisement Reg said that it was often difficult to get enough items to fill the bulletin and that this piece on behalf of a personal friend had only been put in to fill such a gap.

Jeff said that he would like to see an amended article on Ron in the Christmas issue of the bulletin. The chairman also stated that he would like to see in the bulletin up-dates from both 33 Engr Regt (EOD0 and 101 (City of London) Engr Regt (EOD) (V), along with articles by members who are now carrying out BD tasks for civilian companies.


The Branch Chairman, Jeff Baldock gave the report on behalf of the Treasurer whose unable to attend this meeting. Jeff said that the accounts are in a healthy situation due to subscriptions coming in along with donations. Reg stated that he required £200 for the production of the next issue of the bulletin.

The Chairman then gave the following financial statement:

Total cash fund is the total assets minus the value of the Branch Standard.

(The value of the Branch Standard as directed by HQREA in respect of its insured value).


Hugh Marshall informed members that he had telephone the REA as regard to the new rates and allowances to enquire whether this would affect the TA. He had then been invited to join the Welfare Committee.


It was proposed by Jeff Baldock and seconded by Ron Harris that the wives/partners of the Honoured Guest are presented with flowers to the value of £25 each, and that flowers should also be presented to Kim Halls the Sgt Mess Catering Manager as it would be her birthday the same day as the annual lunch. This was voted on and passed.

Reg Journet informed members that he would have the tickets for the Remembrance Sunday Parade at Whitehall with him for the annual lunch and those wishing to attend could collect their tickets from him there.

It was agreed amongst those present that the chocolates and coasters which are presented at the annual lunch had had there day and perhaps we should look into finding an alternative gift for members, such as an engraved port glass or place mats.

Gary Woodman-Simmons said he would start to trawl the internet and he would also speak to Dave Moffat at Corps Enterprises.

The branch poppy wreath had been ordered for the remembrance parade.

Jeff Baldock gave a vote of thanks to Gary Woodman-Simmons for stepping in to organise the annual lunch.

Jeff also said that he felt it was time we put a summary of the minutes into the bulletin although avoiding anything controversial, which should be removed.

Gary informed members of the progress of the Roll of Honour which is a project being organised and undertaken by the Branch Webmaster, Peter Markham. Gary showed those members present some of the already finished pages, along with a list of work completed and that which still requires work.

Gary also briefed members on behalf of Pete Markham with regard to his proposals for the improvement of the branches web site and of where he felt it needed to go in regard to direction.

Hugh Marshall enquired whether members of the Non-Combatant Corps who were killed alongside members of the Corps of Royal Engineers whilst carrying out BD work were also included. Gary informed Hugh that he would contact Pete and find out. Hugh then continued by enquiring after the Regimental Sliver Centre piece, and whether it would be out on Saturday at the annual lunch. Adrian Dixon also stated that he felt it should be out on display at occasions such as our lunch. Gary Woodman-Simmons informed them that since taking over the lunch he has written in and requested the centre piece but the Officers Mess are loath to allow it out and Kim Halls said that she has no members of staff who could undertake this task.

Adrian Dixon enquired ref the memorial at the National Arboretum. Ron Harris gave a brief explanation. It was then discussed whether a trip to the Arboretum should be organised.

Ron Harris told the members present that he had sent an excellent article written by our member Burt Homes to the Sapper Magazine, along with corresponding photos.


Reg Journet Branch Secretary submitted his expenses

Proposed by Mr G Woodman-Simmons that these expenses be accepted and the proposal was seconded by Mr R F Harris.

There being no further business, the meeting was officially closed by the Chairman at 13:54 hrs.

Signed Chairman

J A Baldock BEM

On this Friday the Eighteenth Day of Januaryin the Year Two Thousand and Eight