Lifetime Learning

In Dover

Philosophy, Sociology, Music

To make you ponder and wonder





Adults of all ages welcome

Registration Form




Phone Email

Please enroll me in the following course(s):

My Brother's Keeper / $30
Philosophy - Coming Down to Earth: Can Philosophy be Practical? / $30
Concert Series / $35


Pleasereturn completed form and check payable to Friends of the Council on Aging, PO Box 250, Dover MA 02030

Fall 2014

Dover Lifetime Learning

LifetimeLearningisthelifelong,voluntaryandself-motivated pursuitofknowledge.Itprovides intellectualstimulation,activecitizenshipandpersonal development.

SponsoredbyFriendsoftheDoverCouncil on Aging

Withthe supportof TheDover

Council onAging

My Brother's Keeper

When: Mondays, 10:30-12:00

Sept. 15, 22, 29 and Oct. 6

Classes will meet in the community room of the Dover Library

This series of speakers will focus on the disadvantaged in our society andon those attempting to intervene on their behalf.

Sept. 15 - Sarah Slautterback - State Coordinator for Homeless Education (Elementary and Secondary)

Sept. 22 - Stuart Rossman - Chief of Litigation for the National Consumer Law Center

Sept. 29 - Elizabeth Keeler - Executive Director "Women's Lunch Place"

Oct. 6 - "Homeless in Our Midst" - Framingham and the Salvation Army

Philosophy - Coming Down to Earth: Can Philosophy be Practical?


Sept. 16, 30 and Oct. 14, 28

Classes will meet in community room of Dover Library

Philosophers don't always live in the clouds; sometimes they come down to earth. We will share their thoughts on happiness, just and unjust wars, the influx of refugees with the threat of increased social and economic problems, and how much do we owe others anyway? Short (and not required) readings will provide background for each discussion.

Maud Chaplin received her Professor of Philosophy Emerita from Wellesley College where she taught for 44 years. She has an undergraduate degree from Wellesley College and her MA and PhD from Brandeis University.

Concert Series

When: Wednesdays 10:30 - 12:00

Sept. 17, 24 and Oct. 1, 8, 15

St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Church, Dover

Sept. 17 - Constantine Finehouse - Classical Pianist

Constantine Finehousewas born in St. Petersburg, Russia and attended Yale, Julliard School and the New England Conservatory. He has performed extensively in the United States and Europe. He is on the staff on the New England Conservatory.

Sept. 24 - Sebastian Baverstam - Classical Cellist

Sebastian Baverstam is a Newton, MA native whose interest in the cello began at age 3. He has been praised for his "powerfully expressive style", and is the winner of the 2009Concert Artists' Guild International Competition and the 2006 Harvard Music Assoc. Young Artists' Award.

Oct. 1 - Larry Clawson - Pianist

Larry Clawson started playing the piano in elementary school and has continued to play ever since. His program will include some light classical selections and show tunes. He will give a history of popular songs in the early 20th century.

Oct. 8 - Mairead Doherty - Celtic Harp

The presentation will span 3000 years of history involving the Celtic Harp and will focus on the development of the Harp in Ireland from the year 600 B. C. to the present day. We will also look at where the Pedal or Orchestral harp made its appearance on the European music scene. The program will be interspersed with music written for the Irish harp by Irish composers through the centuries, the accompaniment of songs in both the Irish and English languages. Questions and requests are welcome.

Mairead Loughnane Doherty Mairead received first class honors in the senior Irish Harp exam from the Royal Irish Academy of Music, Dublin. Since then she has traveled in Europe and North America performingwith her Irish Harp and singing in both English and Irish. She has performed as a guest soloist with the Christmas Revels and with The Chieftains at Symphony Hall in Boston. She now resides on Cape Cod.

Oct. 15 – The Mirage Violin Duo- Aleksandra Labinska and Tudor Dornescu

The Mirage Violin Duowas formed in 2012 by Boston University graduates Aleksandra Labinska and Tudor Dornescu. They have recently participated in the Castleton Music Festival, VA, the 2012 Duxbury Music Festival and South Shore Conservatory Faculty Concert Series.Currently they are performing in some of the finest ensembles in the Boston area such as the Atlantic Symphony Orchestra, Plymouth Philharmonic and New Bedford Symphony. Both earned their Doctor of Musical Arts degree in Violin performance from Boston University College of Fine Arts and degrees from the University of Toronto, Rice University in Houston, TX and the National University of Music in Bucharest, Romania.