3. FSH also stimulates the ovaries to produce oestrogen
5. Oestrogen also helps to repair the uterus lining after menstruation
2. FSH causes an egg to mature in a follicle in the ovary
6. LH triggers the release of an egg from the ovary
7. The now empty follicle develops into a structure called the yellow body
1. FSH is produced by the pituitary gland
8. The yellow body produces progesterone which maintains the uterus lining
9. As the yellow body breaks down production of oestrogen and progesterone stops and menstruation begins
10. Now that oestrogen no longer inhibits the production of FSH the process can begin again.
Cut out and stick the statements about the menstrual cycle into the correct order. Once you have done this you can answer the questions below.
1. What is the name of the hormone that causes an egg follicle to develop?
Follicle Stimulating Hormone
2. Where is this hormone made?
In the pituitary gland
3. What hormone is made by the developing follicle?
4. What hormone triggers the release on an egg from the ovary?
Luteinising Hormone
5. Which hormone inhibits the production of FSH?
6. What structure does the egg follicle become after ovulation?
A yellow body
7. What hormone does the yellow body produce?
8. What effect does this hormone have on the body?
Maintains the uterus lining
9. Why does menstruation begin?
As the follicle breaks down levels of Oestrogen and Progesterone decrease which makes the uterus lining break down
10. In some women FSH levels are low. What effect would this have on their ability to have children? Explain your answer.
A follicle would not mature which would mean an egg wouldn’t develop
11. The ratio of oestrogen and progesterone alters throughout the woman’s monthly cycle. The Pill contains artificial oestrogen and progesterone. A woman taking the pill has a constant high concentration of these two hormones in her blood. Suggest why this stops the woman producing eggs.
Oestrogen inhibits the production of FSH in the pituitary gland. This means an follicle is not stimulated to mature.