Rolling Hills Prep School 2009-2010

Bob Cloer

CHEMISTRY: Prospectus

Welcome to Chemistry! In this class, we will explore chemistry using hands-on activities. We will learn through the use of laboratories, readings, notes and projects.


  • Provide opportunities for hands-on learning
  • Explore how chemistry relates to the world around us
  • Use class discussions, notes, projects, labs, and tests to engage students in problem solving and critical thinking skills
  • Develop a sound understanding of conceptual chemistry that can be used in future chemistry courses

COURSE CONTENT: Throughout the year, you are going to have a comprehensive introduction to chemistry using a hands-on approach. This is going to be done in a way that will be fun, exciting, challenging, and will help you to gain a better understanding of the world around you. The 10th grade chemistry course is intended to be an introduction to more advanced chemistry courses

TEXTBOOK: Chemistry: Concepts and Applications, Glencoe Inc. 2005

GRADES: Student progress and grades will be calculated on a percent system.

Percentages will be calculated in the following manner:

  • Tests/quizzes – 40%
  • Labs and assignments – 40%
  • Homework – 5%
  • Final – Exam or project – 15%

HOMEWORK: Homework will be given almost every class. All homework assignments will be written in your daily planner. Homework will include lab questions, reading, and studying. Your homework is expected to be legible, complete and turned in on time. All homework will need to have your name, period and teacher listed in the upper right hand corner of your page.

TEST and QUIZZES: Tests will be given at the conclusion of each teaching section Tests may consist of multiple-choice, short answers, matching and “Big Idea”essay questions. Quizzes will be given several times to check the comprehension of guided notes and readings throughout the lessons. There are no “pop” quizzes in my class.

ABSENTEEISM: Any homework that is missed due to being absent from class must be presented on the due date or upon returning to class. Students will be given time equal to the number of days missed to make up any missing tests, quizzes or laboratory assignments.


  • 3 Ring Binder: Section 1 will be for HOMEWORK. Section 2 will be for NOTES. Section 3 will be for storing LABS. Section 4 will be for QUIZZES/TESTS.
  • Supplies: scissors, glue, markers, colored pencils, note cards; 3-hole punch (any item on supply list)
  • Handouts: You will be given one copy only of every handout. If a handout is lost or misplaced, it will be your responsibility to get another copy at your expense.
  • Lab Book: This will be for your final draft of your lab which you will hand in

CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS: You should come to class everyday ready to learn with your materials. You will be expected to maintain a positive attitude at all times.

* Meeting the classroom expectations will be used to determine your conduct and effort grades:

1. Bringing all your materials- book, pencils, eraser, paper, to EVERY class!

2. Conduct- following directions and having good decorum!

3. Respect- having respect for teachers, self, other students, property, and the learning process.

4. Effort/ Participation - being engaged during labs and class.

**Consequences for not following classroom expectations will be strictly enforced.

CONTACT INFORMATION: Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Email: Phone: (310) 791-1101 ext. 204


Due second class meeting

I have read through the prospectus with my son/daughter and we both understand all the policies and procedures set forth by Mr. Cloer.

Parental Signature______Date:______

Student Signature______Date:______