S3 Core

L / T / P / C
3 / 1 / 0 / 4

Objectives: To provide sound knowledge in the analysis of electrical circuits.

Level of the course: Understanding & Analysis Level

Prerequisite: NIL

Module I (15 hours )

Transient Analysis of simple circuits using time domain equations- Analysis of linear circuits with independent and dependent sources- Natural, forced and complete response- Analysis with and without initial conditions-Representation of circuit in the Laplace domain- Transform impedance and admittance- Application of Laplace Transforms for transient analysis of RL, RC and RLC series circuits energized with DC sources-Analysis of electro magnetically coupled circuits- Conductively coupled equivalent circuits- Voltage equations of coupled circuits with R, L, C and M. Application of Laplace Transforms for transient analysis of electro magnetically coupled circuits.

Module II (14 hours )

Transient and Steady State Analysis of RL RC and RLC circuits impressed with sinusoidal voltage, with and without initial conditions- Fourier Series Representation of Complex signals- Concept of impedance in Laplace Domain-Study of variation of impedance of RL, RC and RLC circuits with frequency- (Use examples of current & voltage signals with two or three frequency components)- Steady state solutions of circuits with coupled elements. Principle of single phase transformer. Network functions-Pole-zero plots and predetermination of response using pole-zero plots. Introduction to nonlinear and time varying networks.


Module III(12 hours )

Circuit analysis using Symmetrical Components- Unbalanced star and delta load supplied by 3 phase 3 wire and 4 wire systems –Highlights on the reasons for unbalance with significance of Positive, Negative and Zero sequence currents - Comparison of the economic aspects of single phase, two phase, three phase and six phase circuits.

Module IV (15 hours )

Two port networks. Characterization in terms of impedance parameters, admittance parameters, hybrid parameters and transmission parameters- Inter relationships among the six parameter sets. Reciprocal and symmetrical two port networks- Interconnection of two port networks- Series, parallel, series-parallel, parallel-series and cascade. T and Phi () equivalent of a two port networks for Ladder Networks, transmission lines, filters, and amplifiers-Image impedance, characteristic impedance and propagation constant of a symmetrical two port network- Introduction to Network Topology and Graph Theory-Definition of graph, tree, , cut sets- incidence matrix- Fundamental cut sets-Cut set schedule-Tie sets-Fundamental tie sets-Tie set schedule-Applications of graph theoretic methods to formation of network equations-Current Variable and Voltage Variable Methods. Development of algorithms for computer aided analysis.

Text Books

  1. M.E. Van Valkenberg, Network Analysis, 3rd Ed, Prentice Hall India, 2001.
  2. William Hayt , Jack E Kemmerly, Engineering Circuit Analysis, McGrawHill, 1993

Reference Books

  1. William D Stanley, Network Analysis with Applications, 4th Ed, Pearson Education Asia, 2003
  2. Charles Desoer, Ernest S Kuh, Basic Circuit Theory, McGraw Hill, 1976
  3. Charles K. Alexander, Matthew N.O., Sadiku, Fundamentals of Electric Circuits, 2nd Ed, Tata McGraw Hill, 2003.
  4. T.S.K.V. Iyer, Theory and Problems in Circuit Analysis, Tata McGraw Hill,1995.
  5. Umesh Sinha, Network Analysis & Synthesis, 5th Ed, Satyaprakashan, 2001.
  6. Turan Gönen, Electric Power Transmission Systems Engineering, John Wiley, 1988.
  7. Donald L Schilling, Charles Belove, Electronic Circuits, 2nd Ed McGrawHill, 1979.
  8. Ashok Ambardar, Analog & Digital Signal processing, 2nd Ed, Brooks Cole Publishing Co, 1999.
  9. S.L. Uppal, Electrical Power, 13th Ed, Khanna Publishers, 2001.