JULY 8, 2013
The Mayor and City Council of the City of Washington, Georgia, held their regular monthly work session beginning at 5 PM at the Edward Pope Conference Center. Mayor Ames Barnett presided.
Present were Mayor Barnett and council members Armour, Harris and Scarborough. Council members Cullars, Rainey and Tutt were not present. Also present were City Administrator Eskew, City Clerk Danner and City Attorney Fleming.
Visitors included: Charles Wagner, Barbara Ricciuti, Anne Floyd, Patricia Wilder, Frank Watson, Cindy Bounds, Bertha Sims, Roslyn Bell, Marie Hall, Gloria Graves, Eddie Finnell, Kay Finnell, Jimmie Martin, Gold Walton, Gwendolyn Gartrell, John Hall, Charles Leverett, Norris Ware, Charlton Ware, Dante Sanders, Lance Pitts, Yoshe Jenkins, Gwen Davenport, Deborah Norman, LaDesmond Norman, Annie R. Wilkinson, Ella Binns, Sarah Davis, Carrington Tutt, Shameco Tutt, Thomas Hall, Mary Ann Harris, Michael Horgan, Clifford Hanson, John Tatum, Newton Gunter, Pam Gunter, Lyndon Amis, Sim Dill, Barbara Bacon, Joseph Willis, David Jenkins, Jay Collins, Judy Anderson, Charles Jackson, Richard Crabbe and Kip Burke of the News Reporter.
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT – DAVID JENKINS: Mr. Jenkins discussed with council “Hands on Washington” a 501C3 group which is now in the initial stages of development which will include members and input from churches, civic clubs and interested citizens. At this time, city budget fund requirements are not known.
Jenkins also Gordon Street school property to include potential developers and CDBG/DCA grant applications. Jenkins further advised that a NASA grant application will be submitted through the city, but would require no city funding. The Norman Street CDBG progresses with one house complete. Jenkins advised council that a CHIP grant application will be submitted in December 2013 with no city match required.
Jenkins reminded those present of a “Blessings by the Truck Load” (green beans) on July 16, 2013 at the Pope Conference center.
Jenkins advised that he would request approval of downtown square reservations during the regular meeting of council.
Jenkins also requested some clarification on Pope Conference Center reservations and alcohol use.
CITY ATTORNEY: City Attorney Fleming advised that during the August regular meeting of Council, he would present a resolution for council approval calling for a referendum on Sunday sales of alcohol to be added to the November 2013 ballot.
CITY ADMINISTRATOR: City Administrator Eskew advised that work on the re-naming of Mercer Street to honor Rev. G.L. Avery continues and should be complete by the August meeting of council.
MAYOR’S COMMENTS: Mayor Barnett advised that the PDA has employed Hannah Mullins to assist Economic Developer David Jenkins and Tourism Director Erin Pollock. Ms. Mullins will begin her duties on July 16, 2013. Her office will be located in the courthouse and the city and county will share costs of this position.
ADJOURNMENT: Work session adjourned at 5:30 PM.