Marine Data Exchange Documentation – Web Forms

Marine Data Exchange Web Forms Documentation


National Marine Manufacturers Association

200 E. Randolph Dr. Suite 5100

Chicago, IL 60601 U.S.A.


Table of Contents:

Log on Page 3

Mailbox Page 4

Settings Page 6

Log on Page

·  Description

o  From this page you can log on to the MDX system. After entering your User ID and password the page will redirect you to your mailbox page. You can also download the client application and the Data standards from this page. An announcement window will display any news flashes such as schedule system down time.

·  Buttons

o  Log In - Submit

§  The submit button will validate the user name and password entered. If you have entered a valid user ID and password, you will be redirected to your mailbox page. A message will be displayed below the Log In box notifying you of any errors such as invalid user id, invalid password or session time out.

Mailbox Page

·  Description

o  This page will display all the documents that you have sent or received. The Post# column is the mailbox entry number. It is a sequential number that is unique to the member. The Doc ID column shows the identifier for the type of document listed. For example, if the entry is a purchase order, the document id would be the purchase order number, if the entry is an Invoice; the doc id would be the invoice number, etc. The partner column will display the name of the trading partner that you sent the document to or received the document from. The type column defines what type of document the entry represents. The status column will show the current status of the entry. See below for a list of the valid types and statuses. The date column shows the date the entry was created. The mailbox entries can be sorted by any of the columns by clicking on the triangular icons in the heading of the column.

§  Valid types

·  PO – Purchase order

·  POA – Purchase order acknowledgement

·  POC – Purchase order change

·  INV – Invoice

·  ASN – Advanced Ship notice

§  Valid Statuses

·  Sent – Document has been sent to your trading partner.

·  Received – You have received the document from your trading partner.

·  Error – You attempted to send a document that was not formatted correctly to your trading partner. The document will not be sent to your trading partner if the document is in an Error status.

·  Incomplete – The document was started (on the web) but not completed.

·  Hold – The document was started (on the web) and submitted on hold.

·  Tabs

o  Mailbox – redirects you to the mailbox page.

o  Purchase Order – redirects you to the Purchase Order forms where you can create a Purchase Order to be sent to your trading partner.

P.O. Acknowledgement – redirects you to the Purchase Order Acknowledgement forms where you can create a Purchase Order Acknowledgement to be sent to your trading partner.

o  P.O. Change – redirects you to the Purchase Order Change forms where you can create a Purchase Order Change to be sent to your trading partner.

o  Invoice – redirects you to the Invoice forms where you can create an Invoice to be sent to your trading partner.

Adv. Ship Notice – redirects you to the Advanced Ship Notice forms where you can create an Advanced Ship Notice to be sent to your trading partner.

o  Settings – redirects you to the settings page where you can set configuration options for the MDX software.

·  Buttons

Refresh this screen – Refresh the mailbox screen.

Delete Selected Documents - will allow you to delete documents that have been selected. To select documents, click on the box preceding the entry you wish to delete. A check box will appear on all documents you have selected. To deselect, click on the box again. Multiple entries can be selected for deletion.

·  Other

o  To edit/view a mailbox entry, click the associated link under the Post# column.

Settings Page

·  Description:

o  This page will allow you to set the listed configuration options for the MDX software.

o  Inbound documents

§  Select the documents you will accept from trading partners. Do not select any documents you do not wish to receive. If a trading partner attempts to send you a document that you have not selected, they will receive an error message.

o  Auto Download Settings.

§  Select the inbound documents you want downloaded to the client application when you do a Receive from the client application. Documents that are not selected will not be downloaded to the client application.

o  Email Notification

§  Errors – An email will be sent to the email address entered whenever you upload a document from the client application that does not pass the validation process.

§  New Inbound Documents – An email will be sent to the email address listed whenever you receive a new document from one of your trading partners.

·  Buttons

o  Submit – Saves the changes you made and redirects you to the mailbox page.

o  Cancel – Does not save the changes and redirects you to the mailbox page.

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