West Concord City Code700.01




700.01. For purposes of this section, the terms defined in this subsection have the meanings given them.

Subd. 2. "Accounts" mean the following separate and distinct accounts numbered in their order of priority in accordance with the sewerage revenue bond ordinances. (i) "Operation and Maintenance Account" is an amount sufficient to pay the reasonable expenses of the routine operation and maintenance of the wastewater treatment facilities. (ii) "Depreciation account" represents the accumulated funds to be used for replacements and repairs to the system in order to maintain the system at design capacity for its useful life. (iii) "Bond account" represents an amount for paying the maturing principal and interest accruing on all bonds. (iv) "Bond reserve account" which represents additional monies to be used for payment of principal and interest when bond account accumulation are insufficient. (v) "Surplus account" represents funds remaining after all other accounts are satisfied and shall be applied to the operation and maintenance budget for the next year.

Subd. 3. "Act" means the federal water pollution control act, Public Law 92500, as amended.

Subd. 4. "Administrator" means the administrator of the United States environmental protection agency.

Subd. 5. "Apartments" means structures containing two or more dwelling units.

Subd. 6. An "applicant" means a person who is the owner of premises who has made written application to the city for a permit to install or repair a house connection.

Subd. 7. "Average domestic waste" means a production rate per capita, having BOD5 and

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suspended solids concentrations of 200 and 25Q mg/l respectively.

Subd. 8. "Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)" means the quantity of oxygen utilized in the biochemical oxidation of organic matter under standard laboratory procedures in five days at 20 degrees C, expressed in milligrams per liter (mg/1).

Subd. 9. "Building drain" means that part of the lowest horizontal piping of a drainage system, which receives the discharge from soil, waste, and other drainage pipes inside the walls of the building and conveys it to the building sewer, beginning five feet (1.5 meters) outside the inner face of the building wall.

Subd. 10. "Building sewer" means the extension from the building drain to the public sewer or other place of disposal, also called "house connection".

Subd. 11. "Collector sewer" means those sewers which receive the flow from laterals and submains of the sanitary sewer system.

Subd. 12. "Combination commercial and dwelling units" means structures containing both commercial units and dwelling units.

Subd. 13. "Combined sewer" means a sewer intended to receive both wastewater and storm or surface water.

Subd. 14. "Commercial customer" see user "industrial" and "residential".

Subd. 15. "Compatible pollutant" means the biochemical oxygen demand, suspended solids, pH and fecal coliform bacteria, plus additional pollutants identified in the NPDES permit if the publicly owned treatment facilities were designed to treat such pollutants and in fact does remove such pollutants to a substantial degree. Additional compatible pollutants may include chemical oxygen demand, total organic carbon, phosphorous and phosphorous compound, nitrogen and nitrogen compounds, fats, oils and grease of animal or vegetable origin except as prohibited under this chapter.

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Subd. 16. "Control manhole" means an observation and sampling point before the discharge to the public sewer system for use by the superintendent. If such a point is not readily available, the first downstream public sewer system manhole shall be the control manhole.

Subd. 17. "Debt service" means charges levied on users for the repayment of principal and interest on outstanding sewerage revenue bond issues.

Subd. 18. "Depreciation" see "replacement".

Subd. 19. "Director" means the chief administrative officer of the Minnesota pollution control agency.

Subd. 20. "Easement" means an acquired legal right for the specific use of land owned by others.

Subd. 21. "Extension" means a sanitary sewer main or lateral installed by a person for the purpose of extending the original sanitary sewer mains or laterals of the city or the sewer mains or laterals of the city which had been extended from time to time.

Subd. 22. "Fecal coliform" means those members of the coliform group found in the feces of various warmblooded animals.

Subd. 23. "Federal grant" means a contractual obligation of the United States for the payment of the federal share of the allowable project costs, as determined by the regional administrator.

Subd. 24. "Fiscal year" means from January 1st to December 31st of the following year.

Subd. 25. "Floatable oil" is oil, fat, or grease in a physical state such that it will separate by gravity from wastewater by treatment in an approved pretreatment facility. Wastewater is considered free of floatable fat if it is properly pretreated and the wastewater does not interfere with the collection system.

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Subd. 26. "Garbage" means the animal and vegetable waste resulting from handling, preparation, cooking, and serving of foods. "Properly shredded garbage" means the wastes from the preparation, cooking and dispensing of foods that have been shredded to such a degree that all particles will be carried freely under the flow conditions normally prevailing in public sewers, with no particle greater than 1/2 inch (1.27 centimeters) in any dimension.

Subd. 27. "House connection" means the sewer line or pipe extending from that part of the sewer connection located adjacent to the property line of the premises to be served, to the house or building to be served.

Subd. 28. "Incompatible pollutants" mean any pollutant which is not a "compatible pollutant".

Subd. 29. "Industrial wastes" mean the solid, liquid or gaseous wastes discharged to the city's wastewater treatment system, resulting from industrial or manufacturing processes, or from the development of any natural resource, as distinct from domestic or sanitary wastes.

Subd. 30. "Interceptor sewer" means that portion of the sanitary sewer system which receives flows from laterals, submains, mains and collector sewers and transports said flows to the wastewater treatment works.

Subd. 31. "Major contributing industry" means an industrial user of the publicly owned treatment facilities that: (i) has a flow of 50,000 gallons or more per average workday; (ii) has a flow greater than 5% of the flow carried by the municipal system receiving the wastes, (iii) has in its waste a toxic pollutant in toxic amounts as defined in standards issued under section 307(a) of the act; or (iv) is found by the permit issuance authority, in connection with the issuance of a NPDES permit to the publicly owned treatment facilities receiving the wastes to have significant impact, either singly or in combination with other contributing industries, on that treatment facilities or upon the quality of effluent from that treatment facility.

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Subd. 32. "Milligrams per liter (mg/l)" means a measure of the concentration of pollutants in wastewater in terms of weight per unit volume.

Subd. 33. "National pollutant discharge elimination system (NPDES)" means the national system as established by section 402 of the Act to issue permits for the discharge of pollutants or combination of pollutants.

Subd. 34. "Natural outlet" means any outlet, including storm sewers and combined sewer overflows, into a watercourse, pond, ditch, lake, or other body of surface or groundwater.

Subd. 35. "Operation and maintenance costs" means all costs, direct and indirect, necessary to provide adequate wastewater collection, transport and treatment on a continuing basis and produce discharges to receiving waters that conform with all related federal, state and local requirements. The annual cost of equipment replacement shall also be included in this cost.

Subd. 36. "pH" means the reciprocal of the logarithm of the hydrogen ion concentration. The concentration is the weight of hydrogen ions, in grams, per liter of solution. Neutral water, for example, has a pH value of seven and a hydrogen ion concentration of 107.

Subd. 37. "Permit" means (1) an NPDES permit which establishes various conditions including effluent requirements for the wastewater treatment works and (2) connection permits (see appendix B) for the purpose of allowing connection to the sanitary sewer system.

Subd. 38. "Population equivalent" (P.E.) see "average domestic wastes".

Subd. 39. "Pretreatment" means the treatment of industrial waste from privately owned industrial sources prior to introduction to a public treatment facility.

Subd. 40. "Private wastewater disposal system" means any properly constructed disposal system intended solely for treatment of wastewaters from a single residence or a single building unit and is included in the definition of "individual sewage treatment system" (ISTS) under section 706 of this code.

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Subd. 41. "Public Sewer" means a common sewer controlled by a governmental agency or public utility.

Subd. 42. "Replacement" means expenditures for obtaining and installing equipment, accessories, or appurtenances which are necessary during the useful life of the treatment facilities to maintain the capacity and performance for which such facilities were designed and constructed.

Subd. 43. "Residential customer" see "user residential".

Subd. 44. "Sanitary sewer" means a sewer which carries sanitary and industrial waste and to which storm, surface and ground water are not intentionally admitted.

Subd. 45. "Sanitary sewer mains and laterals" means the sanitary sewer interceptors, mains and laterals constructed by or for the city.

Subd. 46. "Schools" means school buildings, public or parochial. "Church" means a sanctuary for public worship. "Public building" means a building owned by a political subdivision of the state of Minnesota.

Subd. 47. "Sewage" means the combination of liquid and water carried waste from residences, commercial buildings, industrial plants and institutions (including polluted cooling water). The preferred term is "wastewater".

Subd. 48. "Sewer" means a pipe or conduit that carries wastewater or drainage water.

Subd. 49. "Sewer connection" means a sanitary sewer service line or pipe extending from a sanitary sewer main or lateral of the city to a point adjacent to the property line of the premises to be served.

Subd. 50. "Sewer service charge" means the same as wastewater service charge.

Subd. 51. "Slug" means any discharge of water or wastewater which in concentration of any given constituent or in quantity of flow exceeds for any period of duration longer than 15 minutes more than five times the average 24 hour concentration of flows during normal operation and shall

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adversely affect the collection system or performance of the wastewater treatment works.

Subd. 52. "Storm drain" (sometimes termed "storm sewer") means a drain or sewer for conveying water, ground water, subsurface water or unpolluted water from any source to which sanitary or industrial wastes are not intentionally admitted.

Subd. 53. "Superintendent" means the official appointed by the city council who is in responsible charge of the operation, maintenance, repair and inspection of the wastewater facilities constructed by the city.

Subd. 54. "Surcharge" means charges to users of the system for discharges of above that are defined as average domestic wastes in addition to the normal wastewater service charge.

Subd. 55. "Suspended solids" in milligrams per liter (mg/l) means either solids that float on the surface of, or is in suspension in, water, wastewater, or other liquids, and that is removable by laboratory filtering as prescribed in "standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater" and referred to as nonfilterable residue.

Subd. 56. "Trailers" means house trailers either movable or permanent located in trailer parks or trailer courts or located on a lot adjacent to a house.

Subd. 57. "Unpolluted water" means water quality equal to or better than the effluent criteria in effect or water that would not cause violation of receiving water quality standards and would not be benefited by discharge to the sanitary sewers and wastewater treatment facilities provided.

Subd. 58. "Useful life" means the estimated period during which a treatment facility will be operated (20 years).

Subd. 59. "User charge" means a charge levied on users of a treatment facility for the cost of operation and maintenance and replacement of such facilities, pursuant to section 204 (b) of the act.

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Subd. 60. "User class" means the division of the wastewater users by waste characteristic, and processes or discharge similarities (example, residential, commercial, industrial, institutional, and governmental) in the user charge system (UCS) and as industrial and nonindustrial in theindustrial cost recovery system (ICRS).

Subd. 61. "Commercial user" means any establishment listed in the "Standard Industrial Classification Manual" (1972 edition), office of management and budget involved in a commercial enterprise, business or service which, based on a determination by the city, discharges primarily segregated domestic waste or waste from sanitary conveniences.

Subd. 62. "Governmental user" means any federal, state, or local government user of the wastewater treatment facilities.

Subd. 63. "Industrial user" means any nongovernmental user of the publicly owned treatment facilities identified in the Standard Industrial Classification Manual (1972), office of management and budget, as amended and supplemented under the following divisions: Division A Agriculture, forestry, and fishing; Division B Mining; Division D Manufacturing; Division E Transportation, communication, electric, gas, and sanitary services; and Division I Services. An industrial user is also defined as a user who discharges to the city wastewater disposal system, liquid wastes resulting from the processes employed in industry or manufacturing or from the development of any natural resource.

Subd. 64. "Institutional user" means any establishment listed in the "SICM" involved in a social, charitable, religious, or educational function which, based on a determination by the city, discharges primarily segregated domestic waste or waste from sanitary conveniences.

Subd. 65. "Residential user" means a user of the treatment facilities whose premises or building is used primarily as a residence for one or more persons, including dwelling units such as detached, semidetached, and row houses, mobile homes, garden and standard apartments or permanent multifamily dwellings (transit lodging, considered commercial in nature, is not included.)

Subd. 66. "Wastewater" means the spent water of a community. From the standpoint of source, it may be a combination of the liquid and watercarried wastes from residences, commercial

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buildings, industrial plants, and institutions, together with any groundwater, surface water, and stormwater that may be present.

Subd. 67. "Wastewater facilities" means the structures, equipment, and processes required to collect, carry away and treat domestic and industrial wastes and dispose of the effluent.

Subd. 68. "Wastewater service charge" means the total charge levied on users including user charges and debt service charges.

Subd. 69. "Wastewater treatment works" means an arrangement of devices and structures for treating wastewater, industrial wastes, and sludge, also known as a "waste treatment plant", "wastewater treatment plant" or "water pollution control plant".

Subd. 70. "Watercourse" means a natural or artificial channel for the passage of water either continuously or intermittently.

West Concord City Code705.01


705.01. General rule. It is unlawful to place, deposit, or permit to be deposited in any unsanitary manner on public or private property within the city or in any area, any human or animal excrement, garbage, or objectionable waste.

705.03. Unlawful discharge. It is unlawful to discharge to any natural outlet within the city or in any area in the city any wastewater or other polluted waters, except where suitable treatment has been provided in accordance with this chapter.

705.05. Private systems. Except as provided in section 706, it is unlawful to construct or maintain any privy, privy vault, septic tank, cesspool, or other facility intended or used for the disposal of wastewater.

705.07. Connections. The owner of a house, building, or property used for human occupancy, employment, recreation, or other purposes situated in the city and abutting on any street, alley, or rightofway in which there is now located or may in the future be located a public sanitary sewer of the city, must, at the owner's expense, install suitable toilet facilities therein, and connect such facilities directly with the proper public sewer in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, within 90 days after date of official notice to do so, provided that the public sewer is within 100 feet of the property line. This rule is not applicable in cases where the downstream sanitary sewer system or treatment capacity is presently not sufficient to accommodate the expected flow and strength of the proposed connection.

705.09. Private wastewater disposal. Where a public sanitary sewer is not available under the provisions, the building sewer must be connected to an individual sewage treatment system complying with the provisions of section 706 covering individual sewage treatment systems and in accordance with state rules.

705.11. Private sewer systems. A new private sewer system or lateral may not be built within the city without first obtaining permission from the city council or as required by section 706.

West Concord City Code706.01


706.01. General provisions. Subdivision 1. Purpose. The purpose of the sewage and wastewater treatment section shall be to provide minimum standards for and regulation of individual sewage treatment systems (ISTS) and septage disposal including the proper location, design and construction; their necessary modification and reconstruction; their operation, maintenance and repair to protect surface water and groundwater from contamination by human sewage and waterborne household and commercial wastes; to protect the public's health and safety, and eliminate or prevent the development of the public nuisances pursuant to the authority granted under Minnesota Statutes, chapters 115 and 145A and Minnesota Rules, chapter 7080 and as amended that may pertain to sewage and wastewater treatment.

Subd. 2. Objectives. The principal objectives of this section shall include the following:

a)The protection of the city's lakes, wetlands, rivers and streams and supplies of groundwater essential to the promotion of public health, safety and welfare; the protection of the city's environment and its socioeconomic growth and development of the city in perpetuity.