Report 13th of June 2014 (Hodacs)

Writing-up Work:

  • I am presenting one chapter draft at the project meeting on the 13th of June.
  • I received and accepted a contract offer from Palgrave.
  • I received funding for illustrations for my monograph from LetterstedskaFöreningen (8000 SEK)
  • I submitted my contribution “Circulating Knowledge on Nature: Travellers and Informers in Linnaean Natural History” in Travel, Agency, and the Circulation of Knowledge. Ed. GesaMackenthun, Stephanie Wodianka. Münster: Waxmann, forthcoming.

Plan re. monograph: I will finish a first draft of the remaining chapter in June (Chapter 1), in July I will go over remaining source material and rewrite chapters accordingly. I plan to have a finished draft manuscript in August/September to circulate to GöranRydén, Dan Andersen, Andrew MacKillop, Hjalmar Fors…

Archive Work:

  • 7thand 8thof May 2014, Royal Library in Stockholm, (prior to the ConferenceSvenskaHistorikermötet) photographed manuscripts and pamphlets relating to the Swedish East India trade. The latter containing many references to Chinese silk and its consumption in Sweden and will be integrated into the silk chapter.
  • 21 of May, 2014, Royal Library Stockholm, studied and photographed manuscript by Samuel Buschenfelt on silk throwing in 17thcentury Dutch Republic in relation to request by John Styles. John, Karolina Hutkova and I will meet next Friday (18th of June) to look at the manuscript and translation together.

Workshop and Conference:

Since the last report (31 of March) I have given one paper, “Immaterial and material cultures: Asian colour schemes and domestic dyes in eighteenth-century Sweden”, at the session “Scandinavian trade with Asia and 18th-century consumption culture”, at the SvenskaHistorikermötet (Swedish History Conference) 9th of May 2014.

I was also engaged in co-organising (together with Leos Müller, Jacqueline Van Ghent) the workshop "Asian goods in 18th century Scandinavia – trade, material culture and changing consumer patterns", taking place at the HistoriskaMuseet, Stockholm, 22-24 of May, 2014. At the workshop I gave a paper (same as above). The workshop was attended by staff (Maria Ljunggren and LinneaDelaval) from the Maritime Museum who are planning an exhibition on some aspect of the Swedish-Asian contacts. I have been invited to feedback on these plans in August/September.

I attended the workshop on Corruption in Warwick on the 28th of May 2014.

Future Workshops and Conferences:

I am engaged in the early stages of organizing a follow-up workshop on the one on Scandinavian East India trade for June 2015. Anne McCants is in the process of approaching journals to gauge interest in publishing a special issue on Scandinavian trade (Eighteenth Century Studies, Journal of interdisciplinary history, Historical Compass).

Pending on funding I am also organizing a workshopon the 14th and 15th of November 2014 together Kenneth Nyberg and Stéphane Van Damme, to prepare for publication of System of Nature. A Global History of Linnaean Science in the Long Eighteenth-Century, and building on papers from the A Global History of Linnaean Science, 1750–1820,in October 2012.

I have been invited to give a paper (“Domestic dyes and fashionable colours in eighteenth-century Sweden”) at the conference Visualising difference: objects, space and practice in early modern Europe, in Stockholm, NordiskaMuseet, the 10-12 of October 2014.

Professional Development:

I have attended the following workshops (PCAPP):

  • 30th of April: Assessment and feedback
  • 1st of May: Digital literacy
  • 2nd of June: Module Design
  • 4th of June: Dissemination for Impact

Note, due to sickness I missed one PCAPP workshop and one teaching observation in April and May, I have arranged to be back in Warwick week 5 next term to give one lecture and possibly one seminar/class (on the course the “Enlightenment” and “Consumption and Culture in the Eighteenth-century”).

I had an “Exit Talk” with Maria Luddy, she offered me the status of “Associate Fellow” so I can continue access the Warwick library resources and also to reflect the fact that I will do some teaching next year.

Future Plans:

I will be working full time on my Swedish project from the 1st of September 2014 to 31stof December 2015. I have been invited to take part in an ERC application based in Uppsala. I also have a few other plans for individual projects I will apply for funding for in Sweden but so far I have no definite plans for 2016 and beyond.