Ancient History Project



Possible Points: 100


·  Write a report about a famous Roman.

·  See attached rubric for requirements.

Possible Subjects (a very partial list – ask me about anyone else you might want to report on)

·  Kings

o  Numa Pompilius – second king, very religious

o  Servius Tullius – son of a slave who became king, ruled well, but was cruelly murdered.

·  Republic period – statesmen, generals

o  Any Roman from Plutarch’s Lives

o  Poplicola – Publius Valerius Publicola – one of first consuls in Roman Republic, enacted laws that protected the common people.

o  Marius - Gaius Marius was the man who organized the Roman army into the most effective fighting machine on earth.

o  Sulla – Lucius Cornelius Sulla was a bloodthirsty tyrant who also instituted legal reform and finally relinquished power.

o  Pompey – military genius who rid the Mediterranean of pirates, and later joined forced with Caesar.

o  Coriolanus – cold-hearted general who was banished, vengefully led the Volscians against Rome, but was persuaded by his mother to desist.

o  Fabius – Quintus Fabius Maximus led the Romans against Hannibal, using a conservative strategy of harassment. He was reviled for “cowardice,” but by the end it was clear that his “caution” was the best course.

o  Camillus - Marcus Furius Camillus captured Veii (396 B.C.) after a ten-year siege; saved Rome from complete destruction in Gallic invasion; five times elected dictator, called the “Second Founder of Rome.”

o  Julius Caesar – General, Politician, Statesman. Jacob.

o  Mark Anthony – beat other generals to succeed Julius Caesar; ultimately fell to the charms of Cleopatra. Hallie

o  Gracchi brothers – courageously tried to introduce reforms; were murdered

o  Cicero – orator, statesman, consul and author. Survived various political intrigues but was finally murdered.

·  Emperors

o  Augustus Caesar – Caesar’s adopted nephew who became one of the greatest emperors of all time.

o  Trajan - Great conqueror; under his rule the empire reached its greatest extent.

o  Hadrian - Built 'Hadrian's Wall' in the north of Britain to shield the province from the northern barbarians.

o  Marcus Aurelius – emperor of impeccable character devoted to Stoic philosophy. Wrote Meditations; still widely read today.

·  Others

o  Spartacus – slave who led a major uprising against the Romans.

o  Plutarch – wrote Parallel Lives of the Noble Greeks and Romans. Sara.

·  Philosophers (Greek okay also)

o  Pythagoras – mathematician, founded a secret society, discovered Pythagorean Theorem, worked with the mathematics of music.

o  Epictetus – slave who was one of the greatest promoters of stoic philosophy

o  Epicurus – philosopher who founded Epicureanism. Basic idea was hedonism, that the only good in life is pleasure.

o  Antisthenes – founder of Cynicism. Cynics rebelled against contemporary customs, believed in a simple and austere lifestyle, and admired “dog-like”

·  Scientists (Greek okay also).

o  Archimedes – volume of irregular solids, war machines, much more.

o  Eratosthenes – measured the size of the earth

o  Democritus – atomic theory

o  Euclid – mathematician

o  Female mathematician – Makinna

·  Artists (Greek okay also)

o  Phidias – sculptor

Resources (you may also access from class web page)

· - best and briefest overview of everything pertaining to Rome. Some biographies: the Gracchi, Marius, Sulla, Caesar, Julio-Claudian emperors, “Five Good Emperors” (under “End”)

· – great site for Roman emperors

· – Famous People of Ancient Rome

· – click on “Civilizations” (under “Unit Studies”), then “Ancient Roman,” and you’ll see many online children’s books about famous Romans, including Our Young Folks’ Plutarch.

·  Oceanside Library online – Biography Resource Center.

· – lots of resources including a children’s section

· brief biographies of ancient Romans for kids from How Stuff Click on “see more” for whatever categories interest you for more options.

· brief biographies of ancient Greeks for kids from How Stuff Click on “see more” for whatever categories interest you for more options.

· - 4,000 Years of Women in Science

· - interesting article on cynicism, skepticism, Epicureanism and stoicism