Approved at the Annual General Meeting on5th October 2013
1. The following provisions shall constitute the Rules for the Royal Air Force Regiment Association and shall be binding on all Branches, Chapters and individual Members as appropriate to their category.
2. The formal title of the Association shall be the ‘Royal Air Force Regiment Association”. Chapters and Branches of the Association shall be styled the (name / location) Branch/Chapter, The Royal Air Force Regiment Association”. The only approved abbreviated title of the Association shall be “RAF Regt Association”.
3. The policy and conduct of the RAF Regiment Association (hereafter termed ‘the Association’) affairs shall be the responsibility of an Association Management Committee (AMC), which shall report to the Association at General Meetings. The AMC shall consider any amendments to the Constitution and Rules of the Association that may be required. All such changes are to be debated and ratified by a General Meeting. Oversight of the conduct of the AMC and its performance in managing the Association affairs, financial probity, management of the business plan approved by the AGM and the management of risks will be exercised by an Association Scrutiny Committee (ASC). The ASC will be nominated by the AGM following a selection process conducted by the AMC, for a three year term of office.. It will report to the AGM on progress, advice given and risk factors.
4. The main structure of the Association shall comprise the AMC , the ASC and a number of Branches throughout the UK. Overseas Branches with more dispersed memberships shall normally be styled Chapters. The AMC shall determine the approval of Branches and Chapters.
5. The AMC shall issue guidance to all Branch and Chapter Secretaries to assist them in the day-to-day management of their respective organizations. The guidance shall be reviewed and, where necessary, updated.
6. The Association Governance hierarchy is a follows:
a. Constitution and Rules of the Association.
b. AMC guidance and instructions.
c. Association Financial Plans.
d. ASC advice and reports
e. Chapter and Branch guidance and instructions.
7. The term “RAF Regiment member/personnel”, when used in these Rules, shall be held to apply to any person who has been commissioned in the RAF Regiment/Royal Auxiliary Air Force Regiment, or has been mustered in the trade of Gunner or, until 1959, Gunner (sub-trade Signals/Rifle/Driver etc). RAF Firemen serving from 1959 –1975 (or as a Gunner/Fireman) and servicemen of the RAF Regiment (Malaya) force are also deemed to be RAF Regiment personnel.
8. The main objective of the Association shall be to maintain and promote esprit de corps and comradeship amongst all RAF Regiment personnel, both past and present, in order to promote the good name, reputation and traditions of the Corps. In furtherance of the main objective, the Association shall:
a. Seek to strengthen the bond between serving and retired members of the Corps.
b. Facilitate clear communication between retired members and the serving RAF Regiment community.
c. Represent former and fallen members of the Corps.
d. Support the maintenance and enhancement of RAF Regiment memorials, including the RAF Regiment Memorial Garden at the National Memorial Arboretum at Alrewas, Staffordshire, the RAF Regiment Chapel in the church of St Anne’s in Catterick Village, North Yorkshire and such other memorials and graves as deemed appropriate by the AMC.
e. Encourage and support Association members’ social activities.
f. Represent the RAF Regiment in appropriate national veterans’ associations, HM Government’s Veterans’ Agency and related organizations.
g. Advise Association members on any related Corps or Association issues.
h. Forward for consideration any case of hardship or distress, in which direct financial assistance is sought or other assistance may be required, to the RAF Association (RAFA), RAF Benevolent Fund (RAFBF), Royal British Legion (RBL)/RBL Scotland (RBLS), Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Families Association (SSAFA) or other appropriate welfare and support organizations.
i. Establish and maintain contact with other such organizations that concern themselves with the welfare of the Armed Forces, to ensure that due consideration is given to the interests of both serving and retired RAF Regiment members and their families.
j. Assist in fund-raising for, and making donations to, those Armed Forces’ charities and causes that benefit RAF Regiment and RAF Regiment Association members.
k. Support the RAFRegimentMuseum and the RAF Regiment Archives in recording, preserving and developing the history of the Corps.
9. The Association shall be a membership subscription organization in which members may choose to form Branches or, in overseas locations, Chapters. Branches may be grouped geographically into UK Areas for administrative purposes as necessary; all are encouraged to act cohesively for their own collective benefit, and that of the Corps and the Association.
10. The Association shall be a permanent body that shall maintain non-political, non-sectarian and non-religious values at all times. Under no circumstances shall it, or any of its Branches or Chapters, elect or be seen to take sides as a body in any political, industrial or religious disputes. Members shall remain entirely free to act as their individual consciences may dictate, provided it is in the spirit of the Association and that their actions do not bring the Corps or the Association into disrepute in any manner that may cause embarrassment to the RAF, the RAF Regiment, the Association, the AMC or individual members at any level.
11. The Association shall not be a welfare organization. Rather, it shall act as a first point of contact and relay those cases that are deemed appropriate to a relevant body such as the RAFA, RAFBF, RBL/RBLS or SSAFA, which have prime responsibilities for the welfare of past and present servicemen and their families. However, the National President should be informed, through the National Secretary, of all welfare referrals involving serving and retired RAF Regiment members so that he may be aware of the needs and, where appropriate, intervene on their behalf. This does not debar Branches or Chapters from taking a close and active interest in their members and of former RAF Regiment personnel and their families living in their vicinity.
12. Branches and Chapters shall not amalgamate or integrate with other societies, bodies or organizations, and must maintain their independence and integrity. However, close liaison is encouraged with other such organizations whose policies are similar or sympathetic to those of the Association.
13. There shall be three categories of Membership: Full, Associate and Honorary.
a. Full Membership. Full Membership may be conferred on those individuals defined in Rule 7. Additionally, former RAF Ground Gunners and members of the RAF Armoured Car Squadrons and Companies may also be admitted as Full Members.
b. Associate Membership. Associate Membership may be granted to:
(1) Members, or former members of the British, or Commonwealth Armed Forces who have served on the established strength of a RAF Regiment formation, unit or establishment (including the RAF Regiment Band).
(2) Immediate family members (ie spouses, partners, widows, widowers, brothers, sisters, parents, sons and daughters) of Members or personnel as defined in Rule 13(a).
(3) Members of bona-fide associations of another Service, Corps or Regiments, and to Service and Civic Dignitaries who, while not eligible for Full Membership, may be deemed worthy of the privilege.
c. Honorary Membership. Honorary Membership may be granted by the AMC, Branches and Chapters to:
(1) Individuals ineligible for membership under Rules 13(a) and 13(b) on such terms, conditions, and purposes as the AMC or respective Branch or Chapter Committee may decide.
(2) Members of the RAF Regiment concept-related combat security forces of the United States Air Force and other national Air Forces as deemed appropriate by the AMC.
14. Only full members may hold office as National Officials (see paragraph 29a). Full and Associate Members may serve on the ASC and hold office in Branches or Chapters and may vote as individuals on any Association, Branch or Chapter issue. However, Honorary Members shall not be eligible to hold office, serve on Branch or Chapter Committees, nor vote at any meeting convened in connection with the affairs of the Association.
15. Applicants who meet the Membership requirements under Rule 13(a) and 13(b), and who are unable or choose not to join their local Branch, may choose to join the Branch of their choice or be included in a Headquarters Roll maintained by the AMC.
16. Applications for Associate Membership may be made to the Secretary of the Branch or Chapter, or to the National Secretary in the case of the Headquarters Roll. Branch and Chapter Committees, and the National Secretary in the case of the Headquarters Roll, shall have full discretion to refuse or withdraw the membership of any person subject, in the case of withdrawal, to their right of appeal to the higher body.
17. Nominations for Life Membership of the Association shall only be considered as an option for those entitled to Full Membership, and then shall only conferred in exceptional circumstances with the referral of the AMC and ratification by a General Meeting. However, extant Life Memberships of the former Corps associations shall be honoured.
18. The AMC may, of its own volition or on the recommendation of a Branch or Chapter, recommend to the AGM that the title of ‘Friend of the RAF Regiment Association’ be awarded to an individual who has rendered exceptional service or benefit to the Association. Upon ratification by the AGM, a Friend of the RAF Regiment Association may exercise the rights of an Honorary Member.
19. Overseas Chapters shall be autonomous but shall make a negotiated annual contribution to the Association to cover appropriate administrative and communication costs, commensurate with their situation and ability to take advantage of Association events and benefits. Chapters may charge their own Chapter Membership Subscriptions as deemed appropriate by their respective Committee.
20. The Association year shall be from 1 April to 31 March. Full and Associate Members of Branches shall be charged an annual Association Membership Subscription at a rate set by the AMC and ratified by the Annual General Meeting (AGM). The following provisions shall also apply:
a. Branch members’ Association Membership Subscriptions shall be forwarded to the Association not later than 30 April annually, or within 30 days of receipt of a new member’s Membership Subscription.
b. Branch members may be charged a supplementary annual Branch Subscription, to be determined by the respective Branch at its AGM, for the respective Branch’s own funding purposes.
c. Serving Forces’ members shall be charged a Forces’ Membership Subscription at a rate determined by the AMC and ratified by a General Meeting.
d. Members joining between 1 April and 30 September shall be required to pay the full annual Membership Subscription for their first year. However, Members joining between 1 October and 31 March shall be required to pay 50% of the annual Membership Subscription for that year.
21. No Member leaving the Association, for whatever reason, may lay claim upon the contributions or other moneys paid by them into the Association.
22. Branch members who fail to pay their Association Membership Subscription after due notice of two calendar months shall have their membership terminated without further recourse and all Association benefits shall cease. Individuals whose membership has been terminated under this Rule may not be introduced by another Member to any Association function or meeting, nor re-join the Association without the approval of the AMC.
23. Individuals enjoying both ability and respect must populate the AMC; there shall be no presumption that rank bestows favour. The honorary Officers of the Association shall consist of, where appropriate, Patrons, President, Vice Presidents and Advisers.
24. The Patrons shall be persons of high standing within the community, whose patronage would bring prestige and advantage to the Association. The AMC shall nominate the Patrons, after verifying their willingness to be nominated, for ratification at a General Meeting.
25. The serving Commandant General of the RAF Regiment shall be the National President in an ex-officio capacity. He shall take an interest in the policies and direction being taken by the Association and offer Corps guidance where appropriate, but he shall not have any voting rights in committee.
26. Vice Presidencies may be conferred upon Members who have rendered significant service to the Association. The AMC shall nominate Vice Presidents, after verifying their willingness to be nominated, for ratification at a General Meeting.
27. Advisers may be appointed for their knowledge and expertise and need not be Members of the Association. Such advisers should only be invited to attend where their expertise and advice would be required for specific discussion items and they shall not have any voting rights in committee.
28. The prime role of the AMC shall be to advise the AGM, draft its annual Business plan and implement its decisions. It will have the authority to apply and uphold the Constitution and Rules of the Association, and resolve any issues to which the Rules do not specifically apply, subject to final approval at the AGM. The AMC will:
a. Decide upon matters of general management and administrative policy.
b. Draft and implement the Association’s Business and Financial Plan.
c. Create sub-committees, or ad hoc working groups, as considered necessary for the day-to-day business of the Association.
d. Review matters brought before it by the ASC, branches, chapters and National Officials, and agree the items being placed on the agenda of a General Meeting.
e. Provide guidance and advice to, Branches and Chapters on procedures to be adopted.
f. Conduct, at intervals not exceeding two years, a formal review of the Constitution and Rules and, where necessary, propose revisions at the next AGM.
29. The AMC Officials shall be elected[1] by the membership, and announced at the AGM, as follows:
a. National Chairman[2] [3].
b. National Vice Chairman.
c. National Secretary.
d. National Treasurer[4] to be deleted.
30. AMC Officials shall serve for a term of no more than three years when they must stand-down. They may seek immediate re-election at a General Meeting. Should a AMC Official retire, resign or be unable to continue in office for any reason, a Member shall be co-opted by the AMC and they shall serve until formal election at the AGM. Any Full Member of the Association shall be eligible for election as a member of the AMC.
31. The AMC shall comprise the AMC Officials and the following (as a minimum):
a. c. One officer and one warrant officer or SNCO, nominated by the Commandant General, RAF Regiment as non-voting members, to provide the necessary interface with the Corps.
32. Any 3 voting Members of the AMC shall constitute a quorum. The Chairman, or the Vice Chairman shall preside.
33. The AMC may co-opt any other Full or Associate Member to attend meetings to advise on any particular issue, but such co-opted Members shall not be entitled to vote.
34. The AMC shall meet whenever necessary. It shall also meet with the ASC at least three months before the scheduled date of a General Meeting and at other additional times at the discretion of the Chairman, or when an Extraordinary General Meeting is called for,, by a majority of its members or the members of the ASC .
35. Minutes or ‘Notes for the Record’ of each AMC Meeting shall be recorded by the National Secretary and issued to the National President and to all AMC Members and Branch and Chapter Secretaries within two working weeks of the subject meeting.
36. Appropriate and allowable travel expenses of Members attending meetings shall be determined by the AMC and met from the Association’s General Fund. Travel costs, however, shall be set at the most cost-effective means, as defined by the AMC. Subsistence costs shall be the responsibility of individuals other than in exceptional circumstances.
37. The AMC shall be entitled to suspend, for a finite period, any Branch, Chapter or individual that has ceased to respect the requirements of the Association’s Constitution or Rules. A General Meeting of the Association shall ratify any suspension or expulsion.
38. The AMC may appoint such support staff as necessary for the efficient conduct of Association affairs. The support costs of such staff shall be met from the Association’s General Fund.
39. The ASC shall monitor the performance of the AMC in delivering the business plan and other instructions detailed by the membership through the AGM. It will report to the membership annually at the AGM with a written report that shall be available to all members. The ASC committee shall ensure that the AMC is aware of, and is implementing prudence and correct risk management procedures in managing the Association affairs.