10.664 / NC Community Firewise and Urban Interface Grant
Federal Authorization: / Cooperative Forestry Act of 1978, Public Law 95-313, as amended, 16.U.S.C.2101-2114, Sec.10b3;Food, Agriculture, Conservation, and Trade Act of 1990, as amended, Public Law 101-624
State Authorization: / G.S.106, Articles 1-84

North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services

North Carolina Forest Service
Agency Contact Person ProgramName: Gary C. Wood
Title Firewise Coordinator
Phone Number (919) 553-6178 Ext.225 / Agency Contact Person Financial
Name: Jennifer House
Title Budget Officer
Phone Number (919) 857-4839

Brief Description of Program:

Program Goal and Objectives

To develop, educate, enhance, implement, and support the Firewise and healthy forest management concepts in wildland urban interface communities throughout North Carolina by encouraging citizen and community involvement.

·  Improve information and education of the benefits of protecting homes, structures, and lives in communities to lessen or reduce the fire hazards and threats.

·  Encourage citizens and communities to promote the long term sustainability and health of community forests.

·  Provide educational programs and technical assistance to communities, individuals and organizations.

·  Assist local governments with identified projects that will lead to improved forest health and reduced threat and risk from wildfires.

·  Promote volunteerism, multi-cultural awareness, and involvement of non-profit organizations in implementing forest management and fuel management programs.

·  Assist communities in meeting the requirements for Firewise Communities USA certification.

·  Assist communities with proper forest health management strategies through development of management plans

Program Eligibility

Community Firewise Project Grants - Applicants may include fire department districts, organized townships, rural communities, neighborhoods, tribal districts, sub-divisions, and private non-profit organizations. Local governments and municipalities are not eligible for Community Firewise Project Grants unless they are related to hazardous fuel mitigation projects in high hazard areas for wildfires. All projects MUST be located on publicly owned land, or land controlled by the community or organization applying for the grant. Urban Interface Project Grants - Applicants may include fire department districts, organized townships, rural communities, neighborhoods, tribal districts, sub-divisions, local governments and private non-profit organizations. All projects MUST be located on publicly owned land, or land controlled by the community applying for the grant.

Organizations Funded: [ ] Private [ ] Local Government [ X ] Both

Source of Funds: State ______ Federal ___X___

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