Scholarships for students with a minimum 3.0 GPA on an approved program

Name:ID #:

Box #: Local Phone #: Email:

Permanent Address:


Academic advisor(s):

I plan to study abroad in (underline one): Fall 2018 Spring 2019

During my study abroad term I will be a (underline one): Sophomore Junior Senior

Indicate Education Abroad program,university, and country(e.g.AIFS, University of Limerick, Ireland):

Please include the following with this form:

__ Academic reference form completed by a Berry professor (if you have already completed this as part of your study abroad application, you do not need to submit a second one)

__ Transcript downloaded from Viking Web
__ A typewritten essay of 500-750 words describing

1. - any travel experience you’ve had outside the United States

2. - your study abroad plan (study, internship, service-learning, etc.)

3. - why you wish to participate in study abroad on this program

4. - what you hope to gain from this experience personally, academically, and professionally

5. - how you will creatively promote study abroad upon your return to Berry

Please put your name at the top of the essay.Submit an electronic copy of this application,your essay,and transcriptto rom your Berry email account by February18.HARD COPIES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED! By submitting these documents you agree that should you receive a scholarship, upon your return you will participate in at least one event promoting education abroad and submit a report of your education abroad experience.If you do not return to Berry following your education abroad experience, you will be expected to return the scholarship money to Berry College.

Students must enroll at Berry College on an approved program for the semester in order to receive the scholarship.See IEwebsite for list of approved programs.

Questions? Call ext. 4065, email , or stop by Krannert 331.