Wyvern Academy

School Equality, Diversity and Access Plan 2013 – 201415-16

  1. Curriculum

Target / SDP Action / Time
Year / Lead
Person(s) / Budget Area / Success Criteria / Monitoring
To ensure all curriculum policies have a Equality Impact Assessment / This item is deferred as it is not currently a prioritySee DES action plan / Ongoing / SH / TM / All curriculum policies have an Equality Impact Assessment / Equality and Diversity committee
Review Educational Visits policy to ensure equal opportunities for all pupils / Attendance of extracurricular activities is an outcome which must be databasedAll school trips are well planned for in advance to allow for risk assessments and consideration of disabled pupils’ needs. / T5 On-going / BD, DT, MO SH, DT, MO / Policies includes procedures for identifying access issues and details step to be taken to ensure optimum accessibility to pupils. A clear policy that gives all pupils the opportunity to participate educational visits appropriate to their needs and abilities / Policy to Equality and diversity committee Equality and Diversity committee
Audit access to offsite education and experiences, life skills, work experience / Access to these is an outcome / Ongoing / BD, DT, MO / Log of visits carried out indicates where there have been access issues and what alternative measures have been put in place. / Audit to Equality and diversity committee
Ensure all pupils have access to appropriate communication systems to meet the cognitive ability / Communication [VOICE]is an outcome / T2 / BD, IW (SALT)SH, LWh, SALT / Communication aids / Audit of pupils indicates where communications are required and what is in place to meet these needs. All pupils have appropriate communication systems that are detailed in their profiles / Audit shared with Equality and diversity committee
Monitor and analyse pupil achievement by race, gender, disability, pupil premium and act on any trends orpatterns in the data that required additional support for pupils. / Achievement [ABILITY] is an outcome indicated in part by progress measures. / Ongoing through target setting, scrutiny and appraisal processesOn-going
Review annually / BD, RH, T & L committeeSH Teaching and Learning Committee / Groups analysis of pupil progress.Analysis will indicate that there is no significant difference in attainment for equality groups / Groups analysis of data shared with Equality and diversity committee
Ensure that displays in classrooms and corridors promote diversity in terms of race, gender and ethnicity. / D&E committee to tour entire school commenting on D&E aspects of display / T3On-going / HLClass teams / Equality and diversity group minutes record review of displays.Diversity will be reflected in displays across the school / Equality and diversity committee monitor displays
Celebrate cultural events through our creative curriculum to increase pupil awareness and understand differences between individuals and communities. / RE days
Cultural weeks
ASPECT campus day / OngoingOn-going / KS, LAH, LG, LW, RH / Minutes of equality and diversity committee record and highlight Increase awareness of difference communities as shown in PSHE, RE and Humanities curriculum and assessment. / Equality and diversity committee updated on events that have happened in school.
Ensure that pupils with longstanding medical problems have access to learning if they are out of school for long periods of time. / This must be set out in the T&L policy / T3Summer 2014 / BD, CTSH / Records detail support that has been put in place for children out of school for significant periods as a result of health issues.Pupils who have to spend long periods of time in hospital or at home do not loose skills and have access to on-going appropriate education / Equality and diversity committee appraised of measures taken to support pupils outside of school.Monitor through attendance
Review attendance by D&E characteristic group. Attendance is an outcome / Include in database / T2 / BD, ZCC / Attendance reports showing attendance by category shared with Equality and diversity committee. / Report to Equality and diversity committee
Review PE curriculum to ensure that all pupils have a good range and balance of physical activity / T6 / RH, AR / PE audit records range of activity for different pupil groups. / Audit to Equality and diversity committee
  1. Physical Environment

Target / SDP Action / Time
Year / Lead
Person(s) / Budget Area / Success Criteria / Monitoring
To ensure all pupils can be safely evacuated. / Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP) should be written in consultaion with students and parents. All PEEPs need to be updated/reviewed following recent fire drill – especially from a behavioural aspect and medical aspect in terms of post-evacuation arrangements.
New pupils need PEEPs / T4Sept 2013 / SM, RH, LAHSM,
Class teachers / General Budget / Pupil list highlights pupils in need of PEEPs on behaviour or physical grounds.
Annual check records plan in place.All pupils with mobility needs and challenging behaviour have a PEEP in their Personal Profiles / Equality and diversity committee informed of the percentage of plans in place relative to identified need.Equality and Diversity committee
To ensure all pupils have equal access to a range of outdoor play equipment as appropriate. This is an outcome. / Purchase equipment to meet the needs of all pupils following audit.Audit play opportunities and play equipment. / T5Spring 2014 / JG, LW, LAHJG, LW, KS / Outside play / Audit shows play opportunities for all groups.All pupils have access to appropriate play equipment. / Equality and diversity committee informed of procurement plans and audit outcomes.
Audit entire curricular environment for equality of access. This is an outcome / T4 / BD, SM, RH / Audit shows measures in place to provide access for all curricular activities. / Audit to Equality and diversity committee
  1. Information and community participation

Target / SDP Action / Time
Year / Lead
Person/s / Budget Area / Success Criteria / Monitoring
Produce detailed outcome statistics by characteristic group for audit and accountability purposes / Produce a database system to provide information as required. / T2 – T6 / BD, RH, ZCC / Database handles equality and diversity queries. / Equality and diversity committee receives
Review information to parents/carers to ensure it is accessible / Review all letters home to check reading age / plain English
  • Review access to information for parents i.e. reception, website, text messagingParent survey of preferred media
  • Access to internet
  • Parents with LD/EAL/ SI
  • Investigate spoken version recordings to text/email.
/ T5Sept 2012 / BD, LMSH / LM / Audit of communication requirements identifies the appropriate range of communication strategies.All parents get information in a format that they can access e.g. visual, recorded large print etc.. / Audit to Equality and diversity committee Newsletters
Text messaging
Inclusion in school – mixing with peer groups. This is an outcome /
  • Audit per pupil
/ T6 / BD, RH / Audit identifies level of interaction for all pupils. / Audit to Equality and diversity committee
Inclusion out of school. This is an outcome /
  • Audit per pupil
/ T6 / JG, LAH, LW / Audit identifies external inclusion opportunities for all pupils. / Audit to Equality and diversity committee
Ensure all pupils are given the opportunity to make a positive contribution to the life of the school e.g. through School Council, assemblies, making choices. This is an outcome / Audit the positive contribution – eg charities, assemblies, choir, coffee shops, cake sales, performances, youth council, school council, campus council, class monitors, (litter patrol?, gardening? Display work? etc.) Discuss range in staff meeting. / T5On-going throughout year / BD, RH, KS / Audit records positive contribution opportunities across all pupils.Diversity will be reflected in pupil participation. / Audit to Equality and diversity committee
  1. Staff

Target / SDP Action / Time
Year / Lead
Person/s / Budget Area / Success Criteria / Monitoring
Ensure the school as an employer enables disability equality / Audited
  • Job adverts,
  • applications,
  • CPD opportunities,
  • promotion,
  • pay and conditions of service
/ T5On-going with annual review in Autumn Term / BD, DT, SASH, SA, DT / Audit shows non-discriminatory practice in recruitmentJob adverts, applications, CPD opportunities, promotion, pay and conditions of service will have been monitored to show equality. / Audit to Equality and diversity committee
Respond to and report to racist incidents as outlined in the Equality Plan.Establish clear expectations of conduct for all staff in relation to race and other protected characteristics. / Update staff Code of Conduct and associated training. / T4Annual report to FGB / BD, RH / Updated code of conduct ratified and distributed to staff. Records of staff having read the code of conduct retained. Staff are aware of and respond to racist incidents in an appropriate manner. / Equality and diversity group updated on progress with regard to staff signing receipt and having read the new code of conduct.
Ensure all new members of staff receive training and are aware of the school policy and Equality plan; ensure that existing staff are made aware of the current policy and plan. / Ensure the policy is covered in new staff induction review.
Revisit policy in staff and team meetings periodically. / T4On-going / BD, SASH, SA, TM / Induction programme refers to Policy. New staff will have been made aware of the school policy and plan as part of their induction.
  • Records of meetings record discussions of policy and plan.Existing staff will have been made aware of the current policy and plan.
/ Equality and diversity group informed of steps taken to inform staff.
Review the Equality Plan on an annual basis and publish progress / Publish to school website / T6Annually in the Spring Term. / BD, DT, NMSH /
  • Report on progress within report uploaded to school website.The plan will have been reviewed by designated persons and a report approved and published by the FGB.
/ Equality plan ratified by equality and diversity group.

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